how to use http-server to expose site to public - http

I've set up a local site using http-server. I can access the site locally on my computer as: http://localhost:8080/myreport.html
Now I need to allow others to access the site on my machine. I provided the address to a coworker with my ip as but he was not able to access the site.
I checked the http-server site but was not able to find info on how to make a hosted site publicly accessible. Any idea what I might be missing here?

1/ localhost is the local domain of your computer. If you convert it, you will find
2/ is your private ip address. I invite you to read the wikipedia of the Private network definition.
3/ To allow access to your website, you need to know your public ip address and you need to OPEN the 80 port of your ISP.
3bis/ If your coworker is connect at your private network but he can't connect to you website with the private ip address, look if your firewall doesn't block the connections.
PS: Your question would be more relevant in the Super User community

Try this Looks like you must have a dynamic IP, so you can't access it.


Subdomain points to public IP, when used internal it doesn't load, only externally, what can be done?

We created a subdomain for a website hosted in our internal server. In GoDaddy we set up the subdomain to point to the public IP address, but when we try to access the link internally it doesn't load (because it needs the internal IP to access it) What can be done in this case?
You obviously need to provide different information to internal DNS clients than those publicly available to the world. For that you need to have internal DNS server or DNS proxy that will respond with internal IP address, and your internal clients need to be configured to use that internal DNS server. Specific steps to achieve all this depend on your environment.
The other option is to create another DNS record (for example that will point to private IP address, and use that from internal network (of course, you might need to configure your webserver to respond to that hostname also)

Local and Private IP Issue on Wamp Server

I'm having some problem regarding wamp server and my IP Address. In our company we have a machine that has a LOCAL IP of so basically we have wamp installed on it and every PC on the local network can access the websites hosted on it. However, that machine as also a PUBLIC IP of which when accessed on the outside network you can still access the websites hosted on it (C:/wamp/www) which I think shouldn't be happening. Is there a way that whenever I tried to access the Public IP there's a password prompt or something that will block the access using the public IP? Thanks
If you are using windows systems, you can restrict the access by using firewall settings using the inbound rules.
This may help your with your rules configuration

How Hide private dedicated server at home

I installed a dedicated server at home which works fine. I host several services like mysql, apache, websocket, etc... The problem: people who go to my website will know my personal ip address. I hidded my ip under a type A DNS but there is no problem for people to get my real ip.
So how can i fully hide my ip address. Are there some services that provide this? Proxy? Vpn?
This is a tricky question. You cannot truly hide the public-facing IP address of a server if you intend it to be accessed by the public, because they need the IP to route to you.
If you use a public proxy, that proxy will have to know your real IP.
If you use a private proxy, then anyone who wants to visit your site will need to know the IP address of the proxy server, which is probably also owned by you.
If you expose all the services only on the internal network, then you can VPN into your home network to get your services, but then nobody else be able to use your services. Also, the VPN server's IP address will need to be public to anyone you want to give access to.

Cannot access phpmyadmin xampp from public ip address windows 8

I have setup the xampp that is available for private network but the problem is with public access to my xampp folder we are set of php developers and far away from each other i have allow the firewall to access my xampp and apache server but not working on public ip address need little help what to do next.
Well in short if you can access the xampp on local network it means you have configured the firewall to access your xammp and apache server.
First if you dont have static ip or if you have i prefer to go to and make account than click on add a host and than select Port 80 Redirect
you will get your public ip automatically and than add a host it will take upto five minute to start working and it will keep track of your dynamic ip don't worry about dynamic ip.
Than Go to C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts.
Open the host file add as given below.
Save the file and done.
I hope you will be able to access your xampp and local website with public ip.

Broadcast your internet ip

i want to do something like broadcasting my application over internet using my ip.
I have a static IP say a.b.c.d and want to deploy some application say a war file in tomcat on port 8080 so that some remote friend of mine who is not on network can access it over internet using http://a.b.c.d:8080 in browser. i have windows vista/XP installed on my system.
thanks, hope i made the question clear i am still confused with it :(
If you truly have a static IP, and your computer is not behind a NAT box or firewall, then if a.b.c.d is that static address, what you've described will simply work. If you do have a firewall, you have to add an exception to allow requests in. If you've got a NAT box, which you would use to share that static IP among computers, then you need to set the NAT box up to forward requests on that one port to your computer. FInally, if you want a.b.c.d to be a name, rather than numbers, then you need to register a domain name with a registrar like and pay some money.
You can use dyndns and set up a domain for your friend to access.
Dynamic DNS service allows you to point a hostname to a dynamic or static IP address or URL.
