Selecting child of adjacent sibling - css

For markup such as:
<span class="location-title-container">
<div class="content-panel">
<div class="floor-left-panel"></div>
<div class="floor-right-panel"></div>
How do I select .floor-left-panel when hovering over .location-title-container?

You have to use a adjacent selector to get the element right after it.
Your selector would look like this:
.location-title-container:hover + .content-panel .floor-left-panel { … }
Just for your information, you should not use :hover on span tags.
They are not accessible by default. You should add some WAI ARIA role tags.

.location-title-container:hover + .content-panel .floor-left-panel {} is the selector you need.
The plus sign is used to select the next adjacent element in the DOM.


css shorth version of element:hover + element + element

Have worked example: {
color: red;
<div class="hov">hover</div>
<div class="next">next</div>
<div class="result">result</div>
When hover on first element the third element have result. Any shorthen version of + + if i need more + +, something like .hov:hover+div:nth-child(2) - but this not work.
+ is Adjacent sibling selector in CSS, so it requires both selector elements to be next to each other. Instead, you can use ~ which is General Sibling selector here, which doesn't require the two elements to be next to each other.
.hov:hover ~ .result {
color: red;
<div class="hov">hover</div>
<div class="next">next</div>
<div class="result">result</div>
There is no way to make what you want to do shorter. This is simply the way the selector works. The solution you proposed (element + next(3) or whatever syntax you whish to use there) does not exist.
Your selector has some issues if you change the structure of your HTML (for example add a paragraph in between). What you can do to make your code more reliable is answered by Nisarg and use the ~ selector to select elements.
Why not change the HTML and make it more reliable? What you are doing here is working for you maybe, but if you make changes to your HTML this CSS breaks. Try adding classes for all items you want selected. Don't worry if you have three or four classes on elements, that is completely normal.
.hov:hover {
color: red;
<div class="hov">hover</div>
<div class="next hov">next</div>
<div class="result hov">result</div>

children selector in css

I have a nested html like this:
<div id="feautred">
For normal markup I could use #featured > div but here is not only the div is nested. There may be anything. So, how can I use #featured > ???? selector here?
Doing #featured > * will select all inner children what I don't need! I want only main children elements to be selected.
You can use *:
#features > *
from specification:
The universal selector, written as a CSS qualified name
[CSS3NAMESPACE] with an asterisk (* U+002A) as the local name,
represents the qualified name of any element type.
Maybe something like this?
#featured + p { }
This will select all paragraphs that are following #featured.

CSS selector, next tag

<div class="m"><span class="a1">1 Puolimas</span></div>
<div class="d">po <span id="timer1">2:25:10</span></div>
How to select "2:25:10" with css selector if i can't use (span[id=timer1]) because id could be different.
I have tried:
span.a1 ~ span
But this selector do not work.
You could try here:
There is no way using CSS to navigate from a1 and get to timer. You cannot navigate backwards/up with CSS only downwards/adjacent. You'll need to use javascript or start from the top down like .d > span.
You can do it like this:
.m + .d > span { color: blue; }
Also check this for the + selector: CSS next element
However, you cannot go up one level (from the span.a1).
Your selector must start from the same or upper level.

Select element based on previous element of same type

I'm trying to select elements based on the class of a previous element of the same type.
For example, given the following HTML, select the third span element:
<span class="red"></span>
<span class="red"></span>
<span id="select me"></span>
<span id="don't select me"></span>
I want that span element to have the same properties as the previous span element because it has the class, "red."
Another way to say this: select an element with the class, "red," as well as the next element of the same type, regardless of class.
I'm having a tough time wrapping my head around this. Better than nothing would be a way to select the next sibling of the same type instead of just any following element. For example, ~ span would be okay if it didn't mean "span element with ANY previous span sibling with a class red."
Thanks for any help.
Here are more examples:
<span class="red"></span>
<span id="select me"></span>
<span class="red"></span>
<span id="select me"></span>
In the example above, the second span element is chosen because the first span has a class, "red."
The last span element is chosen because the third span has a class, "red."
<span class="red"></span>
<span class="red"></span>
<span id="select me"></span>
The main reason for this is that I have elements in an editable div. They are numbered with a css counter. Some elements may be grouped together like a figure, i.e. 2a and 2b, while others are not, so I could end up with elements 1, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3, etc. The class name I use just tells me that it's a "sub" element and to increment the sub counter but not the main element counter. Not having a class for the next element after a bunch of sub elements tells me it's the last sub element and I should reset the sub counter. The reason I have it set up this way is because I want to be able to move around the elements and have the numbering update automatically. Also, it's easy to change whether something is a sub element just by toggling the class name.
I'd like to have another case or two to test this with, but this seems to work for your example: ~* span {
background: red;
jsFiddle example
There's no way to say "sibling of the same type" in a selector. But you can use the sibling selector following a selector of your choice, and combine these into a single selector that meets your needs, such as: + span, + div
If it's only nested on level you could try this :
.red + * > span {
color: red;
What is the use case for this? Why not just add red to all elements you want to be styled the same way?

What does the CSS “.x-data .x-time span” mean?

What does the following CSS syntax mean?
.x-data .x-time span
it is a selector for a span that resides in a div (or anything) with class .x-time, which inturn is nested inside a class .x-data
for example, if you had the css like:
.x-data .x-time span {
font-size: 12px;
color: red;
and then a structure like this:
<div class="x-data">
<div class="x-time">
Time: <span>12:00</span>
then the 12:00 is going to be in font size 12, and in red. where as "Time:" part is just going to follow the inherited format.
It targets the span elements inside elements with class "x-time", which, themselves, are also inside element with class="x-data".
Selects any span element that is a descendant of any element with a class attribute that contains the word x-time that is a descendant of any element with a class attribute that contains the word x-data.
via SelectOracle. I recommend giving Selectutorial a read too.
its like saying Donkey's Tail's Hair.
so .x-data will be donkey
.x-time will be tail
span will be hair!!
so .x-data's .x-time's span.
get it?
any element with a class of '.x-data' containing any element with a class of '.x-time' containing any <span> will be styled.
<p class="x-data">
<span class="x-time">
<span>lipsum</span> <!-- only this guy is styled -->
