efi shell command and register R/W - cpu-registers

I got a basic question of efi mm command.
I need to control a controller (MAC) inside a SOC, and let it generate MDIO traffic to external PHY chip, to read its ID.
The instruction told me to do the following under efi shell
Shell> mm xxxxxxx yyyyyyy -w 4 -MEM -n
Shell> mm xxxxxxx -w 4 -MEM -n
I'm wondering what's the mm command do?
Looks like it write to xxxxxx register the yyyyyy data, and then "mm" this register again?
Not sure why.
Can anyone help me on this?

The mm command is explained in the UEFI Shell Specification:
mm address [value] [-w 1|2|4|8] [-MEM | -PMEM | -MMIO | -IO | -PCI | -PCIE] [-
The description states "If value is specified, which should be typed in hex format, this command will write this value to specified address. Otherwise when this command is executed, the current contents of address are displayed.".
So your first command writes the 32-bit value yyyyyyy to address xxxxxxx, and the second command reads a 32-bit value from address xxxxxxx - presumably to verify that the write took effect.

Sample startup.nsh
#Sample startup.nsh
#echo -off
# Clear screen
# Print date and time
# Set special register of the CPU (Intel Denverton C3758R)
# EFI Shell style is "mm fe000018 29C0202C -w 4 -MEM -n"
# (more detail usage, Use "help mm")
# but not implement in startup.nsh with error "Invalid data width"
# No need option "-n" for Non-interactive write
mm fe000018 4 :29C0002C
# Non-interactive read
mm fe000018 4 -n
mm e00fa0a4 4 -n
# System shutdown
reset -s


How to debug/log from a postfix filter?

I have a relatively simple shell script that I've plugged in as a filter to postfix. Postfix thinks it's working fine, as the log files say:
postfix/pipe[2026]: 3E2278004C: to=<me#example.com>, relay=dfilt, delay=0.12, delays=0.08/0.01/0/0.03, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered via dfilt service)
And, in fact, I get the email. However, the filter ... doesn't appear to actually be doing what I want it to do. Ultimately, this is probably a sh/bash problem, but, how do I get output from the filter somewhere where I can see it?
For example, if the filter starts
# Exit codes from <sysexits.h>
# Clean up when done or when aborting.
# trap "rm -f in.$$" 0 1 2 3 15
# Start processing.
cd $INSPECT_DIR || { echo $INSPECT_DIR does not exist; exit
cat >in.$$ || { echo Cannot save mail to file; exit $EX_TEMPFAIL; }
# obtain From address
from_address=`grep -m 1 "From:" in.$$ | cut -d "<" -f 2 | cut -d ">" -f 1`
How can I log whatever it's put into from_address?
OK. Turns out this was trivially easy. Postfix actually logs the output from the command, so you can just echo, or whatever your favourite debugging output is, inside of the filter script.

Process not listed on "ps -ef" (AIX 7.1)

