Why do the styles appear embedded on inspect element in Angular 2 - css

I downloaded a free HTML theme named dashgum from the internet. I'm implementing it for an Angular2 application using angular-cli. I converted the css files to .scss and pasted the code to the angular application. I then imported the files in the global styles file named styles.scss to apply the styles to the application like this:
#import url('./scss/bootstrap.scss');
#import url('./scss/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.scss');
#import url('./scss/zabuto_calender.scss');
#import url('./scss/gritter/css/jquery.gritter.scss');
#import url('./scss/lineicons/style.scss');
#import url('./scss/style.scss');
#import url('./scss/style-responsive.scss');
The problem that I'm facing during debugging is that all the styles appear as embedded styles in the browser like this (notice the style tag):
I want the style to appear as external styles while inspecting like in the theme. Please notice it in the following screenshot:
These are the default settings in Angular 2 as I made no apparent changes for the styles to appear embedded when inspecting. Is there any known way to change the settings in Angular 2 for the styles to appear as external styles when inspecting? The embedded styles make it harder for me to debug. Any help pointing out towards the solution would be appreciated.

My first advice (like official Angular CLI documentation says) is to put your global library inside .angular-cli.json like this:
"styles": [
Then just run the app with the --extract-css parameter to see in the browser inspector the source files:
ng serve --extract-css
And you will have this:

I have learned that the styles imported in the global styles.scss file always appears embedded when inspecting in the browser. If we want the css to appear as external styles, we will have to use it in components.
See toioski's answer above.


Organize application SASS files using Bootstrap

I'm starting to work on a large application styling files. As Bootstrap 4 offers SASS files, I decided to follow that path.
I have built the following files structure:
theme.scss: general definitios for the theme like colors and fonts. Today there is just one but there could be more in the future.
global.scss: includes Bootstrap, some Bootstrap overrides and application componentes -i.e. a field with its label as part of the top border.
site.scss: general application styles.
additional page-specific SCSS files. I.e.: login.scss.
The problem I'm having is that global.scss -the one that imports Bootstrap- is then imported by site.scss as well as other files like page-specific SCSS files. So, Bootstrap styles end up in more than one compiled CSS. Compiled CSS files are what the application actually references.
I've previously used LESS and I could solve this using #import (reference) "bootstrap" instead of just plain #import "bootstrap". With SASS I haven't been able to find any solution to this problem without modifying Bootstrap core files.
Is there any other recommended way to organize the files and avoid this problem? Am I missing something or doing anything wrong?
Here are the files contents (they are large files but I'm posting only enough contents to show the problem I'm having):
$my-primary-color: #04459a;
#import "../theme.scss";
$primary: $my-primary-color;
#import "../../third-party/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss";
// [...]
#import "global.scss";
div.field {
#extend %field;
// [...]
login.scss (or many other)
#import "global.scss";
// [...]
In the application I'm referencing site.css and login.css (in the loign page, of course) and both of them include Bootstrap styles.
I've built something that works for me, not sure if it's the best solution or which drawbacks it has, though.
I took some ideas from this article: My favored SCSS setup with Bootstrap 4. Here's what I've built:
First I created two SASS files for importing Bootstrap (similar to what the article does with bootstrap/_config.scss but splitted):
#import "../../terceros/bootstrap/scss/_functions.scss";
#import "../../terceros/bootstrap/scss/_variables";
#import "../../terceros/bootstrap/scss/_mixins";
#import "_sass-componentes.scss";
// Every other bootstrap file I want to include:
#import "../../terceros/bootstrap/scss/_root";
#import "../../terceros/bootstrap/scss/_reboot";
#import "../../terceros/bootstrap/scss/_type";
// [...]
#import "../../terceros/bootstrap/scss/_utilities";
#import "../../terceros/bootstrap/scss/_print";
Then in global.scss I changed the bootstrap.scss import line to import only bootstrap/_sass-componentes.scss
Finally, in site.scss I included global.scss (such as it was before) and then full Bootstrap files trough bootstrap/_config.scss. **
** After importing _config.scss I also import my Bootstrap customizations. For doing them I followed the recomendation of the linked article although they do not apply directly to my own question.

