How do you clear an immutable.js map back to its defaults - redux

I have an immutable.js map. For example:
// default, when user first gets on page
var myObject = Immutable.Map({
productID: '',
colors: ['brown', 'red'],
sku: ''
sizes: [10]
Now, depending on how they get to my app - I populate that above "myObject" with different data.
so, for example: lets say they come from pathA
// pathA passes in some data... hydrate the myObject
var myObject = Immutable.Map({
productID: '090ABl',
colors: ['brown', 'red', 'yellow'],
sku: '__whatever'
sizes: [10, 18, 9]
so, for example: lets say they come from pathB
** this is where the issue comes from. I have that previous "state" of myObject hanging around. I need to "clear and go back to the initial state". I am using redux.
// pathB passes in some data... hydrate the myObject
var myObject = Immutable.Map({
productID: '090XZLG',
colors: ['red', 'yellow'],
sku: '__food'
sizes: [9]
The data is combing etc.. I need it to "clear out.". Curious if there is an Immutable.js method that enables to refresh the myObject with a new one, that is the same as the initial state. I am new to immutable.js so I am a bit curious about why its so hard to do simple things :-)

When using immutable for the state object in redux, in many of my reducers I set a certain key to what I get from the initial state.
function reeducer(state = initialState, action) {
switch (action.type) {
return state.set('selected', initialState.get('selected'));
And of course to make it a bit cleaner (specially to avoid repeating a string) one could create a function for this:
function resetKey(state, initialState, key) {
return state.set(key, initialState.get(key));
(Alternatively it could be called copyKey or copySection)
Or it could be a resetPath/copyPath
function resetPath(state, initialState, path) {
return state.setIn(key, initialState.getIn(path));

The immutable.js object does not 'know' what its 'defaults' are, so there is no way of resetting it. If you have a default object in your application just keep a reference to that in a variable, like you would if it were a plain JavaScript object:
var defaultObject = Immutable.Map({
productID: '',
colors: ['brown', 'red'],
sku: ''
sizes: [10]
Then when the user arrives at a certain path, you simply make your modifications and keep them in a different variable:
var myObject = defaultObject.set(...);


How to structurally compare the previous and new value of nested objects that are being used in `watch`, in Options API?

I have a question which is a mix of both composition API and options API
What I want to do: I want to watch an object. That object is deeply nested with all kinds of data types.
Whenever any of the nested properties inside change, I want the watch to be triggered.
(This can be done using the deep: true option).
AND I want to be able to see the previous value and current value of the object.
(this doesn't seem to be possible because Vue stores the references of the objects, so, now the value and prevValue point to the same thing.)
In Vue3 docs, for the watch API, it says this
However, watching a reactive object or array will always return a reference to the
current value of that object for both the current and previous value of the state.
To fully watch deeply nested objects and arrays, a deep copy of values may be required.
This can be achieved with a utility such as lodash.cloneDeep
And this following example is given
import _ from 'lodash'
const state = reactive({
id: 1,
attributes: {
name: ''
() => _.cloneDeep(state),
(state, prevState) => {
) = 'Alex' // Logs: "Alex" ""
Link to docs here -
However, this is composition API (if I'm not wrong).
How do I use this way of using cloneDeep in a watch defined in options API?
As an example, this is my code
watch: {
items: {
handler(value, prevValue) {
// check if value and prevValue are STRUCTURALLY EQUAL
let isEqual = this.checkIfStructurallyEqual(value, prevValue)
if (isEqual) return
else this.doSomething()
deep: true,
I'm using Vue 3 with Options API.
How would I go about doing this in Options API?
Any help would be appreciated! If there's another way of doing this then please do let me know!
I also asked this question on the Vue forums and it was answered.
We can use the same syntax as provided in the docs in Options API using this.$watch()
data() {
id: 1,
attributes: {
name: ''
() => _.cloneDeep(this.attributes),
(state, prevState) => {
) = 'Alex' // Logs: "Alex" ""

