XQUERY Tumbling window - xquery

for tumbling window $w in (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14)
start at $s when fn:true()
only end at $e when $e - $s eq 2
return <window>{ $w }</window>
Result of the above query:
<window>2 4 6</window>
<window>8 10 12</window>
Can someone explain why is it <2 4 6>, <8 10 12> ? Why only 3 values <2 4 6>, <8 10 12>, and how is it working to get 2 4 6, or 8 10 12 ?

The example
for tumbling window $w in (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14)
start at $s when fn:true()
only end at $e when $e - $s eq 2
return <window>{ $w }</window>
seems to be taken directly from the spec https://www.w3.org/TR/xquery-30/#id-tumbling-windows and that has some good explanation of the result:
Windows are created by iterating over the items in the binding
sequence, in order, identifying the start item and the end item of
each window by evaluating the WindowStartCondition and the
WindowEndCondition. Each of these conditions is satisfied if the
effective boolean value of the expression following the when keyword
is true. The start item of the window is an item that satisfies the
WindowStartCondition (see Tumbling Windows and
Sliding Windows for a more complete explanation.) The end item of the
window is the first item in the binding sequence, beginning with the
start item, that satisfies the WindowEndCondition (again, see
Tumbling Windows and Sliding Windows for more details.) Each
window contains its start item, its end item, and all items that occur
between them in the binding sequence.
If the window type is tumbling, then windows never overlap. The search
for the start of the first window begins at the beginning of the
binding sequence. After each window is generated, the search for the
start of the next window begins with the item in the binding sequence
that occurs after the ending item of the last generated window. Thus,
no item that occurs in one window can occur in another window drawn
from the same binding sequence (unless the sequence contains the same
item more than once).
So with the binding sequence being 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 the variables defined using start at $s and only end at $e are positional:
Start-item-position: (Optional) Bound to the ordinal position of the
first window item in the binding sequence. Start-item-position is a
positional variable; hence, its type is xs:integer End-item-position:
(Optional) Bound to the ordinal position of the last window item in
the binding sequence. End-item-position is a positional variable;
hence, its type is xs:integer
and for the first item 2 and the third item 6 the positional values 3 - 1 are 2 so the first window contains 2, 4, 6, then the search for a new window starts with 8 at position 4 and ends with 12 at position 6 as 6 - 4 is also 2.


getting the index of a sorted array components at the primary array using recursive function in Julia

I want to get the index of sorted array components at the primary array using a recursive function.
Important note: I know this can be done using a half line of Julia code, But I'm trying to practice writing recursive functions!
input --> [5, 1, 7, 2, 3, 4]
output (Julia) --> [3, 1, 6, 5, 4, 2]
Since the argmax of the input is 3, and after that, the next argmax is 1, and so on.
And the code which I wrote for this:
julia> function sort_argmax(array)
all(==(-Inf), array) && nothing
any(!=(-Inf), array) && vcat(argmax(array) ,sort_argmax(vcat(array[1:argmax(array)-1], -Inf,array[argmax(array)+1:end])))
sort_argmax (generic function with 1 method)
The expected output for the given [5, 1, 7, 2, 3, 4] Vector:
7-element Vector{Int64}:
The real output:
julia> sort_argmax([5, 1, 7, 2, 3, 4])
7-element Vector{Int64}:
There is a surplus 0 at the end of the output, and I don't expect that! How can I achieve the expected result? And, what's the reason behind emerging the last 0?
The fact that there is no nothing as part of the output is a clue that something may be wrong with that part of the code. When we take another look at that line:
all(==(-Inf), array) && nothing
we see that it just evaluates to nothing, but doesn't do anything with that value. Your intention here is probably to return nothing from here - which needs an explicit return keyword unless you're at the very end of the function.
all(==(-Inf), array) && return nothing
However, when you run that code, the output is:
julia> sort_argmax([5, 1, 7, 2, 3, 4])
7-element Vector{Union{Nothing, Int64}}:
a Vector{Union{Nothing, Int64}} is not exactly what we wanted. This happens because nothing is a value on its own, and takes part in the vcat as an argument. There are a few different ways to fix this, but the easiest/laziest way here is probably to return an empty array instead:
all(==(-Inf), array) && return Int[]
julia> sort_argmax([5, 1, 7, 2, 3, 4])
6-element Vector{Int64}:

