I have a collection members that i want to update. The document contains only a field telephonenumber and id.
I have several telephone numbers
I want to add an extra field names and i am using a method to do that
'updatenumber': function(tn,names){
telephoneNumber: tn
}, {
$set: {
telephoneNumber: tn,
}, {
upsert: true
Although tn and names contain data from clientside, the field names is not added. Why is that?.
I am trying to append to a string set (array of strings) column, which may or may not already exist, in a DynamoDB table. I referred to SO questions like this and this when writing my UpdateExpression.
My code looks like this.
const AWS = require('aws-sdk')
const dynamo = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient()
const updateParams = {
// The table definitely exists.
TableName: process.env.DYNAMO_TABLE_NAME,
Key: {
email: user.email
// The column may or may not exist, which is why I am combining list_append with if_not_exists.
UpdateExpression: 'SET #column = list_append(if_not_exists(#column, :empty_list), :vals)',
ExpressionAttributeNames: {
'#column': 'items'
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':vals': ['test', 'test2'],
':empty_list': []
ReturnValues: 'UPDATED_NEW'
dynamo.update(updateParams).promise().catch((error) => {
console.log(`Error: ${error}`)
However, I am getting this error: ValidationException: An operand in the update expression has an incorrect data type. What am I doing incorrectly here?
Thanks to Nadav Har'El's answer, I was able to make it work by amending the params to use the ADD operation instead of SET.
const updateParams = {
TableName: process.env.DYNAMO_TABLE_NAME,
Key: {
email: user.email
UpdateExpression: 'ADD items :vals',
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':vals': dynamo.createSet(['test', 'test2'])
A list and a string set are not the same type - a string set can only hold strings while a list may hold any types (including nested lists and objects), element types don't need to be the same, and a list can hold also duplicate items. So if your original item is indeed as you said a string set, not a list, this explains why this operation cannot work.
To add items to a string set, use the ADD operation, not the SET operation. The parameter you will give to add should be a set (not a list, I don't know the magic js syntax to specify this, check your docs) with a bunch of elements. If the attribute already exists these elements will be added to it (dropping duplicates), and if the attribute doesn't already exit, it will be set to the set of these elements. See the documentation here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference/API_UpdateItem.html#DDB-UpdateItem-request-UpdateExpression
I'm trying with the following code
ExpressionAttributeNames: {
"#items": "items"
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
":item": [slug]
Key: {
listId: listId,
userId: userData.userId,
UpdateExpression: "SET #items = list_append(#items,:item)",
ConditionExpression: "NOT contains (#items, :item)",
TableName: process.env.listsTableName,
but the item is still added even if string already exists in the list. What am I doing wrong?
The list structure is like so:
Item: {
userId: userData.userId,
listId: crypto.createHash('md5').update(Date.now() + userData.userId).digest('hex'),
listName: 'Wishlist',
items: [],
TableName: process.env.listsTableName,
Later Edit: I know I should use SS as it does the condition for me but SS doesn't work in my context because SS can't be empty.
As the documentation explains, the contains() function only works on a string value (checking for a substring) or a set value (checking for membership). But in your case, you don't have a set but rather a list - with are different things in DynamoDB.
If all the items which you want to add to this list are strings, and you anyway don't want duplicates in the list, the most efficient way would be to stop using a list, and instead use the set-of-strings (a.k.a. SS) type. To add an item to the set (without duplicates), you would simply use "ADD #items :item" (no need for any additional condition - duplicates will not be added).
I am very beginner to AWS DynamoDB, I want to scan the DynamoDB with SENDTO.emailAddress = "first#first.com" as FilterExpression.
The DB Structure looks like this
A Sample Data
ID: 1,
name: "First",
emailAddress: "first#first.com"
name: "Second",
emailAddress: "second#first.com"
I want to retrieve document that match emailAddress. I tried to scan with filter expression and here is my code to retrieve the data. I am using AWS Javascript SDK.
let params = {
TableName : "email",
FilterExpression: "SENDTO.emailAddress = :emailAddress",
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
":emailAddress": "first#first.com",
let result = await ctx.docClient.scan(params).promise();
In order to find the item by sendto attribute, you need to know both name and emailAddress attribute value. DynamoDB can't find the data by just one of the attributes in an object (i.e. email attribute value alone).
CONTAINS function can be used to find the data in List data type.
CONTAINS is supported for lists: When evaluating "a CONTAINS b", "a"
can be a list; however, "b" cannot be a set, a map, or a list.
Sample code using Contains:-
var params = {
TableName: "email",
FilterExpression: "contains (SENDTO, :sendToVal)",
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
":sendToVal": {
"name" : "First",
"emailAddress" : "first#first.com"
If you don't know the value of name and emailAddress attribute, you may need to remodel the data to fulfill your use case.
I think that you should create two tables for users and for messages.
The user table has partition_key: user_id and sort_key: email and a field with an array of his messages ids.
The message table has partition_key: message_id and a field with an array of users ids.
When you will get the array of users ids you can use BATCH GET query to get all users of one message.
When you will get the array of message ids you can use BATCH GET query to get all messages of one user.
If you want to get one user by email you can use QUERY method.
I have a game built on Meteor framework. One game document is something like this:
participants : [
"weapon" : "sword"
"weapon" : "book"
I want Fighter character not to see the character of the "b" user. (and b character not to see the a's) There are about 10 fields like character and weapon and their value can change during the game so as the restrictions.
Right now I am using Session variables not to display that information. However, it is not a very safe idea. How can I subscribe/publish documents according to the values based on characters?
