I have created a Docker container using the Ubuntu 16.04 image.
docker run -it -d --name containername -v /var/www/public --privileged ubuntu
after creating the container, I checked the date inside the container:
$ date
Tue Oct 25 08:10:34 UTC 2016
But, I need it to use the Asia/Kolkata timezone. So I tried changing the /etc/timezone file, then docker stop and docker start the container, but it doesn't work. It still shows the same time.
How can I change the time zone in the Docker container after creating it?
Updating /etc/timezone is the usual way, but there's a bug in Xenial which means that doesn't work.
Instead you need to create a link from the desired timezone to etc/localtime:
FROM ubuntu:xenial
RUN ln -fs /usr/share/zoneinfo/US/Pacific-New /etc/localtime && dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata
In ubuntu 16.04 i was missing tzdata so i had to install it. Working solution was
ENV TZ 'Europe/Tallinn'
RUN echo $TZ > /etc/timezone && \
apt-get update && apt-get install -y tzdata && \
rm /etc/localtime && \
ln -snf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ /etc/localtime && \
dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata && \
apt-get clean
echo "Asia/Kolkata" > /etc/timezone
rm -f /etc/localtime
dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata
You have to do rm /etc/localtime because of the Ubuntu bug.
As said here, the secret is that dpkg-reconfigure tzdata simply creates /etc/localtime as a copy, hardlink or symlink (a symlink is preferred) to a file in /usr/share/zoneinfo. So it is possible to do this entirely from your Dockerfile. Consider:
ENV TZ=America/Los_Angeles
RUN ln -snf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ /etc/localtime && echo $TZ > /etc/timezone
And as a bonus, TZ will be set correctly in the container as well.
This is also distribution-agnostic, so it works with pretty much anything Linux.
My issue has been solved with this very simple solution (https://serverfault.com/a/826222) : Add timezone in environment variable.
The command is docker run -e TZ=Europe/Amsterdam ...
Or, using docker-compose, like I do :
version: '3'
build: ./app
- ...
- ...
- TZ=Europe/Paris
In my case, no more tzdata needed, or volume share with /etc/timezone & /etc/localtime.
Hope it helps !
If you use docker-compose, just add one line to your docker-compose.yml file.
version: '3'
image: ubuntu:16.04
restart: on-failure
command: python3 run_my_code.py
working_dir: /code
- ./code:/code
- /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro # <--add this line to set timezone
I took this approach:
Copy file /etc/localtime somewhere.
Open it and find the this number (highlighted with yellow)
-3 corresponds to Moscow time. For Berlin set -1 . If you need positive value, set UTC2
Copy and modify /etc/timezone according to your time zone.
Link them to your container
FROM ubuntu:16.04
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y software-properties-common apt-utils locales tzdata
RUN echo "tzdata tzdata/Areas select Europe" > timezone.txt
RUN echo "tzdata tzdata/Zones/Europe select Rome" >> timezone.txt
RUN debconf-set-selections timezone.txt
RUN rm /etc/timezone
RUN rm /etc/localtime
RUN dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata
Simply map the volume while running docker container
-v /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro
I am also experiencing this issue for a Ubuntu 18.04 docker container. Since tzdata package is not installed. There is no /usr/share/zoneinfo dir inside the docker. We need to first install tzdata and use dpkg-reconfigure to set the timezone. The following docker command works for me:
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends tzdata \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
RUN ln -fs /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime \
&& dpkg-reconfigure --frontend noninteractive tzdata
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -yq tzdata && \
ln -fs /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York /etc/localtime && \
dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata
Reference: https://dev.to/0xbf/set-timezone-in-your-docker-image-d22
Note: Need to run it as root user
Documentation for rocker/rstudio docker container.
I am able to get up and running in rstudio using Docker with the following set up in a directory:
FROM rocker/tidyverse:latest
version: "3.5"
context: .
- 8787:8787
Now, if I enter this dir in the terminal and type: docker-compose build followed by docker-compose up -d and then navigate to localhost:8787 I see the rstudio login screen. So far so good.
I would like to add shiny to the same container per the documentation (as opposed to using a separate shiny image).
On the documentation I link to at the top it says:
Add shiny server on start up with e ADD=shiny
docker run -d -p 3838:3838 -p 8787:8787 -e ADD=shiny -e PASSWORD=yourpasswordhere rocker/rstudio
shiny server is now running on localhost:3838 and RStudio on localhost:8787.