Scope/Isolate/Prefix angular material scss styles

I want to integrate angular material scss, but scope and isolate it to only apply its styles to my application. I need this, because my angular application will be embedded in a big monolith. Therefore, we need to prefix our applications scss and have it scoped as it could style other parts of the application. The problem is, that if somebody uses the same class names like angular material does, the styles will win by specificity and this is uncontrollable and will lead to bugs.
Our Idea
The styles should be isolated/scoped to just be applied to our <my-app></my-app> tag by prefixing all selectors automatically.
Generated styles should look like this:
my-app .mat-button {}
Current Attempt
Our current attempt is to include it where we need it. It looks like the following:
#import "~#angular/material/theming";
my-app {
#include mat-core();
#import "~#angular/material/prebuilt-themes/deeppurple-amber";
The Problem with this solution is, that the scoping is applied to some classes, but not to all.
I created a demo on stackblitz as showcase.
You can see the problem in the in the following screenshot:
Is there another option to have angular material styles isolated/scoped?
The styles applied are still within the project.. If you want some app-wide styles that should not be in the top-level styles.scss, put them in app.component.scss and make sure that all other components are children of app.component.ts. Angular scopes (s)css files to its related component by default.

Global styling vs local styling in VueJS

I'm building a project with .vue files which make it possible to write the CSS (SASS), JS and HTML in the same file.
I've decided to have some global components written in SASS on a assets/styles/app.scss file which will load my grid, variables and mixins.
On top of that, I want to be able to write some local SASS rules depending the component / page I'm on, seems pretty logical to want both in a project ...
Locally it looks like this:
<style lang="scss">
#import "assets/styles/app";
.my-style {
color: $my-variable;
It actually works, for instance I can use $my-variable in my local .vue file or any mixin I want. The problem is a VueJS project will grow and components will go together to display a page.
I noticed the global styling was loaded on each component, and the same rule is present in 5x, 10x when I open my chrome developer tool. This is still a very small project; all my styles are basically duplicated and loaded by the browser each time I add a component to the same page.
How do you avoid to load multiple times the global styles, while being able to use global SASS code in each components?
I've never worked with local mixed with global styling before, I preferred to just abstract totally the styling into a separated structure, but this is way more convenient to code with everything local in the same place.
What am I doing wrong here?
Detail: I'm on NuxtJS but I believe this issue is more related to VueJS overall.
Basically, every time you do an #import in your components it appends another copy to the main CSS file that Webpack generates.
Assuming you have the Webpack SCSS loader properly configured (which I believe you do since it compiles), you should be able to import the SCSS file once in your app.vue and the SCSS compiler will find it when it appends all other CSS.
For example, getting global fonts and mixins:
<style lang="scss">
#import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:300,400,400i,700,900&subset=latin-ext');
#import "#/scss/mixins.scss";
Then create your CSS for each component inside the component's <style> section. Just make sure you add the lang="scss" so it all compiles.
You might also want to look into scss-resource-loader for Webpack. I think this is in the newest CLI builds, not sure about Nuxt.
in App.vue
<style lang="scss">
#import "assets/styles/common.scss";
import compiled sass to css file in main.js
import './assets/styles/common.css';

