Glassfish Admin Console - 404 error - console

I have several WARs in my Glassfish installation. Someday I found that Glassfish Admin Console disappeared. When I try to access click here - I see 404 HTTP Error.
Why Glassfish Admin Console is missing and how to return it back ?
I can't simple reinstall, because it is production server.

Try access the console in this url:
In redirect to and not work because the url not exists.
I found this solution in this topic:

It is old, but maybe can help someone. I had a similar issue now, and the reason of the problem was not enough space in disk. I removed some log files and after restart GF the admin console came back to work.


Error on deploying website to IIS - App still refers to local files directory even after publish

Has anyone experienced this issue before? I published a website using File Deploy and placed it in an IIS. Other apps works just fine, but the website I deployed shows this error:
It seems to still be pointing to my local directory. I've updated the paths but to no avail. Help please.
Thanks in advance.
The paths show locations at compile-time, that is not a problem. Here, you are getting an exception on line 65 in DataAccess.cs - object reference not set to an instance of an object.
If you set custom error "on" (in the web.config), you can get more info about the exception. In the "Network" tab of "Developer tools", you can check your request and response.

How to show errors in browser?

I'm getting started with Sylius. Symfony version is 3.2.7. On some pages I have some errors. The pages show text:
Oops! An Error Occurred
The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error".
Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
I want the errors to be displayed in browser, with full stacktrace.
I know I can see the error in var/prod.log, but it doesn't show the whole stacktrace, only the last frame. And seeing the error in browser would be more convenient: that's what I'm used to after a lot of working with Yii and Magento.
Is that possible with Symfony/Sylius?
I added /app_dev.php to the url to run the website in development environment, and there I can see the stack trace.
That is, https://[my_domain]/app_dev.php/[page] instead of https://[my_domain]/[page]
By default Symfony show trace in dev environment. In prod environment it show simple error message. For running your project in dev you can use built-in PHP Web Server or Web Server Bundle
Also you can use symfony installer app to serve request
Use symfony serve --no-tls in symfony folder.
It will show you requests and errors in red.

WordPress internal Server Error 500 when moving hosts

I am trying to move my WordPress site from one hosting service to another. I made a backup and restored it on the new host. But I am getting internal server 500 error on the site. I have tried to fix the .htaccess file but its still giving error.
The issue is, if I try to rename it to test it, its not giving the internal 500 error but redirecting me to WordPress installation page called wp-admin/install.php
Can someone help me for solve the issue.Thanks
All the suggestions that are given are great, but if those do not work, then you can try to downgrade PHP. It had worked in my case when I was facing the same error.
You can dig in the error log and find what exactly is causing the error.
Steps for debug.
As previously said: stop all plugins and try again. If problem still exists check logs again. Then switch to default theme and so on.
Btw have moved the DB properly? With the same connection settings.
I think you should check your wp-config.php and PHP version. make sure you have entered correct DB info in wp-config like db_name, password, and table_prefix etc...
if You have changed hosting, probable You need to check database and .htacess file. If You are getting installation page means its database issue, Please check database prefix in wp-config.php file and it will solve your issue.
there are lot of causes for internal server error. The main reasons for internal server errors are.
Corrupt .htaccess file
PHP Memory limit
Faulty code in Theme
Corrupted plugin
Corrupted core files
Incompatible PHP version
In oder to fix this issue, you need to investigate in step by step order.
To solve this issue first of all you need to enable Debug mode and check the issue.
after that try with restoring .htacess file, enabling default theme, disabling plugins etc.
if you still facing 500 internal server issue, follow tutorial on WPERA to fix 500 internal server error. Hope this helps.

Coresphere console bundle 301 error

I'm trying to deploy a symfony project, but something is wrong with the console (I'm on a shared hosting).
It worked just fine on localhost, but on the server, it seems to be looping, which I'm having trouble debugging, since I'm not really sure why this is happening..
Edit : Prior to uploading, I changed my DB parameters, renamed the web folder according to the name used by my host, allowed my IP in app_dev, and made sure everything worked fine under app.php on localhost. Once uploaded, config.php did not have any recommendations.
Can anyone please help?
Here's a screenshot of firebug when I try to run the console

OroCRM Couldn't create new leads

I'm using OroCRM and installed with all the basic configuration setup.
Everything works fine in my localhost, and I have set up the same on the server successfully too.
But i couldn't create new leads. When I tried to create new lead it's showing "500 Internal server error. The System is currently under maintenance and should be available in a few minutes."
I have clear the cache and tried too, but same issue persist.
Any idea why it's showing like this ?
Any help would be appreciated.
Sorry for bad English.
By adding app_dev.php to you url you can see whats wrong.
Normally, we get this error if package installation gets failed and take the site to maintenance mode. I used following command to unlock the maintenance mode:
php app/console lexik:maintenance:unlock