Since I'm using docker-compose I updated my docker-compose file to this:
version: "3.5"
context: .
- 8787:8787
- 3838:3838
ADD: "shiny"
Now, when I go to the terminal like before and type: docker-compose build followed by docker-compose up -d I again see the rstudio login page at localhost:8787. However, if I go to localhost:3838, I see Firefox' 'connection was reset' page. It looks like nothing is there.
How can I add shiny to my container per the instructions?
It seems the image is missing shiny installer. If you run the same compose file without -d and using rocker/rstudio:3.2.0 image you will see in logs that shiny is installing. It failed to install for me (there was a problem with missing file /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/littler/examples/install2.r) but I found the script which installs the thing. For some reason the script does not exist in rocker/tidyverse:latest (I have no idea why, you'd better ask the maintainer) and ADD=shiny has no effect.
I managed to get things working by injecting that script into rocker/tidyverse:latest and here is how you can do it. Save the following as a file named add:
#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash
## A script to add shiny to an rstudio-based rocker image.
if [ "$ADD" == "shiny" ]; then
echo "Adding shiny server to container..."
apt-get update && apt-get -y install \
gdebi-core \
libxt-dev && \
wget --no-verbose https://s3.amazonaws.com/rstudio-shiny-server-os-build/ubuntu-12.04/x86_64/VERSION -O "version.txt" && \
VERSION=$(cat version.txt) && \
wget --no-verbose "https://s3.amazonaws.com/rstudio-shiny-server-os-build/ubuntu-12.04/x86_64/shiny-server-$VERSION-amd64.deb" -O ss-latest.deb && \
gdebi -n ss-latest.deb && \
rm -f version.txt ss-latest.deb && \
install2.r -e --skipinstalled shiny rmarkdown && \
cp -R /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/shiny/examples/* /srv/shiny-server/ && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* && \
mkdir -p /var/log/shiny-server && \
chown shiny.shiny /var/log/shiny-server && \
mkdir -p /etc/services.d/shiny-server && \
cd /etc/services.d/shiny-server && \
echo '#!/bin/bash' > run && echo 'exec shiny-server > /var/log/shiny-server.log' >> run && \
chmod +x run && \
adduser rstudio shiny && \
cd /
if [ $"$ADD" == "none" ]; then
echo "Nothing additional to add"
Then either add the following to your Dockefile:
COPY add /etc/cont-init.d/add
RUN chmod +x /etc/cont-init.d/add
or apply execution permission locally and mount it during runtime. To do this run the following locally:
chmod +x add
and add this to docker-compose.yml:
volumes: # this line and below
- ./add:/etc/cont-init.d/add
A Django application using Docker needs to install rpy2 as a dependency. Although I install r-base container and specify it as a dependency, when installing django requirements I keep getting:
Collecting rpy2==2.8.3 (from -r /requirements/base.txt (line 55))
Downloading rpy2-2.8.3.tar.gz (186kB)
Complete output from command python setup.py egg_info:
Error: Tried to guess R's HOME but no command 'R' in the PATH.
How can specify inside Docker where the R path is?
My server.yml looks like this:
version: '2'
build: ./services/r
context: ./myproject/
dockerfile: ./compose/django/Dockerfile
- .env
- .env-server
- postgres
- r
command: /gunicorn.sh
- ./myproject:/app
The Dockerfile for django is:
FROM python:2.7
COPY ./requirements /requirements
RUN pip install -r /requirements/production.txt \
&& pip install -r /requirements/test.txt \
&& groupadd -r django \
&& useradd -r -g django django
COPY . /app
RUN chown -R django /app
COPY ./compose/django/gunicorn.sh /gunicorn.sh
COPY ./compose/django/entrypoint.sh /entrypoint.sh
RUN sed -i 's/\r//' /entrypoint.sh \
&& sed -i 's/\r//' /gunicorn.sh \
&& chmod +x /entrypoint.sh \
&& chown django /entrypoint.sh \
&& chmod +x /gunicorn.sh \
&& chown django /gunicorn.sh
ENTRYPOINT ["/entrypoint.sh"]
The Dockerfile for R is:
FROM r-base
It was easier to just install r inside the django container. So removing the r container and modifiying the django docker file adding this lines, worked:
RUN apt-get --force-yes update \
&& apt-get --assume-yes install r-base-core
I'm looking for how to install Graphicsmagick at Meteor Up Docker.
