Hosting certain pages on a different domain in an iframe produces weird results -

I am working on an app that hosts certain pages from a different site in an iframe. Because the site is on a different network, I get prompted to log into their network in order to show the pages. All that is fine (the users of this site will be on the same network, so I'm not worrying about their logging in.)
However, on a different page, same app, I'm trying to do the same thing with a different set of pages from that same site. This time, I don't get prompted to log in, but do get the DNS Error page in the iFrame (I'm doing this in IE9, if it matters.) If I click "return to previous page" on the DNS Error page or right-click and click Back, the home page of the app (on the different network) appears in the iframe. After that, trying to load the desired page in the iframe works. But I'm baffled as to why and would prefer it load the first time I try it!
I'm guessing that the conjunction of the hosted pages being secure (HTTPS), their being on a different network, the iframe, and possibly also IE9 are somehow causing this. Anybody have any ideas?
Ann L.

If you go directly to the url that the iframe is pointing at do you get that same error or does it work? And make sure you go to the page the iframe is looking at and not what you think it is looking at. It may be that at some point in your process the page is generating the wrong url for the iframe.
The other thing is that it may be worth using fiddler to check your traffic to see if these other pages are trying to do some kind of redirect on you - they may be checking referrer and not liking connections from outside their network or similar.


A completely different site load under my domain while my main site is working fine

I'm a real newbie in this world.
I just recovered from a serious attack, and I'm trying do things right at this time.
recently I made a quick Google search for my site and I found this page:
The problem is, my main site is a simple blog, so I do not sell anything, and obviously this link loads a completely different site from mine.
And this not the only suspicious site, which has link with my own domain while my main sites and pages loads on as usual.
Cloudflare shows many different links on firewall the request come from Russian federation, the strange thing is the other links what they trying to reach working to (Meanwhile I block all request from Russia, Singapore).
I don't understand this. I don't have this sites, on my ftp server, I don't have this site on my database.
Also I asked my hosting provider about this incident, they said my domain is registered and completely fine.
I'm using WordPress.
What's the next step?
How to remove this site from my domain?
I really would like to close all the backdoors.
Based on my inspections, I found the malware, which php code is this:
Its around 3000 lines, so I rather not paste in here, but you can view on the link.
Based on the code, do I need search more files on my ftp?

LinkedIn sharing doesn't work as expected

I'm looking for an easy way to share through LinkedIn without all that hassle with OAuth 2.0 which I don't see required when I see other pages that use this kind of sharing (and they didn't required anything from - I can straight out share).
Straight to the issue:
this one works:
this one doesn't:
Seems like beyond main domain I can't get sharing working. For instance from other site a link that goes deeper and is still shareable:
I also tested with and without source and summary query params. Anyone had that issue?
LinkedIn uses the Open Graph protocol ( to determine how pages are shared in LinkedIn.
You may also use the LinkedIn Post Inspector ( tool to debug how various pages would be shared in LinkedIn.
I decoded your URL so I could get a cleaner look...
So, let's try to visit your URL: . The webpage you are sharing DOES NOT LOAD.
Is your site down for everyone? Yes, your site is down for everyone.
In order to share a URL on LinkedIn, you must fulfill the following minimum requirements:
The URL must load.
If you just want to test out the API, try using or as test pages.
Surprisingly, the old URL by itself works fine in LinkedIn, but that could be from some internal cache, from way back in the day when the page once did work. It certainly does not do so anymore.

Wordpress site images loading everywhere but on the clients' local office PC's

We have finished up a site for a client using Wordpress as the platform. The site loads fine over cellular data, and in my office, and strangely enough when connected to the clients WIFI inside their offices.
However, as soon as I try to access the site on one of their office machines, usually connected via ethernet, images do not load. They 404 when opened in a new tab and are either a. blank when viewed in page or b. display the accessibility alt text. They do not display the broken link icon but display a rectangle. I've tried on many of their machines with the same result.
I have tried clearing cache, allowing permissions in chrome for almost everything, viewing in incognito and checking links to make sure they are correct. All links work just fine via WIFI.
This is horrible situation as it makes us look totally unprofessional, even though this issue is clearly something to do with their local server.
Their old site which was pure HTML from 2001 did not have this issue, so could it be something that we haven't added to the htaccess that we should of?
Thanks and please help!
Did you try using the browser developer tool to inspect the img tags. See if you can access the img src url directly clicking on the link. Use the browser debugger to find out the root cause. It might caching issue or broken url or mixed content issue.

How to suspend website for users but left it activated for the developer?

I would like to set a page on my website "Coming soon",and open the website when the update is finished.
My website is on host with plesk panel, so I suspended my site and edited the "temporary unavialable service" error page. but now as the developer i cannot check my website( I have to check it on the host and not in the IDE).
What should I do?
Using Url Rewrite you could do a few different things, here are a few of the easier ones:
Redirect by IP. Send everyone that doesn't match your IP address to a maintenance page (make sure you use a 302). If you're on a network where everyone has the same external IP and users on that network are accessing the site, this could be an issue.
Redirect by (lack of) a querystring parameter. This will work if you just need to view and refresh a single page, but if you need to click around through the site it's not going to work.
Redirect by (lack of) a cookie. Have Url Rewrite look for a cookie and if it's not present, redirect to maintenance page. This is probably the best solution of the 3 as it avoids the pitfalls of the other two approaches. The cookie will persist for however long you tell it to so you won't get redirected when you click through as you would with the querystring approach, and the redirects will work for everyone that doesn't have a cookie set- so everybody but you.
There are plenty of examples of all of these approaches on this site and on Webmasters.StackExchange and all over the web that can be found with quick search.
The easiest answer is leave your site up with the home page one of the static pages of your website and have your page for the site that you are working on called something like home2.aspx. I'm that way people that go to your site without a specific page will get the under construction page and you just need to add the URL of your test page when you deploy

Site only refreshes when adding www. to URL

First time posting so please bear with me.
I'm the unofficial web guy at the company I work for and I helped create our basic static HTML site.
Any work that I do to the site offline and then FTP shows up instantly on my machine. I rarely, if ever, need to clear the cache for changes to show up. However, within the company I work for, nearly half of the users never see the updates. Some do, some don't.
On the machines that don't I've cleared the cache in browser and through the internet control panel settings. Nothing. Still shows the stale content. The only thing that works - and I've seen this both in Chrome and IE is that when I add www in front of the URL is then shows the refreshed site. No big deal, right? Well for users who type in without the in front will not see the updates. People who have favorited it like that, will not see the updates.
Now, on to what I've tried to fix it. After much research many people have steered me away from meta tag refresh so I haven't tried that, however, with the help of the IT guy we have, from what we can tell, set the HTTP header of the site to always refresh. This did not do anything for us.
I've tried changing image names in the HTML page when updating a photo and that didn't work either.
I haven't been able to find a .htaccess file so can I create one? If we (IT guy and I) changed the HTTP Header setting to always refresh but there is not .htaccess file will there be no change?
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I have searched on here for the answer and the two most suggested changes are HTTP Header and Meta refresh. HTTP header didn't help and it seems the Meta tag route is bad form.
This is a DNS issue. You need to ask the provider of your web services to add an A or a CNAME record for the domain's root.
If you don't understand the above, just call the provider of your web presence (the company that hosts your web server) and tell them you want and to go to the same place.