Updating array within array redux

I've got state with a nested array that looks like the following:
list: [
id: '3546f44b-457e-4f87-95f6-c6717830294b',
title: 'First Nest',
key: '0',
children: [
id: '71f034ea-478b-4f33-9dad-3685dab09171',
title: 'Second Nest',
key: '0-0
children: [
id: '11d338c6-f222-4701-98d0-3e3572009d8f',
title: 'Q. Third Nest',
key: '0-0-0',
selectedItemKey: '0'
Where the goal of the nested array is to mimic a tree and the selectedItemKey/key is how to access the tree node quickly.
I wrote code to update the title of a nested item with the following logic:
let list = [...state.list];
let keyArr = state.selectedItemKey.split('-');
let idx = keyArr.shift();
let currItemArr = list;
while (keyArr.length > 0) {
currItemArr = currItemArr[idx].children;
idx = keyArr.shift();
currItemArr[idx] = {
title: action.payload
return {
Things work properly for the first nested item, but for the second and third level nesting, I get the following Immer console errors
An immer producer returned a new value *and* modified its draft.
Either return a new value *or* modify the draft.
I feel like I'm messing up something pretty big here in regards to my nested array access/update logic, or in the way I'm trying to make a new copy of the state.list and modifying that. Please note the nested level is dynamic, and I do not know the depth of it prior to modifying it.
Thanks again in advance!
Immer allows you to modify the existing draft state OR return a new state, but not both at once.
It looks like you are trying to return a new state, which is ok so long as there is no mutation. However you make a modification when you assign currItemArr[idx] = . This is a mutation because the elements of list and currItemArr are the same elements as in state.list. It is a "shallow copy".
But you don't need to worry about shallow copies and mutations because the easier approach is to just modify the draft state and not return anything.
You just need to find the correct object and set its title property. I came up with a shorter way to do that using array.reduce().
const keyArr = state.selectedItemKey.split("-");
const target = keyArr.reduce(
(accumulator, idx) => accumulator.children[idx],
{ children: state.list }
target.title = action.payload;

React Redux accessing dynamically filtered state in mapStateToProps - rerendering woes

I have a functional component, that is passed instructions on what to pull from the redux store.
Using mapStateToProps=(state, ownProps), I can happily pull the required items from state (store) - but, at a cost of any changes in the entire state tree triggering rerunning mapStateToProps and a gazillion rerenders.
Let me unpack.
Here's a snapshot of part of the store:
settings: {...stuff...},
projects: [...stuff...],
definitions: [...stuff...],
themes: [...stuff...],
surfaces: {
surface: {
STRIP: [..stuff..],
DISPLAY: {...stuff...},
value: 0,
type: 'switch',
label: 'TRACK'
value: 0,
type: 'switch',
label: 'SEND'
A_PAN: {
value: 0,
type: 'switch',
label: 'PAN'
FADER_BANKS: {...stuff...},
STATUS: {...stuff...},
My parent component passes the required instructions to the child.
portId = {this.props.portId}
{parent: 'GLOBAL', group: "ASSIGNMENT", target: "A_TRACK"},
{parent: 'GLOBAL', group: "ASSIGNMENT", target: "A_SEND"},
mapStateToProps is pretty simple:
const mapStateToPropy = (state, ownProps) => {
return {
groupItems: getItemsFromState(state.surfaces[ownProps.portId].surface, ownProps.items)
and the work is done in a simple function:
const getItemsFromState = (subState, items)=>{
let groupItems=[]
for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
const item = items[i];
const base = subState[item.parent];
let groupItem = base[][]
groupItems.push({...groupItem, target:})
return groupItems
But because I am creating this array of matches, I think redux thinks I should be subscribing to every item in the tree...when I only want changes on the found elements, in this case:
I tried using reselect and the rereselect instead of my getItemsFromState function above,
but all with the same result. Any change in that tree, starting with surfaces[6] triggers mapsStateToProps and a rerender.
There must be way around this, but I can't figure it out. I tried using areStatesEqual but it only provides nextState and prevState, and I need ownProps to compute equality. I possibly could use areStatePropsEqual, but that only works AFTER recomputing mapStateToProps unnecessarily.
There must be a way!
getItemsFromState is creating a new groupItems array reference every time it runs. It will be called after every dispatched action. Since connect re-renders any time any of the fields returned by mapState have changed to a new reference, your code is forcing React-Redux to re-render every time.
This is specifically why you should use memoized selectors to only return new derived data references if the input references have changed, typically with Reselect's createSelector. If your use of Reselect isn't helping here, it's likely that your selectors aren't being set up correctly, but I'd need to see specific examples to give advice there.
It's also why components should subscribe to the smallest amount of data that they actually need.
If you are using a function component, I'd suggest using useSelector instead of connect as well.