Get index of element when using broadcasting using function dot notation in Julia

if i have the following example function
function isBigger(element)
if element > 3
println("element bigger than three")
and i call it on a=[1 5 7 2] with isBigger.(a).
I get:
>bigger than three
>bigger than three
What can i do to get the indices of the elements?
I'd like to get
>Element at index 2 is bigger than three
>Element at index 3 is bigger than three
It should also still possible to call the function on a single value like isBigger(4):
>bigger than three
This is not a typical job for broadcasting because you want to keep track of the indices. So, a normal loop over the elements is the correct choice here. Now, because your function has two distinct logics, as #Antonello pointed out, you're better off using Julia's multiple-dispatch machinery. Create a small function for scalars and a more restricted function for arrays.
isBigger(n) = n > 3 && println("Bigger than 3")
isBigger(a::AbstractArray) = begin
for i in eachindex(a)
a[i] > 3 && println("Element at $i is bigger than 3")
Which works as follows:
a = [1, 5, 7, 2]
Element at 2 is bigger than 3
Element at 3 is bigger than 3
Bigger than 3
you could use the findall function
julia> a=[1,5,7,2];
julia> findall(x->x>3, a)
2-element Vector{Int64}:
You can also combine this with your function
function isBigger(element)
if element > 3
println("element bigger than three")
return true
return false
findall(isBigger, a)