There are 2 possible solutions that come to mind:
1. Publishing all combinations for different field values and subscribing according to the current state of the user. However, I am using Iron Router's waitOn feature to load subscriptions before rendering the page. So I am not very confident that I can change subscriptions during the game. Also because it is a time-sensitive game, I guess changing subscriptions would take time during the game and corrupt the game pleasure.
My problem right now is the user typing
to the console and see fields of other users. If I change my collection name into something difficult to find, can somebody discover the collection name? I could not find a command to find collections on the client side.
The way this is usually solved in Meteor is by using two publications. If your game state is represented by a single document you may have problem implementing this easily, so for the sake of an example I will temporarily assume that you have a Participants collection in which you're storing the corresponding data.
So anyway, you should have one subscription with data available to all the players, e.g.
Meteor.publish('players', function (gameId) {
return Participants.find({ gameId: gameId }, { fields: {
// exclude the "character" field from the result
character: 0
and another subscription for private player data:
Meteor.publish('myPrivateData', function (gameId) {
// NOTE: not excluding anything, because we are only
// publishing a single document here, whose owner
// is the current user ...
return Participants.find({
userId: this.userId,
gameId: gameId,
Now, on the client side, the only thing you need to do is subscribe to both datasets, so:
Meteor.subscribe('players', myGameId);
Meteor.subscribe('myPrivateData', myGameId);
Meteor will be clever enough to merge the incoming data into a single Participants collection, in which other players' documents will not contain the character field.
If your fields visibility is going to change dynamically I suggest the following approach:
put all the restricted properties in a separated collection that tracks exactly who can view which field
on client side use observe to integrate that collection into your local player representation for easier access to the data
Data model
For example, the collection may look like this:
PlayerProperties = new Mongo.Collection('playerProperties');
/* schema:
userId : String
gameId : String
key : String
value : *
whoCanSee : [String]
Publishing data
First you will need to expose own properties to each player
Meteor.publish('myProperties', function (gameId) {
return PlayerProperties.find({
userId: this.userId,
gameId: gameId
then the other players properties:
Meteor.publish('otherPlayersProperties', function (gameId) {
if (!this.userId) return [];
return PlayerProperties.find({
gameId: gameId,
whoCanSee: this.userId,
Now the only thing you need to do during the game is to make sure you add corresponding userId to the whoCanSee array as soon as the user gets ability to see that property.
In order to keep your data in order I suggest having a client-side-only collection, e.g. IntegratedPlayerData, which you can use to arrange the player properties into some manageable structure:
var IntegratedPlayerData = new Mongo.Collection(null);
var cache = {};
added: function (doc) {
IntegratedPlayerData.upsert({ _id : doc.userId }, {
$set: _.object([ doc.key ], [ doc.value ])
changed: function (doc) {
IntegratedPlayerData.update({ _id : doc.userId }, {
$set: _.object([ doc.key ], [ doc.value ])
removed: function (doc) {
IntegratedPlayerData.update({ _id : doc.userId }, {
$unset: _.object([ doc.key ], [ true ])
This data "integration" is only a draft and can be refined in many different ways. It could potentially be done on server-side with a custom publish method.
Meteor.publish("thing", function(options) {
return Collection.find({}, {fields: {anArray: 0}})
I exclude "anArray" because it contains userids not meant to be seen by each user. However it could contain the logged in user itself, in which case the user needs to know it.
Collection = new Mongo.Collection("thing", {
transform: function(document) {
_.each(document.anArray, function(item) {
item = true
return document
Above I try to transform the collection(simplified) but because the "anArray" is excluded, "anArray" is simply not defined.
How can I let the user know he is in "anArray" without compromising all other users in "anArray"? (I tried to do that in the transform.)
You can use the package I developed, meteor-middleware. It provides a nice pluggable API for this. So instead of just providing a transform, you can stack them one on another. This allows for code reuse, permissions checks (like removing or aggregating fields based on permissions), etc.
For example, for your particular problem, you could do (in CoffeeScript):
thing = new PublishEndpoint 'thing', (options) ->
Collection.find {}
class HideAnArrayMiddleware
added: (publish, collection, id, fields) =>
fields.anArray = _.intersection fields.anArray, [publish.userId] if fields.anArray
publish.added collection, id, fields
changed: (publish, collection, id, fields) =>
fields.anArray = _.intersection fields.anArray, [publish.userId] if fields.anArray
publish.changed collection, id, fields
thing.use new HideAnArrayMiddleware()
As described in this answer, here is how you access document fields before publishing them:
// server: publish the rooms collection
Meteor.publish("rooms", function () {
var self = this;
var handle = Rooms.find({}).observeChanges({
added: function(id, fields) { self.added("rooms", id, fields); },
changed: function(id, fields) { self.changed("rooms", id, fields); },
removed: function(id) { self.added("rooms", id); },
self.onStop(function () { handle.stop(); });
In your case, maybe you can do something like this:
added: function(id, fields) {
if (fields.anArray)
if (fields.anArray.indexOf(self.userId) !== -1)
fields.anArray = [self.userId];
delete fields.anArray;
self.added("rooms", id, fields);
You'll also have to take care of the changed function in a similar way.
It's not possible to include or exclude elements of an array, so your best bet is to define an explicit Boolean field in the document for the user being in the array.
Also, because transforms on the server are ignored (please vote for this issue), you'll have to set that field in the database if it's dynamically computed. Similar SO questions: 1, 2, 3.
An alternative is to define a non-database-backed collection. Have a look at the counts-by-room example.