JavaFX Scenebuilder: How to connect pages with each other? - javafx

I am working on a JavaFX project and the problem that I am facing is that I can't connect the different pages for my application. I can't go from another FXML file to another FXML File. For example I have two FXML Files. One for the Login Screen and one for the Menu. What I want is that when I click on the login button of my Login screen that I immediately go to my Menu Screen.

One way to transition from one screen to another is to assign a new Scene to a Stage using the setScene method of Stage.
Another way is to assign a root node like BorderPane to the Scene and swap FXML using its set methods(setTop, setCenter etc.) as per your application needs (In your case, on logging in).


What is the main role of the scene in javafx?

A stage in javafx requires exactly one scene, and a scene requires exactly one root node.
So I want to know what's the main role of the scene? It seems like a scene connects two sides that can be connected directly without an intermediate.
I want juste to understand the logic.
Thank you.
Stage represents a native system window. Scene is the content of this window with JavaFX controls, nodes, stylesheets, etc.
You can change Scenes inside a Stage during your UI workflow without a need to create a new system window each time.

Consolidate scene components state in JavaFX

i'm trying to consolidate scene components state in a classic dashboard application.
My need is to restore all the components values/states in a specific scene when the user navigates through the dashboard menu (which allows to load various scene in a given content pane).
Any idea?

JavaFX - How to load a specific AnchorPane's contents from an FXML file?

I'm trying to make an application which switches between scenes back and forth however I need to load a specific AnchorPane's contents into another AnchorPane when the scene switches back. For Example:
In my FXML1, I have a hierarchy that looks like this:
In FXML2 the hierarchy is just this:
So I load FXML1, then I have a button that switches scenes loading FXML2.AnchorPane0 into FXML1.AnchorPane2. I have a back button in FXML2.AnchorPane0 that needs to load the original scene of FXML1.AnchorPane2 into FXML1.AnchorPane2. Right now my back button loads all 4 containers of FXML1 into FXML1.AnchorPane2. So my questions is, how do I load a specific container's contents preferably without making FXML1.AnchorPane2 its own FXML? Do I need to write a get method for the FXML1.AnchorPane2 to access its contents or is there a way to return an AnchorPane with all of its contents in place already?
I found the solution as shown below:
AnchorPane loader = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("myFXML.fxml"));
SplitPane spane = (SplitPane) loader.getChildren().get(0);
AnchorPane pane = (AnchorPane) spane.getItems().get(1);

JavaFX nodes - How to make them resizable by the end user?

I am developing a JavaFX application where a class I have developed (extended from javafx.scene.Parent) is created on-the-fly based on what entry the user has clicked in a ListView control.
Just to be clear about this node, it is not created using a layout tool like SceneBuilder, it is created at runtime based on the user's actions.
The constructor for my custom node class creates a VBox and a Label and uses passed coordinates (X,Y) in the constructor method to set its own Layout coords. I then use a custom utility class to make the node draggable. This new node is then added to the main application Pane.
However, I have failed to find out how I can make these nodes resizable by the user. That is, allow the user to mouse over the corner of the node, hold and drag to resize. An operation that all users are used to, no matter what the OS.
Has anyone done anything like this in JavaFX? (My searches on the subject only seem to pull up subjects on the automatic resizing that a parent node does with its child nodes.)
Many thanks,
As you can see on the documentation of VBox you can only define minimum, prefered and maximum range, there's not really a way to make it manually resizable.
The only proper solution to solve your problem is to develop your own class to do it, because what you want seems very specific, with your problem description, I don't think use some layouts or panels will do what you exactly want.
I found something that you can use : Dragging to resize a JavaFX Region
This allows you to resize a region, all you have to do after is to put you VBox in this region, but notice in this article that :
Only height resizing is currently implemented.
This code won't work in JavaFX8, you'll have to check the comment to see how it worls in JavaFX8
Hope this helps.

Autorotate with a UINavigationController

I am a little unclear on how to rotate views that are sitting on a UINavigationController.
I have overridden the UINavigationController object with one of my own that overrides:
(void)didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)fromInterfaceOrientation { return YES; }
I have one view on the stack on the controller and that view is loaded from a xib with two views in it. I want to switch from portrait to landscape. Normally I would handle this by changing the view from within the nib files of the view itself. Do I have to implement the rotational code within the Navigation Controller or just within my view code?
That willAnimate code is what I'm used to using in the view itself, but I'm still not seeing the view being changed, and I'm thinking it may be that I need to access the view in the NavigationController and change that, or even override the same method in the Navigation Controller and do my view switching there.
Any suggestions? I've never actually done this before and just found out the TabViewControllers and NavigationControllers are both portrait mode only by default.
Turns out it wasn't possible to change the view because I was trying to changes the RootView on the Navigation Controller. I got around this by placing my own pseudo root view controller that never gets seen in the root spot on the Navigation stack. I overrode a few of the navigation controls to account for this so the functionality would continue the same and I'd be able to change my desired perceived root view as I needed to.
A start in the right direction can be found in this link:’s-root-view-controller/
