Cannot access phpmyadmin xampp from public ip address windows 8 - ip

I have setup the xampp that is available for private network but the problem is with public access to my xampp folder we are set of php developers and far away from each other i have allow the firewall to access my xampp and apache server but not working on public ip address need little help what to do next.

Well in short if you can access the xampp on local network it means you have configured the firewall to access your xammp and apache server.
First if you dont have static ip or if you have i prefer to go to and make account than click on add a host and than select Port 80 Redirect
you will get your public ip automatically and than add a host it will take upto five minute to start working and it will keep track of your dynamic ip don't worry about dynamic ip.
Than Go to C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts.
Open the host file add as given below.
Save the file and done.
I hope you will be able to access your xampp and local website with public ip.


Make a bitnami wordpress stack in virtual box host a wordpress site

I have installed the follows
virtual box in my windows 10 home pc
the virtual box has a wordpress site stack VM whose image was from bitnami's site
I set up network as Bridged networking and the adapter is my realtek WLAN
I have installed wordpress and made my all required plugins in it
What do I actually need?
I am able to login using 192 168.43.xx
I want to use that virtual machine to host the site and I want to link the site to domain using A record
I want the Virtual machine to host not only to local network which is 192.168.xx.xx
I want to be available throughout internet
I have also tried using my laptop's IP and it does not work
Please help me regarding it. Iam a newbie.. so please comment if any queries (not too techie)
If you configured the network adapter as Bridged adapter, you should be able to access the WordPress machine from another computer in the same network by using the private IP address of the VM (192 168.43.xx). If you want to access the application from outside your network, you will need to configure the port forwarding rules in your router to redirect the incoming requests to the VM (publicIP:80 -> virtualmachineIP:80). This online site has a lot of information about how to configure this in different routers.

How to change a port on a server into a different IP address in centos 7

I've got a few web servers running on my local network and, I wanted to change a specific port on a web server into IP address so that I can easily proxy them over nginx and also have access to them locally via Bind. I've got a server [HTTPD] with a few WordPress sites running on different ports [i.e 80, 8080 ETC] and I would like to change those into a private IP address locally. This is a complicated problem of the fact that I cannot specify port numbers on my local DNS, and I also don't want to install another nginx server on the local sites. Thanks guys
Search the web for "Centos 7 IP Aliasing" and set up a new IP address that connects to your machine. Then configure a new virtual host to listen on that new IP address.
I would give you more info, except A) IP aliasing on Centos 7 is more involved than I like (much easier on Solaris), and B) I'm not familiar at all with configuring Nginx (very easy on Apache).
#Tarun Lalwani asks a good question regarding whether this is a home or local network vs. a public one. You have to pay $$ for a public IP address as they are a scarce, managed resource, whereas your local network can accommodate almost as many IP's as you can think of. Anyone on your local network can access your service on your machine using those extra IP's. However, accessing those local IP's from the Public Internet is a separate topic altogether, involving router configurations and NAT addressing.
It may not be the precise answer you're looking for, but at least it should give you a direction to continue looking.

how to use http-server to expose site to public

I've set up a local site using http-server. I can access the site locally on my computer as: http://localhost:8080/myreport.html
Now I need to allow others to access the site on my machine. I provided the address to a coworker with my ip as but he was not able to access the site.
I checked the http-server site but was not able to find info on how to make a hosted site publicly accessible. Any idea what I might be missing here?
1/ localhost is the local domain of your computer. If you convert it, you will find
2/ is your private ip address. I invite you to read the wikipedia of the Private network definition.
3/ To allow access to your website, you need to know your public ip address and you need to OPEN the 80 port of your ISP.
3bis/ If your coworker is connect at your private network but he can't connect to you website with the private ip address, look if your firewall doesn't block the connections.
PS: Your question would be more relevant in the Super User community
Try this Looks like you must have a dynamic IP, so you can't access it.

Local and Private IP Issue on Wamp Server

I'm having some problem regarding wamp server and my IP Address. In our company we have a machine that has a LOCAL IP of so basically we have wamp installed on it and every PC on the local network can access the websites hosted on it. However, that machine as also a PUBLIC IP of which when accessed on the outside network you can still access the websites hosted on it (C:/wamp/www) which I think shouldn't be happening. Is there a way that whenever I tried to access the Public IP there's a password prompt or something that will block the access using the public IP? Thanks
If you are using windows systems, you can restrict the access by using firewall settings using the inbound rules.
This may help your with your rules configuration

How can we set up a domain name in our own dns server?

I want to host my website from my home using a server and I also want to know if I can register my own domain name using my DNS server! If yes it would be really helpful on how to do so!
Thank you very much!
Setting up a home web server is simple. If you do it though, check and make sure that your ISP allows you to do so. Here is my recommendation to begin:
Register your domain name with, or whomever you choose (
Determine whether you will have a public dynamic IP address (will change constantly) or a static ip address (usually have to pay for this from your ISP)
DNS Setup
a. If you are using a public dynamic IP address (which I am sure you are in this case), then set up a dynamic dns free account (go here - You will need to set up a username and password, which you will later use on the DynDNS Updater you will need to install on your Windows web server. Create the zone for your domain (ie. is a zone you create).
b. If you are using a static IP address, then make sure the name servers are 'Parked' with your domain provider, then set up a forward to the public static IP address of your home network (from here, you just set up port forwarding in your router/gateway to your web server and you should be done)
Web Server Configuration
I. set up a 'static' ip address on your network card which will manage the incoming connections. Make sure that IIS is listening for requests through this IP address via IIS Manager.
II. If you are going to use the dynamic dns configuration for DNS, then download the DynDNS Updater app to your windows server and it will manage the connection between your web server dns and dynamic dns servers (this is cool and easy)
III. Set up a test index.html in IIS Manager for your 'Default Site'. Open a web browser and open 'http://localhost' to make sure you can access the site.
IV. Make sure your Windows firewall allows traffic through port 80.
Router / Gateway Configuration - go to 'Port Forwarding', and forward all requests via port '80' to the static ip address of your webserver (ie. Allow Incoming Port '80' to 192.168.x.x')
From your web server, Go to ' and see what your public ip address is.
Once your IIS is set up, your port forwarding has been configured, and dynamic dns is updated, ping the domain you registered 'ie.' and see if it matches the IP address of your web server public ip.
From outside your local area network, try to access your domain ''. If success, then you are good to go. If no success, review all these steps again.