Using pattern matching and recursion in Elixir to split the list

I am new in Elixir and new in programming, especially functional programming (less than 1 year experience in Ruby and RoR). For the moment I am reading "Programming Elixir" by Dave Thomas. And I am completely stuck with one problem from the Lists and Recursion theme.
Dave asking to "implement the following Enum functions using no library functions or list comprehensions: ...split ..."
The original function is here.
I solve the problem with rather long, probably not too optimal (and seems to me partially disobeying Dave's restrictions) way:
def split(list, count) do
if count < 0, do: count = len(list) + count
list1 = filter1(list, count)
list2 = list -- list1
# list2 = filter2(list, list1)
{ list1, list2 }
def len([]), do: 0
def len([ _head | tail ]), do: 1 + len(tail)
defp filter1([], _count), do: []
defp filter1([ head | tail], count) do
if count > 0 do
[ head | filter1(tail, count - 1) ]
filter1(tail, count - 1)
Browsing through the page with Dave's and other readers solutions I find out pattern which was used by 2 or 3 readers:
def split([head | tail], count) when count > 0 do
{left, right} = split(tail, count-1)
{[head | left], right}
def split(list, _count), do: {[], list}
This code seems to me rather elegant, but I can not understand how it works.
I mean I've tried to comprehend what happening step by step and I failed.
I can imagine what happening in my filter1 recursive function. List is forming like this: [ head_1 | ... head_n | filter1(tail_n, count - n) ]
But I can't understand why { left, right } tuple is matching the recursive call for the function. What should match to the left and what to the right? How this recursion works?...
(The meaning of the second line (of the function) is also not clear for me but I think this is strictly connected with the first question.)
Thanks to #Josh Petitt, #tkowal and #CodyPoll I think I moved forward in my comprehension of the case.
Now I am thinking about the recursion-matching pattern discussed in this "pyramidal way":
1 split([1, 2, 3], 2)
2 {left, right} = split([2, 3], 1)
3 {[1 | left], right}
4 {left, right} = split([3], 0)
5 {[1 | [2 | left]], right}
6 {[1 | [2 | []]], [3]}
7 {[1 ,2], [3]}
First step (line 1): call the function.
Second step (lines 2, 3): match {left, right} tuple to the recursive function call and return {[1 | left], right} tuple
Third step (lines 4, 5): match {left, right} tuple to the next recursive call and return {[1 | [2 | left]], right} tuple
Fourth step (line 6): since split([3], 0) matching the second clause we get {left, right} = {[], [3]} at this point and we can no replace left and right variables in the line 5 with [] and [3] accordingly
Fifth step (line 7): "pipes" do their job and return the list to finally match the left variable
What I still don't understand is how folks come to this type of solution? (Probably experience with both pattern matching and recursion.)
And another thing bothers me. If we take line 3 for example, it is a "return" which contains two variables. But no values was actually matched to this variables. According to my scheme this variables only match their values in line 7.
How Elixir deal with this?
Is it some implicit nil matching?
Or I am taking the process wrong and there is no actual return until the final step?
Recursion is sometimes very difficult to understand just looking at the code. Mentally tracking what is put on the stack and what and when it is retrieved can exhaust our working memory very quickly. It can be useful to draw the path of every passage in the hierarchy of the recursion tree, and this is what I've done to try to answer to your question.
To understand how things work in this example, first of all we have to recognize the existence of two distinct stages in the Clause 1, the first stage is the code executed before the recursion, the second stage is the code that will be executed after it.
(to better explain the flow, I've added some variables to the original code)
# Clause 1
def split(in_list, count) when count > 0 do
[head | tail] = in_list
result = split(tail, count - 1)
{left, right} = result
return = {[head | left], right}
#Clause 2
def split(list, _count), do: return = {[], list}
Now, before continue to reading, please look at the code and try to answer to these questions:
after how many iterations of the first block the result variable will be bound for the first time ?
How many times the recursion split(tail, count - 1) will be called inside Clause 1 ?
How many times the Clause 2 split(list, _count) will be called?
What is the role of the Clause 2 ?
And now compare your answers looking at this schema that show every passage and its hierarchy:
(as an example, we split the list [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] after its third element to obtain the tuple {[1, 2, 3], [4, 5]})
split([1,2,3,4,5], 3)
> FIRST STAGE of CLAUSE 1 / ITERATION 1 called as: split( [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 3 ):
Got 'head'=1, 'tail'=[2, 3, 4, 5], 'count'=3
now I'm going to iterate passing the tail [2, 3, 4, 5],
Clause 1 will match as the counter is still > 0
> FIRST STAGE of CLAUSE 1 / ITERATION 2 called as: split( [2, 3, 4, 5], 2 ):
Got 'head'=2, 'tail'=[3, 4, 5], 'count'=2
now I'm going to iterate passing the tail [3, 4, 5],
Clause 1 will match as the counter is still > 0
> FIRST STAGE of CLAUSE 1 / ITERATION 3 called as: split( [3, 4, 5], 1 ):
Got 'head'=3, 'tail'=[4, 5], 'count'=1
Now the counter is 0 so I've reached the split point,
and the Clause 2 instead of Clause 1 will match at the next iteration
> Greetings from CLAUSE 2 :-), got [4, 5], returning {[], [4, 5]}
got result from CLAUSE 2: {[], [4, 5]}
{left, right} = {[], [4, 5]}
Now I'm build the return value as {[head | left], right},
prepending 'head' (now is 3) to the previous value
of 'left' (now is []) at each iteration,
'right' instead is always [4, 5].
So I'm returning {[3], [4, 5]} to iteration 2
got result from previous Clause 1 / Iteration 3, : {[3], [4, 5]}
{left, right} = {[3], [4, 5]}
Now I'm build the return value as {[head | left], right},
prepending 'head' (now is 2) to the previous value
of 'left' (now is [3]) at each iteration,
'right' instead is always [4, 5].
So I'm returning {[2, 3], [4, 5]} to iteration 1
got result from previous Clause 1 / Iteration 2, : {[2, 3], [4, 5]}
{left, right} = {[2, 3], [4, 5]}
Now I'm build the return value as {[head | left], right},