I have an unusual problem involving the output from the ps -ef command on AIX 7.1.
A shell script monitors processes by parsing this output. I've noticed on two occasions a process (a Perl program) was omitted from this list. Everything I've read on the subject says this is not possible. The program in question starts via crontab at 6am and runs until 11pm, when it self terminates. I checked the output of ps -ef immediately after being omitted by the monitor script, and it displays:
user 1249864 9569338 0 06:00:00 - 0:19 /usr/bin/perl -w /path/to/omittedProgram.pl
... which means it's the same process that was started at 6am. The program did not terminate, then restart.
What is causing it to be omitted from the ps -ef output?
Edit: This is the program that examines the output of ps -ef, which has been running successfully for about five years. I've only noticed this problem twice, but both have been in the last 2 months:
# set global variables
BOX=`uname -n`
# Get list of running processes
ps -ef > $PROCESS_FILE
checkProcess() {
NUM=`cat $GREPPED_LINES | wc -l`
if [[ $NUM -ne $PROCESS_COUNT ]]
# Incorrect number of processes running!
then MESSAGE=`printf "The \"$PROCESS_NAME\" process count is %1d, but it should be $PROCESS_COUNT!!!" $NUM`
echo "Monitor - starting on $DATE\n\n$MESSAGE\n\n`cat $GREPPED_LINES`" | mail -s "Problem with $PROCESS_NAME on $BOX" $EMAIL_LIST
# Delete the temp file
checkProcess "Full Name of Program" "Program Abbreviation" <expected number of processes running> "Unique string to identify program in ps output"
checkProcess ... (for other processes) ...
exit 0
This might be a long shot in your case but I had same experience with "ps -ef" in the past (don't remember the exact OS type where I seen it, but my script had to work on any Linux, AIX, Solaris and HP-UX).
The "ps -ef" output might be limited to a certain number of columns when used inside a script executed without a terminal. The user, pid, ppid, cputime columns are dynamic and breaking the format sometimes (when the data is larger then the reserved space).
For example if the PID of the process gets to large then the name of the process might be "cut" so that it doesn't appear in the already limited number of column displayed by "ps -ef" then your monitor script would fail.
You could try to keep the file containing the "ps -ef" output and check if it's this problem. No need to wait for when the issue happens, just check if you have the extra long process names in the file (anything longer then the process you're looking for).
My workaround for this problem is to specify a large enough number of columns to be used, like this: COLUMNS=8192 ps -ef > file.out the variable is set just for this 1 purpose.
I just heard from my server support team that the AIX 7.1 TL4 SP4 patch will fix this! We're installing it on our servers now and hopefully this won't happen again.

use gpsd or cgps to return latitude and longitude then quit

I would like a dead-simple way to query my gps location from a usb dongle from the unix command line.
