HighLighter Library Qt5/C++ for web languages - qt

Hi everybody,
I would like to create an code editor on Qt to highlight and complete web languages.
It's my first steps on Qt and this project is a school project.
I looked for some tutorials on Qscintilla or GNU Scource-Highlight but I don't know how add it to my project. Of course I seen examples on Qt documentation but I don't like the way to highlight code.
So if someone know how work these libraries or if you have something more new, please answer me ;)
PS : Sorry for my bad English, I'm still learning =D

I would recommend looking into Kate Highlighting, which is also used for example by QtCreator.
I vaguely remember hearing that the Kate and QtCreator developers were actually working on a Qt syntax highlighting library using this syntax definition files.
Might be worth contacting the Kate developers


Create Qpushbutton,Qlabel or else with code

In Qt i don't want to create button,label or else in design like drag and drop, but i want to create them with using code, so anyone can share the tutorial links for me about this code lessons please ?? sorry in advance for my bad question
I loved these video tutorials. Covers an awesome introduction into basic stuff, but a lot of advanced topics, too. I realize that your question includes a pyqt tag. Qt is really easy to handle with C++ though, especially for basic GUI programming. So if you don't absolutely have to use Python this is really worth getting into. On top of that, the python and C++ interface for programming Qt have a lot in common. So in any case it would not be a waste of time. Next time, take 5 minutes and search the web a little. There are tons of awesome tutorials out there, that are just a few key presses away using the search engine of your trust.

Trying to Get Started with Bourbon/SASS (& How to Compile in Adobe Brackets)

Apologies for my daftness here, but trying to start a new design workflow and having a hard time wrapping my head around a few basic concepts.
I know that I want to join the party late and begin utilizing preprocessing in my development. After a lot of deliberation, I've also decided that I want to use Bourbon/Neat as the basic framework (as opposed to Bootstrap, etc.). Lastly, I've also decided to move over to Adobe Brackets after years of using Komodo Edit as my basic editor.
That said, I'm struggling to figure out how to get the damn thing to work. I've installed the SASS plugin for Brackets, but how exactly do I get Bourbon installed, get to work and start compiling. I've been reading articles, but feel like there's something about the process that I'm just not comprehending. If anyone can lend some thoughtful advice, it would be MUCH appreciated!
Do not bother with plugin, just follow framework guide (1. install it using ruby/node/whatever 2. run framework file watcher, it will compile sass css on save).
If you want to stick with plugin, then explore author's repo, it contains an example.

Integrating gedit or kate in a Qt Application

I am trying to develop an a simple IDE for programming languages using Qt for my project.This IDE should contain a text editor and should have pretty printing feature in it.So developing a text editor with qt is out of question.
So my question is: Can I integrate gedit or kate text editor in a Qt application.? I am working on a Gnome environment.If this is possible please explain or point to appropriate tutorials.
Programming language:Cuda,Opencl,C,C++
Your help will be greatly appreciated
Thank you
You'll probably want to take a look at QScintilla: http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/software/qscintilla/intro
Try: Code::Blocks
It is incredibly powerful IDE, yet lightweight, only 20MB. I use to program in C++ with opencv. And if you want to increase even more, you can add several plugins, like: Eclipse IDE, but without its 200MB.
Good luck.

New to QT help needed

i am new to QT, i don't have any knowledge about it.
from scratch i need to learn, if you people have some tutorials or some technical blogs please
feel free to share with me..
i have seen some stuffs in troltech, tell me any thing else apart from it.
Trolltech documentation is great.
I can also suggest having a look at the independant tutorial.
There are also some great books about Qt. My favourite is C++ Gui programming with Qt.
Check out also these websites : Qt Forum and Qt Center.
This book is nice to start with Qt (Assuming you know c++)
You could also look at these

Adobe ExtendScript debugging

There's a dearth of info in the supporting PDFs and on the web. I happened to come across a post in a blog that mentioned that $.write() or $.writeln() will write a string to the javascript console. Quite useful. Does anyone know if this $ object has any additional properties or methods?
I just answered my own question. JavaScript Tools Guide CS4.pdf. Chapter 8 ExtendScript Tools and Features has all I need. Just getting started with Adobe scripting and I'm a bit overwhelmed with the huge array of elements in a CS4 install.
Bits of Photoshop are implemented in ExtendScript. If you look in the folder
[apps folder]/Adobe Photoshop CS4/Presets/Scripts/
You'll find several scripts that may be useful as sample code.