prepending 'head' (now is 1) to the previous value
of 'left' (now is [2, 3]) at each iteration,
'right' instead is always [4, 5].
And my final return is at least: {[1, 2, 3], [4, 5]}
{[1, 2, 3], [4, 5]}
In the schema, the beginning of every iteration is marked with
> FIRST STAGE of CLAUSE 1 / ITERATION n called as: ...
meanwhile the beginning of the continuation of the iteration is marked as
Now we can clearly see that:
the first block is iterated three times;
the Clause 2 is called just ONE time;
second block is iterated three times, the first time it receive the result from the Clause 2, the remaining times from Clause 1;
the result of Clause 2 contains the right portion of the splitted list, computed in third iteration of Clause 1.
So, what is the role for Clause 2? It is a trick, a way to pass back, down to the continuation of the iterations, the otherwise inaccessible value of the right part of the splitted list.
Here it is a step-by-step explanation of the code:
In the first stage the value of the first parameter of the function, the variable I've called in_list, is decomposed in its head and tail components:
[head | tail] = in_list
then the head is pushed on the stack and the tail and the update counter are passed to the recursion:
result = split(tail, count - 1)
after count iterations, all the left-splitted elements are on the stack, and all the right-splitted elements are packed in the tail. The the Clause 2 is now called.
After the Clause 2 call, the recursion continue with the second stage, where the result variable is bound to the two (partially) splitted list returned by the previous split/2 iteration.
Now, at every iteration, we extract the left and right lists fron the result:
{left, right} = result
and add to the left the head popped from the stack ( that was computed in the first stage), returning the result to the caller:
return = {[head | left], right}
so at every iteration the left part grows 'till the final value.
The first result is returned by the Clause 2, matched when the iterations had reached the split point i.e. when count = 0. (Clause 2 will fire just one time). All the subsequent results will be returned by the folded second stages of the Clause 1 iterations.
This is the code to print the above schema:
def split(in_list, count), do: split(in_list, count, 1)
# Clause 1
def split(in_list=[head | tail], count, iteration) when count > 0 do
offset = String.duplicate " ", 5 * (iteration - 1)
IO.puts offset <> "> FIRST STAGE of CLAUSE 1 / ITERATION #{inspect iteration} called as: split( #{inspect in_list}, #{inspect(count)} ):"
IO.puts offset <> " Got 'head'=#{inspect head}, 'tail'=#{inspect tail}, 'count'=#{inspect count}"
if (count - 1) > 0 do
IO.puts offset <> " now I'm going to iterate passing the tail #{inspect(tail)},"
IO.puts offset <> " Clause 1 will match as the counter is still > 0"
IO.puts offset <> " Now the counter is 0 so I've reached the split point,"
IO.puts offset <> " and the Clause 2 instead of Clause 1 will match at the next iteration"
result = split(tail, count-1, iteration + 1)
IO.puts offset <> "< Im BACK to the SECOND STAGE of ITERATION #{inspect(iteration)}"
if (count - 1) == 0 do
IO.puts offset <> " got result from CLAUSE 2: #{inspect result}"
IO.puts offset <> " got result from previous Clause 1 / Iteration #{iteration + 1}, : #{inspect result}"
IO.puts offset <> " {left, right} = #{inspect result}"
{left, right} = result
IO.puts offset <> " Now I'm build the return value as {[head | left], right},"
IO.puts offset <> " prepending 'head' (now is #{inspect head}) to the previous value"
IO.puts offset <> " of 'left' (now is #{inspect left}) at each iteration,"
IO.puts offset <> " 'right' instead is always #{inspect right}."
return = {[head | left], right}
if (iteration > 1) do
IO.puts offset <> " So I'm returning #{inspect return} to iteration #{inspect(iteration - 1)}"
IO.puts offset <> " And my final return is at least: #{inspect return} "
# Clause 2
def split(list, _count, _iteration) do
IO.puts ""
IO.puts "> Greetings from CLAUSE 2 :-), got #{inspect(list)}, returning #{inspect({[], list})}"
IO.puts ""
{[], list}
Hope this can help to clarify a little bit the strategy adopted and the internal recursion mechanism.
(my English is not very good, hope someone can fix this text)
# the first element is head, the tail is the rest of the list
# count must be greater than 0 to match
def split([head | tail], count) when count > 0 do
# recursively call passing in tail and decrementing the count
# it will match a two element tuple
{left, right} = split(tail, count-1)
# return a two element tuple containing
# the head, concatenated with the left element
# and the right (i.e. the rest of the list)
{[head | left], right}
# this is for when count is <= 0
# return a two element tuple with an empty array the rest of the list
# do not recurse
def split(list, _count), do: {[], list}
I've added some comments to the code above.
The net effect is that the head of the list is continually stripped off and concatenated with the "left" list until count is decremented to 0. At that point you are have a two lists returned as a tuple.
The code is tricky, because it is not tail recursive, so it is not a loop and it remembers O(n) calls.
Lets try to analyze on a simple example where indent indicates level of recursion:
split([1,2,3], 2) ->
#head = 1, tail = [2,3], count = 2
{left, right} = split([2,3], 1) -> #this is the recursive call
#head = 2, tail = [3], count = 1
{left, right} = split([3], 0) #this call returns immediately, because it matches second clause
{left, right} = {[], [3]} #in this call
#what we have now is second list in place, we need to reassemble the first one from what we remember in recursive calls
#head still equals 2, left = [], right = [3]
{[head | left], right} = {[2], [3]} #this is what we return to higher call
#head = 1, left = [2], right = [3]
{[head | left], right} = {[1,2], [3]}
So the pattern is that you disassemble the list and remember its elements in recursion and then reassemble it. The simplest case for such pattern is:
def identity([]) -> []
def identity([head | tail]) do
# spot 1
new_tail = identity(tail)
# spot 2
[head | tail]
This function does nothing to the original list. It only traverses all elements. To understand the pattern, guess what happen when you place IO.puts head in spot 1 and spot 2.
Then try to modify it traverse only count of elements and then you will see how close you are to the split implementation.