Right now, I know I've got a functioning software and hardware system, as evidenced by the success of the cgps command in showing me my position. I'd now like to be able to make short requests for my gps location (lat,long in decimals) from the command line. my usb serial's path is /dev/ttyUSB0 and I'm using a Global Sat dongle that outputs generic NMEA sentences
How might I accomplish this?
telnet 2947
gives you your answer, but you still need to separate the wheat from the chaff. It also assumes the gps is not coming in from a cold start.
A short script could be called, e.g.;
exec 2>/dev/null
# get positions
gpspipe -w -n 40 >$gpstmp"1"&
sleep 10
kill -9 $ppid
cat $gpstmp"1"|grep -om1 "[-]\?[[:digit:]]\{1,3\}\.[[:digit:]]\{9\}" >$gpstmp
size=$(stat -c%s $gpstmp)
if [ $size -gt 10 ]; then
cat $gpstmp|sed -n -e 1p >/tmp/gps.lat
cat $gpstmp|sed -n -e 2p >/tmp/gps.lon
rm $gpstmp $gpstmp"1"
This will cause 40 sentences to be output and then grep lat/lon to temporary files and then clean up.
Or, from GPS3 github repository place the alpha gps3.py in the same directory as, and execute, the following Python2.7-3.4 script.
from time import sleep
import gps3
the_connection = gps3.GPSDSocket()
the_fix = gps3.DataStream()
for new_data in the_connection:
if new_data:
if not isinstance(the_fix.TPV['lat'], str): # check for valid data
speed = the_fix.TPV['speed']
latitude = the_fix.TPV['lat']
longitude = the_fix.TPV['lon']
altitude = the_fix.TPV['alt']
print('Latitude:', latitude, 'Longitude:', longitude)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("\nTerminated by user\nGood Bye.\n")
If you want it to close after one iteration also import sys and then replace sleep(1) with sys.exit()
much easier solution:
$ gpspipe -w -n 10 | grep -m 1 lon
You can use my script : gps.sh return "x,y"
x=$(gpspipe -w -n 10 |grep lon|tail -n1|cut -d":" -f9|cut -d"," -f1)
y=$(gpspipe -w -n 10 |grep lon|tail -n1|cut -d":" -f10|cut -d"," -f1)
echo "$x,$y"
sh gps.sh
Putting a few of the bits of different answers together with a bit more jq work, I like this version:
$ gpspipe -w -n 10 | grep -m 1 TPV | jq -r '[.lat, .lon] | #csv'
(1) use grep -m 1 after invoking gpspipe, as used by #eadmaster's answer, because the grep will exit as soon as the first match is found. This gets you results faster instead of having to wait for 10 lines (or using two invocations of gpspipe).
(2) use jq to extract both fields simultaneously; the #csv formatter is more readable. Note the use of jq -r (raw output), so that the output is not put in quotes. Otherwise the output would be "40.xxxx,-79.xxxx" - which might be fine or better for some applications.
(3) Search for the TPV field by name for clarity. This is the "time, position, velocity" record, which is the one we want for extracting the current lat & lon. Just searching for "lat" or "lon" risks getting confused by the GST object that some GPSes may supply, and in that object, 'lat' and 'lon' are the standard deviation of the position error, not the position itself.
Improving on eadmaster's answer here is a more elegant solution:
gpspipe -w -n 10 | jq -r '.lon' | grep "[[:digit:]]" | tail -1
Ask from gpsd 10 times the data
Parse the received JSONs using jq
We want only numeric values, so filter using grep
We want the last received value, so use tail for that
$ gpspipe -w -n 10 | jq -r '.lon' | grep "[[:digit:]]" | tail -1

