children selector in css - css

I have a nested html like this:
<div id="feautred">
For normal markup I could use #featured > div but here is not only the div is nested. There may be anything. So, how can I use #featured > ???? selector here?
Doing #featured > * will select all inner children what I don't need! I want only main children elements to be selected.

You can use *:
#features > *
from specification:
The universal selector, written as a CSS qualified name
[CSS3NAMESPACE] with an asterisk (* U+002A) as the local name,
represents the qualified name of any element type.

Maybe something like this?
#featured + p { }
This will select all paragraphs that are following #featured.


Selecting child of adjacent sibling

For markup such as:
<span class="location-title-container">
<div class="content-panel">
<div class="floor-left-panel"></div>
<div class="floor-right-panel"></div>
How do I select .floor-left-panel when hovering over .location-title-container?
You have to use a adjacent selector to get the element right after it.
Your selector would look like this:
.location-title-container:hover + .content-panel .floor-left-panel { … }
Just for your information, you should not use :hover on span tags.
They are not accessible by default. You should add some WAI ARIA role tags.
.location-title-container:hover + .content-panel .floor-left-panel {} is the selector you need.
The plus sign is used to select the next adjacent element in the DOM.

Set child div which has attribute matching parent div attrobite via style sheet

I have this html code here:
<div default_name="RandomName1">
<div name="RandomName1">RandomName1</div>
<div name="RandomName2">RandomName2</div>
<div name="RandomName3">RandomName3</div>
The property default_name on parent div changes from time to time. I would like to set the child div which has name matching default_name to background-color:red.
div > div[name=default_name_of_parent] { background-color: red }
I have no control over what the name values are, users set it. Is this possible via style sheet?
This can be done, if you make a rule containing a selector for each possible “combination”, like so:
div[default_name=RandomName1] > div[name=RandomName1],
div[default_name=RandomName2] > div[name=RandomName2],
div[default_name=RandomName3] > div[name=RandomName3]
{ background-color: red }
But j08691 is totally right with their comment – this should be avoided at all cost if possible, data- attributes would be the way to go.

CSS selector, next tag

<div class="m"><span class="a1">1 Puolimas</span></div>
<div class="d">po <span id="timer1">2:25:10</span></div>
How to select "2:25:10" with css selector if i can't use (span[id=timer1]) because id could be different.
I have tried:
span.a1 ~ span
But this selector do not work.
You could try here:
There is no way using CSS to navigate from a1 and get to timer. You cannot navigate backwards/up with CSS only downwards/adjacent. You'll need to use javascript or start from the top down like .d > span.
You can do it like this:
.m + .d > span { color: blue; }
Also check this for the + selector: CSS next element
However, you cannot go up one level (from the span.a1).
Your selector must start from the same or upper level.

Selector for a range of ids

I need to select all span tag elements within a div with an id list_{[0-9]}+ having the following form:
<div id="list_1234" ...>
<!-- can be nested multiple levels deep -->
<span class="list_span">Hello</span>
How can I do that, e.g. without using jQuery? Is that possible?
If you're happy with css3 selectors you could do something like
But this will also target divs with ids like list_foo.
You can do this with pure CSS pretty easily, just give those divs a class like this:
<div id="list_1234" class="container" ...>
And CSS like this:
.container span { /* styles */ }
Why you do'nt use a common class ? You can add many class
class="list_1234 mydiv"
And your selector :
.mydiv span
The only thing you can do is:
list_1 span, list_2 span, list_3 span... { ... }
Is it possible to add a "class" attribute to these divs? That's the proper way to handle multiple elements with ids.

What does > in CSS mean?

In the IUI css file, they use the following selectors:
body > *:not(.toolbar)
body > *[selected="true"]
What does the >, *:not() and *[] mean?
> means "is a child element of". So body > *:not(.toolbar) matches *:not(.toolbar) that is a child of body.
*:not(.toolbar) matches any element that does not have the class .toolbar.
*[selected="true"] matches any element with the selected attribute equal to true.
Keep in mind that the last two (*:not() and *[] are part of the CSS3 spec and you usually can't rely on them for cross-browser CSS compatibility. They are, however, fully supported in WebKit which is what the iPhone (and consequently iUI) use.
> means a direct child
* is a universal selector (everything)
:not() means anything except what's in the parentheses
*[] means anything that matches what's in the brackets
In your case:
body > *:not(.toolbar) // means any element immediately under the body tag that isn't of class .toolbar
body > *[selected="true"] // means any element immediately under the body tag where the selected attribute is "true"
> and * are defined in the CSS 2.1 specification. The :not pseudo class and the [] selector are defined in the CSS 3 specification.
See: and for more info.
> - Child selector
div > p > b {
This will select all b tags inside p tags inside div tags.
:not(..) - not selector
Matches any element on the page that does not meet the criteria in the parenthesis of the not statement. i.e.
Will match any div that does not have the class toolbar
[attr='val'] - attribute selector
This matches any element where the attribute matches the specified value. Example if you want to make all checked check boxes red.
input[checkec='true'] {
You should Google CSS 2.1 selectors for more information.
means child element
.cont > div {
color: #fff;
This would be:
<div class="cont">
It only affects the below div. Not the p.
so "jabberwocky" text would be white, but "lorem ipsum" text in the p, would be the default font color. -->
<p>lorem ipsum</p>