Why does this recurring function fire twice per input?

When executing:
def guess(a..b) do
IO.puts "In rn = #{a}..#{b}"
guess(a..b, IO.getn("Is it greater than #{div(a + b, 2)} ? : ", 1) |> String.upcase == "Y")
def guess(a..b, true) do
guess(div(a + b, 2)..b)
def guess(a..b, false) do
guess(a..div(a + b, 2))
iex(1)> Test.guess(1..10)
1 In rn = 1..10
2 Is it greater than 5 ? : y
3 In rn = 5..10
4 Is it greater than 7 ? :
5 In rn = 5..7
6 Is it greater than 6 ? : n
7 In rn = 5..6
8 Is it greater than 5 ? :
9 In rn = 5..5
10 Is it greater than 5 ? : y
11 In rn = 5..5
12 Is it greater than 5 ? :
13 In rn = 5..5
14 Is it greater than 5 ? :
iex did not wait for user input on lines 4, 8, & 12 - after receiving an input, it appears to run through the loop twice.
Why might that be?
Apparently, something weird happens with IO.getn when used in this manner - perhaps reading "Y" as a byte, and "enter" as a separate byte. Replacing IO.gets and no character count seems to fix the problem. Alternatively, isolating the getn method call might keep this issue from occurring.
You are correct. When in the terminal, IO.getn/1 only returns the bytes after you enter a new line, which means if you are reading byte per byte recursively, you are going to receive two bytes, one for the user command and another for the new line. IO.gets/1 is the way to go here.

How does one iterate over a sequence in xquery by twos?

I want to iterate over a sequence in xquery and grab 2 elements at a time. What is the easiest way to do this?
XQuery 3.0 Solution
For this and more complex paging use cases the Window Clause has been created in XQuery 3.0. But, it is not yet supported by many XQuery processors.
Windowing example
Here is a working example that you could execute for example on try.zorba :
for tumbling window $pair in (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14)
start at $s when fn:true()
end at $e when $e - $s eq 1
return <window>{ $pair }</window>
<window>2 4</window><window>6 8</window><window>10 12</window><window>14</window>
One option is to iterate over all items and just take the items once the items reach the divisor, in this case 2. The one downside is that you won't reach the last group of items if the items aren't even multiples of the divisor. For instance, the last element of a sequence with an odd number of elements will not be returned with this approach.
for $item at $index in $items
if ($item mod 2 = 0) then
($items[$index - 1], $items[$index])
Another option is to use mod and the index of the item. Using this approach you can make certain to include all elements in the $items sequence by adding one less than the number of items in your group to the count.
let $group-size := 2
for $index in (1 to fn:count($items)+($group-size - 1))[. mod $group-size = 0]
($items[$index - 1] , $items[$index])
let $s := ("a","b","c","d","e","f")
for $i in 1 to xs:integer(count($s) div 2)
{($s[$i*2 - 1],$s[$i*2])}
<pair>a b</pair>
<pair>c d</pair>
<pair>e f</pair>
for $item at $index in $items
if ($index mod 2 eq 0) then
$items[xs:integer(xs:integer($index) - 1)], $items[xs:integer($index)]
