Google Analytics Landing Page Spam - google-analytics

one of my clients websites shows a wrong URL when I open the landing page in a new browser. Note that the source/ medium is organic. The sub pages that shows in my landing page column are right, but when I open it to see and check the website, it redirects me to a spammy website or what i believe is one of our competitors trying to copy our site. I have no idea how does it happen, i check all the property settings and everything is fine. Any suggestions?


Multiple links to same page google analytics

So in google analytics I am seeing two links for every post I have on my wordpress site. See:
All the duplicate links are the same except for /404/ at the beginning. I checked my database and don't see these links. They do link to the correct page and don't display the /404/ in the url toolbar when clicked.
I inherited this site so I didn't set it up. Has anyone ever seen this? Is a plugin doing this? (We use yoast).
My suspicion isn't Google Analytics, but something on your site isn't right. Load up an Inspect session in your browser such as Google Chrome, and then go to the Network tab, and watch each request. You'll look for the "status" column for anything that's not a 200. I'd bet something like a JS, CSS, or image isn't loading, and your site is redirecting each 404 request to a page and passing the referring URL to it.

Find out page referrer when the page was opened in a new tab

I have an Item page that is often linked to from a site other than ours. For this example we'll say that our site is and the site that is linking to our page is
We record those occurrences in our database for our clients to look at. We give them a specific url to link to so we can record that number but more often than not our customers do not use that url to link to our page. So I used Request.UrlReferrer to see if the page that linked to the Item page was from or if it was from If it's we then put it in the database.
Now my problem is coming from the way they're linking from to They're having our site open up in a new tab/window. This is causing the Request.UrlReferrer to show up blank which means it isn't recording the link in our database.
Does anyone know how I could get the referrer when it does this? Let me know if I need to explain anything further.

Automatically Adding "/homepage" in all landing pages in Google analytics reports

Though there is no redirection not any error in landing pages.
But in reporting, while selecting landing pages against source of traffic, every landing page ends with "/homepage"
EG :
google / organic |
This "/homepage" is coming on all landing pages of websites.
how to solve this problem to get correct data in analytics.
I would suggest to check Default page value in View Settings. It may have /homepage there, remove it.

Google cached url for specific site and parmanent url redirection

first i like know how can i see what are the pages are cached of my web site. say my web site is
i am going to change few urls of my site but there is one problem that i may loose SEO. suppose google cached this page of my url like now i have change the location and name of the page. say now detail product name change to product and url looks like so when people search google and if this link comes in google search and if user click on this link then no relevant page will display. so first of all i need to know what are the different pages has been cached of my web site by google if i know then i can write permanent redirection logic as a result google cache pages url will be change..i guess.
if anyone know any best practice to handle this situation then please discuss in details. the situation is few page name and location has been change and if user search google and if old page url comes then no page will display when user click on those link. i want to handle this situation in best way....what is all of your suggestion. thanks

Hosting certain pages on a different domain in an iframe produces weird results

I am working on an app that hosts certain pages from a different site in an iframe. Because the site is on a different network, I get prompted to log into their network in order to show the pages. All that is fine (the users of this site will be on the same network, so I'm not worrying about their logging in.)
However, on a different page, same app, I'm trying to do the same thing with a different set of pages from that same site. This time, I don't get prompted to log in, but do get the DNS Error page in the iFrame (I'm doing this in IE9, if it matters.) If I click "return to previous page" on the DNS Error page or right-click and click Back, the home page of the app (on the different network) appears in the iframe. After that, trying to load the desired page in the iframe works. But I'm baffled as to why and would prefer it load the first time I try it!
I'm guessing that the conjunction of the hosted pages being secure (HTTPS), their being on a different network, the iframe, and possibly also IE9 are somehow causing this. Anybody have any ideas?
Ann L.
If you go directly to the url that the iframe is pointing at do you get that same error or does it work? And make sure you go to the page the iframe is looking at and not what you think it is looking at. It may be that at some point in your process the page is generating the wrong url for the iframe.
The other thing is that it may be worth using fiddler to check your traffic to see if these other pages are trying to do some kind of redirect on you - they may be checking referrer and not liking connections from outside their network or similar.