Redux store having multiple 'version' of states under reducer names

I was trying to have separated reducer files for each container file I have, resulting in different reducer exports for each container and I combine it with combineReducers.
I want my store to have state that structured like so:
state = {
currentFilter: 'all',
todos: [],
displayed: [],
But instead get a structure like this:
state = {
addReducer: {
currentFilter: 'all',
todos: [],
displayed: [],
displayReducer: {
currentFilter: 'all',
todos: [],
displayed: [],
filterReducer: {
currentFilter: 'all',
todos: [],
displayed: [],
the way I create the store:
const store = createStore(
combineReducers({addReducer, displayReducer, filterReducer}),
applyMiddleware(thunk, logger)
The problem is when an action got dispatched, the state 'slice' that got updated is only the part associated with the reducer handling that action (in this case below, only the slice on addReducer got updated.
The way I write my reducers is only exporting 1 reduce function for each reducer file.
Is there any workaround to handle this, or a better and more correct way to deal with multiple reducers, so that the 'single source of truth' concept really happens on my Redux store(instead of different source for different reducer)? Thanks!
EDIT: one of my reducers(the other two are very similar to this one, accepting only 1 switch case and a default case)
export default function reduce(state = initialState, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case types.ADD_TODO:
let newTodos = [...state.todos,];
let newDisplayed = [...state.displayed];
if (state.currentFilter !== 'completed') {
todos: newTodos,
displayed: newDisplayed,
return Object.assign(
todos: newTodos,
displayed: newDisplayed,
return state;
I think you are confusing things, you should only have one reducer not three (in your scenario). You should create different reducers to manage different portions of the state, you shouldn't create different reducers about the same portion of the state just addressing different functionalities. You have action creators for it.
You are breaking the "single source of truth" principle from the beginning. So my suggestion is to have one reducer only in your case.
See the docs for more about this with good examples. LINK
Just the naming suggests confusion, you should have a todoReducer which is associated with the todo resource in your app. The addReducer is associated with a type of action same for the other two, which is not what you want to do.
I hope this clarifies things a bit but when in doubt check the redux docs they are pretty great!

Redux with Immutable JS

When using immutablejs with Redux, we will get a regular javascript object back from combineReducers, meaning it won't be an immutable data structure even if everything within it is. Doesn't this mean that using immutablejs will be in vain since a whole new state object will be created on every action anyhow?
const firstReducer = (state = Immutable.Map({greeting : 'Hey!'})) => {
return state
const secondReducer = (state = Immutable.Map({foo : 'bar'})) => {
return state
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
firstReducer, secondReducer
a whole new state object will be created on every action
Yes but the slices of that state that are assigned by combineReducers are not recreated. It's sort of analogous to doing this:
const person = { name: 'Rob' };
const prevState = { person };
const nextState = { person };
I created a new state object (nextState), but its person key is still set to the same exact object as was prevState's person key. There is only one instance of the string 'Rob' in memory.
The problem is when I mutate the person object, I'm changing it for multiple states:
const person = { name: 'Rob' };
const prevState = { person }; = 'Dan'; // mutation
const nextState = { person };
console.log(; // 'Dan'
Coming back to Redux, once all reducers have been called for the first time, they will have initialized their slices of the application's state, and your application's entire overall state would basically be equal to this:
firstReducer: Immutable.Map({greeting : 'Hey!'}),
secondReducer: Immutable.Map({foo : 'bar'}),
Note that this is a normal object. It has properties that hold Immutable objects.
When an action is dispatched and goes through each reducer, the way you've got it, the reducer simply returns the existing Immutable object back again, it doesn't create a new one. Then the new state is set to an object with a property firstReducer simply pointing back to the same Immutable object that the previous state was pointing to.
Now, what if we didn't use Immutable for firstReducer:
const firstReducer = (state = {greeting : 'Hey!'}) => {
return state
Same idea, that object that is used as the default for state when the reducer is first called is just passed from the previous state to the next state. There is only ever one object in memory that has the key greeting and value Hey!. There are many state objects, but they simply have a key firstReducer that points to the same object.
This is why we need to make sure we don't accidentally mutate it, but rather replace it when we change anything about it. You can accomplish this without Immutable of course by just being careful, but using Immutable makes it more foolproof. Without Immutable, it's possible to screw up and do this:
const firstReducer = (state = {greeting : 'Hey!'}, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
const capitalized = state.greeting.toUpperCase();
state.greeting = capitalized; // BAD!!!
return state;
default: {
return state;
The proper way would be to create a new state slice:
const firstReducer = (state = {greeting : 'Hey!'}, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
const capitalized = state.greeting.toUpperCase();
const nextState = Object.assign({}, state, {
greeting: capitalized,
return nextState;
default: {
return state;
The other benefit Immutable gives us is that if our reducer's slice of the state happened to have a lot of other data besides just greeting, Immutable can potentially do some optimizations under the hood so that it doesn't have to recreate every piece of data if all we did was change a single value, and yet still ensure immutability at the same time. That's useful because it can help cut down on the amount of stuff being put in memory every time an action is dispatched.
combineReducers() that comes with Redux indeed gives you a plain root object.
This isn’t a problem per se—you can mix plain objects with Immutable objects as long as you don’t mutate them. So you can live with this just fine.
You may also use an alternative combineReducers() that returns an Immutable Map instead. This is completely up to you and doesn’t make any big difference except that it lets you use Immutable everywhere.
Don’t forget that combineReducers() is actually easy to implement on your own.
Doesn't this mean that using immutablejs will be in vain since a whole new state object will be created on every action anyhow?
I’m not sure what you mean by “in vain”. Immutable doesn’t magically prevent objects from being created. When you set() in an Immutable Map, you still create a new object, just (in some cases) more efficiently. This doesn’t make a difference for the case when you have two keys in it anyway.
So not using Immutable here doesn’t really have any downsides besides your app being slightly less consistent in its choice of data structures.
