After installed the new MAMP version, i cannot access WP-ADMIN - wordpress

i've just installed the new MAMP update and suddenly i cannot log in to my wp-admin.
the website is working fine on my machine but i cannot edit it.
whenever i'm typing: ...localhost:8888/wordpress/wp-admin/
it's just go white.
is there any solution?
thanks a lot!

Try taking a look at the error log... Usually, there is a plugin or theme issue. Perhaps a stray character or a missing ';'. If there is not error log file, simply remove delete all plugins and see if the problem is resolved. Then, you can add them one by one again to see which one breaks the page...


My Wordpress is showing a blank page in the editor, how can I fix this?

I manage a Wordpress site for a client, after trying to resolve some updates I cannot seem to edit anything inside the editor anymore. Everything is blank (see image). The site itself is still up and working fine. Has anyone ever encountered this?
There are tons of reasons, why this could be happened. Like #jiali sent you a very helpful link, I would say to try and open the debugger: inside wp-config.php file search for define('WP_DEBUG', false); and change the value to true. Then, you propably would see what causing the error and where (either plugin or custom code, or maybe plugins conflict)
Okay so in this case the problem was (when I checked the error log) that the update was not properly installed. Deactivated the plugins inside PHP MyAdmin and then reinstalled Wordpress manually onto site.

Wordpress plugin is not working after migration to a new server

I have moved my wordpress site to a new server, and login.php is working right.
But in there many plugins is not working well, for example the login page is not linked to any other page after I submitted my username and password.
Here is the login page link:
I have entered the invalid username and password, it will also show the blank page, but not error page.
When I add this code in wp-config.php
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
it showed this text. " Notice: Constant WYZ_THEME_DIR already defined in /home/.....".
And I have fixed that, but the same problem.
Now there is no any error debug, but the login page is also not working.
I changed the php version of my site in cpanel, but the same.
Anyone has your idea to solve this issue?
It is possible (I'd even say likely) that on your old server it was using PHP 5.6 (or at least a different version of PHP than your new server) and now you're on 7.0, 7.2 or even 7.3. It would seem that if that's the case, some of your plugins are incompatible.
You should edit your wp-config.php and add
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
so that you can see the errors on your screen, at least until you figure out which plugins are causing the problems.
If it is a matter of PHP version, check with your host to see if they can roll you back, or you'll have to either contact the plugin author and have them update the plugins, or you need to fix the code yourself, based on whatever the error messages you see are.
Edit: if this doesn't solve your problem, first try a default WordPress theme like twenty-nineteen or whatever. If that doesn't solve it, then disable each plugin one at a time until you find the culprit.
I have turned off all my plugins and turn back it one by one.
I have found one of my plugins is caused this problem, it is PM Pro Settings.
So I deactivated it and there is no any problem now.
I am using other plugins on behalf of that one.

my wordpress site only show 'error' . could not login to admin

site only show 'error'. i have also uninstalled all the plugins from phpmyadmin
but error is still there. Could anyone help me please?
Please enable php errors in wp-config file.
First find wp-config file and enable debug mode set true.
After that please show me error.
Think there is some whitespace at bottom of index.php at root. Now it is working. Thank you very much everybody.
Can you print us here the log-error apache messages?
If you use xampp you can find this file under xampp installed directory such as: \xampp\apache\logs\error.log
Can you try rename plugin folder in wp-content? Maybe some plugins still not uninstalled and they had change login url.

Whenever I try to log to wordpress admin I get The page isn't redirecting properly error message

The frontend works correctly, it's only when trying to log in the backend that the error occurs.
On the frontend, I can see that I'm logged in (the black ribbon on the top), when I click on any link I get this error message too
Content Encoding Error
I tried everything I found on the web. Disabled plugins, updated WordPress and the theme to no avail.
I tried the same code on my local machine, and it's working flawlessly.
If you are using a MySQL server older than version 5.5.3, you might need to change your tables' character encoding back to utf8.
This might also help
I've been able to fix this issue thanks to #jpg0002 in his answer.
There were too many configurations on my vhost. I have simplified it and I can access the admin.

Drupal Error After Logging In

I'm kinda new to using drupal and i'm just wondering why I kind of get this error on my new site.
See i have this website under WampServer running drupal6-16. Everytime I log in with my pre-created admin account 'admin01' pass: 'admin01' i get redirected to the WampServer localhost which appears to be unusual since the header does not have the WampServer logo.
I already tried creating a new drupal website with the same database and the same thing happens. Also, I tried creating another website with a new database but I copied the other website's theme and other contents and the same thing happens.
Help me please. I am losing my grip on this. :(
Note: I have the same website running on one PC and i am just trying to run it on another PC by copying all its contents. The original copy is working perfectly but I can't seem to get the hook on my new copies to work on other PCs.
Okay. So I finally figured out what was wrong with my site. Apparently, I don't have my Clean URLs activated on the PC i was running this to. So I had to activate it and tadah, it worked.
Thanks guys. :)
When you have this kind of behavior, you can use the standard way for adminsitrating drupal :