aix : To get lines before and after string

I am using AIX and I have a string "There is no process to read data written to a pipe". I want to get the output 2 lines before and 4 lines after this string.
The string is present like more than 100 times in the log and I want to output, the last result in the log with this string
I tried using :
nawk 'c-->0;$0~s{if(b)for(c=b+1;c>1;c--)print r[(NR-c+1)%b];print;c=a}b{r[NR%b]=$0}' b=2 a=4 s="There is no process to read data written to a pipe" File.log
The output from this command is that I am getting all the 100 plus results where the above string is present
The -A number -B number command is not working in AIX
If you have GNU grep available, you can use it instead of awk:
grep -B 2 -A 4 "There is no process to read data written to a pipe" File.log

How do you use newgrp in a script then stay in that group when the script exits

I am running a script on a solaris Box. specifically SunOS 5.7. I am not root. I am trying to execute a script similar to the following:
newgrp thegroup <<
source .login_stuff
echo "hello world"
The Script runs. The problem is it returns back to the calling process which puts me in the old group with the source .login_stuff not being sourced. I understand this behavior. What I am looking for is a way to stay in the sub shell. Now I know I could put an xterm& (see below) in the script and that would do it, but having a new xterm is undesirable.
Passing your current pid as a parameter.
newgrp thegroup <<
source .login_stuff
echo $1
kill -9 $1
I do not have sg available.
Also, newgrp is necessary.
The following works nicely; put the following bit at the top of the (Bourne or Bash) script:
### first become another group
if [ $(id -gn) != $group ]; then
exec sg $group "$0 $*"
### now continue with rest of the script
This works fine on Linuxen. One caveat: arguments containing spaces are broken apart. I suggest you use the
env arg1='value 1' arg2='value 2' script.sh construct to pass them in (I couldn't get it to work with $# for some reason)
The newgrp command can only meaningfully be used from an interactive shell, AFAICT. In fact, I gave up on it about ... well, let's say long enough ago that the replacement I wrote is now eligible to vote in both the UK and the USA.
Note that newgrp is a special command 'built into' the shell. Strictly, it is a command that is external to the shell, but the shell has built-in knowledge about how to handle it. The shell actually exec's the program, so you get a new shell immediately afterwards. It is also a setuid root program. On Solaris, at least, newgrp also seems to ignore the SHELL environment variable.
I have a variety of programs that work around the issue that newgrp was intended to address. Remember, the command pre-dates the ability of users to belong to multiple groups at once (see the Version 7 Unix Manuals). Since newgrp does not provide a mechanism to execute commands after it executes, unlike su or sudo, I wrote a program newgid which, like newgrp, is a setuid root program and allows you to switch from one group to another. It is fairly simple - just main() plus a set of standardized error reporting functions used. Contact me (first dot last at gmail dot com) for the source. I also have a much more dangerous command called 'asroot' that allows me (but only me - under the default compilation) to tweak user and group lists much more thoroughly.
asroot: Configured for use by jleffler only
Usage: asroot [-hnpxzV] [<uid controls>] [<gid controls>] [-m umask] [--] command [arguments]
<uid controls> = [-u usr|-U uid] [-s euser|-S euid][-i user]
<gid controls> = [-C] [-g grp|-G gid] [-a grp][-A gid] [-r egrp|-R egid]
Use -h for more help
Option summary:
-a group Add auxilliary group (by name)
-A gid Add auxilliary group (by number)
-C Cancel all auxilliary groups
-g group Run with specified real GID (by name)
-G gid Run with specified real GID (by number)
-h Print this message and exit
-i Initialize UID and GIDs as if for user (by name or number)
-m umask Set umask to given value
-n Do not run program
-p Print privileges to be set
-r euser Run with specified effective UID (by name)
-R euid Run with specified effective UID (by number)
-s egroup Run with specified effective GID (by name)
-S egid Run with specified effective GID (by number)
-u user Run with specified real UID (by name)
-U uid Run with specified real UID (by number)
-V Print version and exit
-x Trace commands that are executed
-z Do not verify the UID/GID numbers
Mnemonic for effective UID/GID:
s is second letter of user;
r is second letter of group
(This program grew: were I redoing it from scratch, I would accept user ID or user name without requiring different option letters; ditto for group ID or group name.)
It can be tricky to get permission to install setuid root programs. There are some workarounds available now because of the multi-group facilities. One technique that may work is to set the setgid bit on the directories where you want the files created. This means that regardless of who creates the file, the file will belong to the group that owns the directory. This often achieves the effect you need - though I know of few people who consistently use this.
newgrp adm << ANYNAME
# You can do more lines than just this.
echo This is running as group \$(id -gn)
..will output:
This is running as group adm
Be careful -- Make sure you escape the '$' with a slash. The interactions are a little strange, because it expands even single-quotes before it executes the shell as the other group. so, if your primary group is 'users', and the group you're trying to use is 'adm', then:
newgrp adm << END
# You can do more lines than just this.
echo 'This is running as group $(id -gn)'
..will output:
This is running as group users
..because 'id -gn' was run by the current shell, then sent to the one running as adm.
Anyways, I know this post is ancient, but hope this is useful to someone.
This example was expanded from plinjzaad's answer; it handles a command line which contains quoted parameters that contain spaces.
if [ $(id -gn) != $group ]
# Construct an array which quotes all the command-line parameters.
exec sg $group "$0 ${arr[#]}"
### now continue with rest of the script
# This is a simple test to show that it works.
echo "group: $(id -gn)"
# Show all command line parameters.
for i in $(seq 1 $#)
eval echo "$i:\${$i}"
I used this to demonstrate that it works.
% ./sg.test 'a b' 'c d e' f 'g h' 'i j k' 'l m' 'n o' p q r s t 'u v' 'w x y z'
group: wg-sierra-admin
1:a b
2:c d e
4:g h
5:i j k
6:l m
7:n o
13:u v
14:w x y z
exec $SHELL
would do the trick?
You could use sh& (or whatever shell you want to use) instead of xterm&
Or you could also look into using an alias (if your shell supports this) so that you would stay in the context of the current shell.
In a script file eg tst.ksh:
#! /bin/ksh
/bin/ksh -c "newgrp thegroup"
At the command line:
>> groups fred
>> tst.ksh
>> groups fred
sudo su - [user-name] -c exit;
Should do the trick :)