I found this solution (Access binaries inside docker) but I couldn't make work, where do I put those lines at start.sh?
meteorDockerId=docker ps | grep meteorhacks/meteord:base | awk '{print $1}'
docker exec $meteorDockerId apt-get install graphicsmagick -y
That's my start.sh:
# remove previous version of the app, if exists
docker rm -f $APPNAME
# remove frontend container if exists
docker rm -f $APPNAME-frontend
set -e
docker pull meteorhacks/meteord:base
if [ "$USE_LOCAL_MONGO" == "1" ]; then
docker run \
-d \
--restart=always \
--publish=$PORT:80 \
--volume=$BUNDLE_PATH:/bundle \
--env-file=$ENV_FILE \
--link=mongodb:mongodb \
--hostname="$HOSTNAME-$APPNAME" \
--env=MONGO_URL=mongodb://mongodb:27017/$APPNAME \
--name=$APPNAME \
docker run \
-d \
--restart=always \
--publish=$PORT:80 \
--volume=$BUNDLE_PATH:/bundle \
--hostname="$HOSTNAME-$APPNAME" \
--env-file=$ENV_FILE \
--name=$APPNAME \
docker pull meteorhacks/mup-frontend-server:latest
docker run \
-d \
--restart=always \
--volume=/opt/$APPNAME/config/bundle.crt:/bundle.crt \
--volume=/opt/$APPNAME/config/private.key:/private.key \
--link=$APPNAME:backend \
--publish=443:443 \
--name=$APPNAME-frontend \
meteorhacks/mup-frontend-server /start.sh
Re-installing the graphicsmagick package every time you re-start the containers seems like a hack I wouldn't want to do.
If you're modifying the start script already, might as well use a Dockerfile:
FROM meteorhacks/meteord:base
RUN apt-get install graphicsmagick -y
Then modify start.sh template to build a new docker image with graphicsmagick, tag it and use that image instead:
see: https://gist.github.com/so0k/7d4be21c5e2d9abd3743/revisions
EDIT: Where to put Dockerfile?
start.sh template is copied to /opt/<appName>/config/, currently the Dockerfile would need to be in that same directory (/opt/<appName>/config/Dockerfile)
see Linux init Task
Alternatively, you can specify specific Dockerfile with the -f flag for the docker build
Or your third option is to pipe Dockerfile to docker build using a here document
I've updated the start.sh gist, we no longer pull the meteord:base image and build it instead:
docker build -t meteorhacks/meteord:app - << EOF
FROM meteorhacks/meteord:base
RUN apt-get install graphicsmagick -y
The docker build will run every time, but as long as the requirements aren't changing, docker will use the docker images it cached.
The development Version of Meteor Up at Kadirahq allows specification of a custom Docker Image in the config file (mup.js).
MeteorD-Images with Graphicsmagick installed are available on Docker Hub.
This got me a working deployment (Meteor, Meter Up 309cefb, Node v5.4.1):
module.exports = {
meteor: {
dockerImage: 'ianmartorell/meteord-graphicsmagick',
I couldn't get the docker image that #bskp mentioned to work, so I figured out how to write one that uses abernix/meteord:base and then has graphicsmagick installed. Very simple, but it seems to be working for me on Meteor
I just did this in my mup.js file
docker: {
image: "joshjoe/meteor-graphicsmagick",
This was a huge pain to get working, so I'd be happy to help anyone who is struggling with this.
If the if statement successes, you should be able to see a running container corresponding to the image you are grepping. In my opinion you can add the two lines after the fi to obtain the environment variable.
Build an image for get things right, but you can do temporary:
docker exec -it MeteorAppName apt-get install imagemagick -y
docker restart MeteorAppName
Check imagemagick: docker exec -it MeteorAppName convert -version
Why don't you add the following package meteor add cfs:graphicsmagick
It tries to make sure Graphicsmagick is available. It worked for my use case i think it will work with docker too.
I set up an angular development environment using the following Dockerfile (don't try to build this unless you're really enthusiastic, it takes an age).
