How to Embed a Google Doc into a Wordpress Page - wordpress

Can Someone please explain to me why my google doc is not embedding into wordpress?
picture of wordpress page
embedded code from publish to web on google:
<iframe src=""></iframe>

Easiest way to embed Google Docs in WordPress is to use Embed Code provided by Google Docs.
Before you share, make sure the file is viewable by public.
Go to your Docs, File -> Publish on Web -> Embed and copy the code.
Now paste that code in HTML tab of your editor.
The iframe code you posted should work fine.


Upload info that appear when share web link on Facebook

I have made a website. I did it with wordpress, making a custom theme.
All works fine, but I have a problem.
When I share any url on facebook, the info is not showed correctly. Only shows correctly if I go to open graph stories and I fetch the newest info.
I must do it for any url of the website?
Is posible do it for all urls once?
Or any other option?
Thank you!
I would propose to check if ALL your OG tags are correct,
or just simply use Facebook OGP plugin for Wordpress, which makes your work easy. Search WP plugins here integration for WordPress

Does somebody know if there is a plugin for WordPress that can integrate the cloud service into a page/post? I am looking for a way to show my files from directly on a page in a sort of file browser.
I know that there are some plugins around that can do it for Dropbox or Google Drive. But I don't want to switch, so it would be nice if I can use my account.
Has somebody found a similar plugin for
Have you looked at leveraging Box Embed or the Box File Picker?
Either of these will give you a small code snippet to embed Box into your site.

How to embed videos in posts or pages in wordpress?

Hello i have already brought my server videos to medial library by "Add From Server" plugin. Now i'm trying to embed that video to post or pages of wordpress i am unable to embed it, i used many plugins but none of them worked. Any suggetions please.
Thankyou in advance
If your Wordpress install is up-to-date, in your post editor, just click the Add Media button above the post editor, and select your media. Wordpress will build out an HTML5 video tag that will play your video for the majority of site users.

Add LinkedIn login to Weebly site

Can anybody tell me if it's possible to add the LinkedIn login details to a website I've created using Weebly? I have had a go at this following the LinkedIN API instructions to add code to the header (which I have been able to do) and to the body. Weebly has an option to allow HTML to be embeded into a page so I tried this for the body code but it dodn't seem to work. When I viewed the HTML for the page I can see that the code is added but it doesn't seem to be in a "Body" section - in fact there doesn't appear to be a "body" section.
Escalate Hosting Has an In=depth tutorial for LinkedIN's Developer Tutorials like this

Embedding Google Apps Script WebApp in WordPress Page

I've done a great deal of research on how to workaround Wordpress's iframe restrictions and I've been able to get it to work using various plugins with common services (google maps, youtube, etc.). However, all of these methods have not worked for embedding one of my published webApps. My most recent efforts have been using this plugin.
Here is an extremely simple 'Hello World' webApp that I would like to embed: LINK.
I was unable to simply use that URL as the 'src' for the iframe so I embedded the webApp in this google site then viewed the source of that iframe which I found to be:
<iframe src=",+Times+New+Roman,+serif&tc=%23333333&lc=%230036b3" title="Apps Script Gadget" width="150" height="100" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" id="maestro_frame_1429669030"></iframe>
I then used that iframe code within the plugin's shortcode on the wordpress page and nothing is shown when published. The frame seems to be there but it's completely blank. When I try to view the frame source - it's blank. Please help?
I'm open to other ways to do this. I just need to somehow embed my published GAS webApps.
To save others digging for this answer, it is possible by using setXFrameOptionsMode:
The Inline Google Spreadsheet Viewer, despite the name, is a plugin for WordPress that can embed the output of any public Google Apps Script Web App without an iframe.
The Inline Google Spreadsheet Viewer doesn't work for Webapp.
I think the only way to communicate with google app script from your own website is to use this solution :
Take a look at this discussion :
App Script HTMLService App in iFrame