How to optimise bootstrap to avoid rendering unused css code

We are working on an MVP in vue.js and we decided to use bootstrap to have the element styled in a consistent way.
Now we are starting to add the skin/theme to our single-page app, and we found an issue with the css rendered on the page.
We successfully managed to override the styles by using higher specificity css selectors, but we would like to optimise the output code rendered in the browser by removing the unused "base" bootstrap css code.
The question:
How can we setup our environment to make the bootstrap sass code to output clean and non-redundant css code?
Bootstrap loads its own _buttons.scss file
We are loading our own "theme" _buttons.scss file after bootstrap's one and we managed to have our css with higher specificity.
We run the sass code compiler (on node-sass)
The output css contains BOTH the bootstrap style and our own themed style for the buttons.
(As an example, see the following screenshot)
As you can see our own button style is applied as intended but we still carry over the bootstrap original style.
We would like to have OUR STYLE ONLY rendered in the browser.
The UI I'm working on uses some classes straight from bootstrap, and obviously some classes specific of our own app.
Sometimes these classes are necessary to override the bootstrap default styles.
We need to override not only the colours (which are customisable through the _variables.scss), but also some other css attributes.
We find ourselves struggling with duplicated css code rendered in the browser, where there is our own style applied and also the default bootstrap generated style which will never be applied as it's low in specificity.
I wonder if there is a way to avoid to compile sass code that doesn't need to be rendered in the browser, and at the same time avoid to "touch" the bootstrap code in ./node_modules/.
Here's how you override Bootstrap (4.x) defaults.
Examine the source
First, look inside bootstrap.scss where you can see how the framework is built, component by component. You could, if you like, comment out optional components you don't need, to downsize Boostrap. But don't do that right now.
Next, look inside _variables.scss. Skim through this file and it should be clear that all customisable Bootstrap styles are defined here, including colors. Thus you can have your custom colors apply not just for buttons but throughout the whole framework. Again, you could start changing the variables you want here right now... but don't, for there is a Best Practice.
Create customisation file
Instead of editing the original source, create a new source file we'll call myproject.scss, somewhere other than the Bootstrap source folder. By keeping all changes separate, we make any future Bootstrap upgrades easy.
Add variable overrides
Now you can start copying variables you want to change. Note that variables in _variables.scss have the !default flag, which means they can be overridden elsewhere. For example if you want a different secondary color, you'll find it defined as $secondary, and so add it to myproject.scss with a new value:
$secondary: #dd5679;
Add as many variable overrides as you want.
Import Bootstrap
After that, import Bootstrap into the file. EITHER take bootstrap.scss wholesale:
#import "relative/path/to/bootstrap/bootstrap";
OR copy-paste the contents of bootstrap.scss, update the pathnames, and comment out the components you don't want:
#import "relative/path/to/bootstrap/functions";
#import "relative/path/to/bootstrap/variables";
#import "relative/path/to/bootstrap/mixins";
// #import "relative/path/to/bootstrap/popover";
// #import "relative/path/to/bootstrap/carousel";
#import "relative/path/to/bootstrap/utilities";
#import "relative/path/to/bootstrap/print";
The first 3 imports, "functions", "variables" and "mixins" are core and not optional components; don't exclude them.
Add project styles
After that, add your own styles. If you have a significant amount, organise them into their own partial files e.g. _mybuttons.scss (start names of partial files with an underscore), and import them.
#import "mybuttons";
Your custom Bootstrap source file is now ready.
Compile to CSS
The resulting myproject.css file is what you want to load instead of the original Bootstrap CSS file.

Angular 2 - Duplicated <style> blocks everywhere

I am using the latest Angular(4) with Angular CLI. I followed the advice found on SO for setting up global scss that is available to components.
Angular-CLI global scss vairables
My structure looks like this
The main styles.scss file has the following code
#import './styles/variables.scss';
#import './styles/mixins.scss';
#import './styles/common.scss';
And in my components, I start each component scss file with the statement of
#import '~styles.scss';
I thought that this was the correct way to bring global variables/mixins/common into my component's scss. However, when I started to have components within components, I began to notice that Webpack was actually creating one block per component in the page, and each one of them had all of the global scss written out in them. So there would be one block for component1, with ALL of the variables,mixins,common stuff at the top, and then another block right below that one for the other component2 in the page, with all that information again.
Besides this being extremely inefficient, it means that the global styles are overwritting themselves (can see that in chrome debug) once for each time they are loaded.
Some direction would be very much appreciated.
The <style> tags are normal angular behaviour. Each components SCSS gets written into a <style> element, so there is nothing wrong with that.
The style.scss is for global styles that do not need encapsulation. It also gets written into a <style> element, if you imported it in your angular.json:
"styles": [
What you are getting wrong is the question you linked (which is still not accepted).
You shouldn't import your already imported styles.scss (apart from variables or mixins) into your components, because this will lead to increasing bundle sizes, as you import the code over and over (which is also the reason for the GitHub issue you mentioned).
You can use the mixins, variables and common.scss simply by including them directly in your components SCSS, just as you need them.
This is basic sass behaviour, you should never import things that result in css several times (sass files imported into component should typically only contain variables, mixins and functions). If you need your import to happen only once, add it to the default styles file.
Look here