FROM ubuntu:14.04
# build environment
RUN ["apt-get", "update"]
RUN ["apt-get", "install", "-y", "nodejs", "npm", "git"]
RUN ["ln", "-s", "/usr/bin/nodejs", "/usr/bin/node"]
RUN ["npm", "install", "-g", "yo"]
RUN ["npm", "install", "-g", "bower"]
RUN ["npm", "install", "-g", "grunt-cli"]
WORKDIR /home/angular
ADD ./package.json /home/angular/package.json
ADD ./bower.json /home/angular/bower.json
ADD ./dist /home/angular/dist
RUN ["npm", "install"]
RUN ["bower", "install", "--allow-root"]
# sass depedencies
ENV RUBY_DOWNLOAD_SHA256 5ffc0f317e429e6b29d4a98ac521c3ce65481bfd22a8cf845fa02a7b113d9b44
# some of ruby's build scripts are written in ruby
# we purge this later to make sure our final image uses what we just built
RUN ["apt-get", "install", "-y", "curl"]
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y autoconf bison libgdbm-dev ruby \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
&& mkdir -p /usr/src/ruby \
&& curl -fSL -o ruby.tar.gz "http://cache.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/$RUBY_MAJOR/ruby-$RUBY_VERSION.tar.gz" \
&& echo "$RUBY_DOWNLOAD_SHA256 *ruby.tar.gz" | sha256sum -c - \
&& tar -xzf ruby.tar.gz -C /usr/src/ruby --strip-components=1 \
&& rm ruby.tar.gz \
&& cd /usr/src/ruby \
&& autoconf \
&& ./configure --disable-install-doc \
&& make -j"$(nproc)" \
&& make install \
&& apt-get purge -y --auto-remove bison libgdbm-dev ruby \
&& rm -r /usr/src/ruby
# skip installing gem documentation
RUN echo 'gem: --no-rdoc --no-ri' >> "$HOME/.gemrc"
# install things globally, for great justice
ENV GEM_HOME /usr/local/bundle
RUN gem install bundler --version "$BUNDLER_VERSION" \
&& bundle config --global path "$GEM_HOME" \
&& bundle config --global bin "$GEM_HOME/bin"
# don't create ".bundle" in all our apps
RUN gem install compass
VOLUME ["/home/me/code/correspondence/client/dist"]
ADD ./ /home/angular
If I run this with:
sudo docker run -it me/angular /bin/bash
I can use grunt build with no problems. Since I haven't attached a volume to dist that build is no use to other containers such as the webserver. But running:
sudo docker run -itv /home/me/code/correspondence/client/dist:/home/angular me/angular /bin/bash
results in the grunt build command no longer being usable in the container:
grunt-cli: The grunt command line interface. (v0.1.13)
Fatal error: Unable to find local grunt.
If you're seeing this message, either a Gruntfile wasn't found or grunt
hasn't been installed locally to your project. For more information about
installing and configuring grunt, please see the Getting Started guide:
The only difference is adding the volume. How does adding the volume result in this different behaviour?
I suppose that's because you have placed some files to /home/angular in image and when you're mounting your volume to the same path (/home/angular), your volume hides original files.
Quote from documentation:
Note: If the path /opt/webapp already exists inside the container’s
image, its contents will be replaced by the contents of /src/webapp on
the host to stay consistent with the expected behavior of mount
Try to mount volume to another directory, /home/angular/dist/client, for instance.
In ubuntu 12.04 (server):
sudo apt-get install libpcre3 libpcre3-dev zlib1g-dev
wget http://nginx.org/download/nginx-1.5.6.tar.gz && tar zxvf nginx-1.5.6.tar.gz && cd nginx-1.5.6 && ./configure && make && sudo make install
Then I try:
sudo service nginx start
nginx -s reload
and many others that I find in google - all of them doesnt works. (nginx: unrecognized service, no command found, etc)
How to start nginx?
for you guys, who used nginx installation via passenger:
$ wget -O init-deb.sh https://gist.githubusercontent.com/rschmitty/5891885/raw/9b737a42e950581f16ed3074c69f5bcb920f24cb/660-init-deb.sh
$ sudo mv init-deb.sh /etc/init.d/nginx
$ sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/nginx
$ sudo /usr/sbin/update-rc.d -f nginx defaults
It enables standard service nginx start|stop|restart|reload commands
You can install nginx like you installed those libraries. The only reason to compile it manually is if you want a really new feature or security fix.
sudo apt-get install nginx
It should automatically start nginx. If not you may start it manually.
sudo /etc/init.d/nginx start