my wordpress site only show 'error' . could not login to admin - wordpress

site only show 'error'. i have also uninstalled all the plugins from phpmyadmin
but error is still there. Could anyone help me please?

Please enable php errors in wp-config file.
First find wp-config file and enable debug mode set true.
After that please show me error.

Think there is some whitespace at bottom of index.php at root. Now it is working. Thank you very much everybody.

Can you print us here the log-error apache messages?
If you use xampp you can find this file under xampp installed directory such as: \xampp\apache\logs\error.log

Can you try rename plugin folder in wp-content? Maybe some plugins still not uninstalled and they had change login url.


Can't login to wp-admin. ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS

I can't login to my wordpress admin. I am getting a “The web page isn’t working
.... redirected you too many times” message.
I tried removing .htaccess file and replaced default .htacess file but it's still not working.
Can anyone help me?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Looks like some plugin is causing this.
In the first instance, login to the site via FTP, rename the plugins folder (wp-content/plugins) and check. If that works, rename the plugins folder back, then keep renaming each folder inside the plugins folder one by one and then checking, until you identify the offending plugin. Once you find out the culprit, make sure that its folder remains renamed, revert all the other folder names back to original and login. (After that, either uninstall and reinstall the bad plugin or find a suitable alternative for it.)
Hope this helps.
if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'], 'https') !== false)

How to edit wp-config.php in openshift?

I have my wordpress blog running over openshift server. I have added my own domain instead of opensift. But when i login it will show ssl error. I want to make it false in wp-config.php. But I don't know how to edit this file in openshift. Please help me.
The wp-config.php on openshift is located at $home/app-root/repo/php/wp-config.php (ie: /var/lib/openshift/xxxxUNIQUEAPPIDxxxx/app-root/repo/php/wp-config.php).
You can confirm that you are editing the right wp-config.php file by temporarily moving it to wp-config_copy.php and reloading your blog from a browser. If you get a error that the wp-config.php is missing then you know you've got the right file. Move it back to wp-config.php.
use the FileZila for editing. may be it works. check if it shows any list of files.

After installed the new MAMP version, i cannot access WP-ADMIN

i've just installed the new MAMP update and suddenly i cannot log in to my wp-admin.
the website is working fine on my machine but i cannot edit it.
whenever i'm typing: ...localhost:8888/wordpress/wp-admin/
it's just go white.
is there any solution?
thanks a lot!
Try taking a look at the error log... Usually, there is a plugin or theme issue. Perhaps a stray character or a missing ';'. If there is not error log file, simply remove delete all plugins and see if the problem is resolved. Then, you can add them one by one again to see which one breaks the page...

simple press permalink 404 error

I'm trying to use the Simple:Press forum plugin for WordPress. If i go into my sites Settings/Permalinks and select anything other than Default, I get a 404 error whenever I try to access any of the forums or user profile.
Does anyone have a workaround for this?
Edit: I should add this is on a Windows machine and I have added the Web.config file which seems to work fine for other pages
Is the proper .htaccess file being created when permalinks are enabled? Could be a directory not writable issue.
Depending on which version of Wordpress you have, this might be the fix. It's a mod rewrite error.
Right click on the Bookmarklet, and change
A quick work around is to delete part of the URL in the pop. Delete after
after the u=, up through the beginning of the domain for the website.

Wordpress: page created and published but not found

I have just setup wordpress and create a page.
When I click on preview, I get a 404 saying that the resource was not available on the server.
I am using Apache2.2 on windows.
Try adjusting your permalink structure - set it to default and try again. Has this worked before on this server, or is this your first time trying?
Your problem is the permalinks. If you have changed them, it's either you are missing the .htaccess file or you don't have mod_rewrite enabled for Apache2. You can search how to do that on Windows on your own! Cheers! :)
