Coresphere console bundle 301 error - symfony

I'm trying to deploy a symfony project, but something is wrong with the console (I'm on a shared hosting).
It worked just fine on localhost, but on the server, it seems to be looping, which I'm having trouble debugging, since I'm not really sure why this is happening..
Edit : Prior to uploading, I changed my DB parameters, renamed the web folder according to the name used by my host, allowed my IP in app_dev, and made sure everything worked fine under app.php on localhost. Once uploaded, config.php did not have any recommendations.
Can anyone please help?
Here's a screenshot of firebug when I try to run the console


Error on deploying website to IIS - App still refers to local files directory even after publish

Has anyone experienced this issue before? I published a website using File Deploy and placed it in an IIS. Other apps works just fine, but the website I deployed shows this error:
It seems to still be pointing to my local directory. I've updated the paths but to no avail. Help please.
Thanks in advance.
The paths show locations at compile-time, that is not a problem. Here, you are getting an exception on line 65 in DataAccess.cs - object reference not set to an instance of an object.
If you set custom error "on" (in the web.config), you can get more info about the exception. In the "Network" tab of "Developer tools", you can check your request and response.

Symfony instance fails to see directories as writable

I've been filtering through google to try to find an answer to this, but I still can't find one that fixes my issue. I have migrated a website to a new server. The framework is Symfony 2.8 on php5.6 using Nginx and PHP-FPM.
Here is a screenshot of the config.php page.
To resolve this, i've tried...
Changing the user for Nginx and php-fpm to both the user I log in with and Nginx, both didn't work
I've opened up the privileges on the cache and log folder to 777 within the app folder, and that didn't work, nope.
I've tried assigning the cache and logs folder to nginx:nginx, no go.
I've manually assigned app.php, app_dev.php, and the console file to have the umask(0000) and umask(0002), nope.
Restarted the Nginx service and php-fpm service after each change, nodda.
I've restarted the entire server thinking something might be stuck, but you guessed it. No!
That leaves me here. I've gone through everything that I can think of and it baffles me that Symfony still won't recognize the directory as writable. It seems like the most simple thing, but... nope.
Anything will help, please pass anything along.
After countless hours of research and scraping the internet for details, I have found the answer! I'm posting it here in case someone else is having the same issue... and hopefully I can save them some time. This took up two days of my life that i'll never get back.
For whatever reason, SELinux was causing this error. I came across this issue on superuser stack exchange, and it told me to temporarily disable SELinux to test. After running sudo setenforce 0 everything came back up. I then completely disabled it and everything has been working fine since.
This happened suddenly and i'm still unsure of the reason. The site worked for about a week before this was triggered.
You should read this to setup you directories permissions
I always go for the point 3. with Debian/Apache, Unfortunately i never tried it with nginx.

OroCRM Couldn't create new leads

I'm using OroCRM and installed with all the basic configuration setup.
Everything works fine in my localhost, and I have set up the same on the server successfully too.
But i couldn't create new leads. When I tried to create new lead it's showing "500 Internal server error. The System is currently under maintenance and should be available in a few minutes."
I have clear the cache and tried too, but same issue persist.
Any idea why it's showing like this ?
Any help would be appreciated.
Sorry for bad English.
By adding app_dev.php to you url you can see whats wrong.
Normally, we get this error if package installation gets failed and take the site to maintenance mode. I used following command to unlock the maintenance mode:
php app/console lexik:maintenance:unlock

Glassfish Admin Console - 404 error

I have several WARs in my Glassfish installation. Someday I found that Glassfish Admin Console disappeared. When I try to access click here - I see 404 HTTP Error.
Why Glassfish Admin Console is missing and how to return it back ?
I can't simple reinstall, because it is production server.
Try access the console in this url:
In redirect to and not work because the url not exists.
I found this solution in this topic:
It is old, but maybe can help someone. I had a similar issue now, and the reason of the problem was not enough space in disk. I removed some log files and after restart GF the admin console came back to work.

XAMPP wordpress on localhost

I have this site and I need to test it out locally to see if there is an issue with my php settings, anyways I tried to navigate to localhost with the port number localhost:portnumber
and that worked fine, but then I tried to navigate to my site localhost:portnumber/mysite and I get a 404 error and the in the the address i navigate to changes to localhost:portnumber/mysite
Why is this happening and what can I do to fix it?
Because you are getting a 404 error, your server seems to be running but make sure the server is the one you have setup.
1st, have you tried using a simple html file? example: blabla.html on root, and typing: localhost:portnumber/blabla.html
If this is working, that means your server is running fine, you can also try with an Hello world php file if you wish.
In the case of wordpress, there is sometime a .htaccess file that uses url rewrite and it may remove your port number, you could try to test with a clean wordpress install first.
