Multiple keyword search in xquery with tokenize and match - xquery

My attempt to ask this before was apparently too convoluted, trying again!
I am composing a search in Xquery. In one of the fields (title) it should be possible to enter multiple keywords. At the moment only ONE keyword works. When there is more than one there is the error ERROR XPTY0004: The actual cardinality for parameter 1 does not match the cardinality declared in the function's signature: concat($atomizable-values as xs:anyAtomicType?, ...) xs:string?. Expected cardinality: zero or one, got 2.
In my xquery I am trying to tokenize the keywords by \s and then match them individually. I think this method is probably false but I am not sure what other method to use. I am obviously a beginner!!
Here is the example XML to be searched:
<title>Math is fun</title>
<title>philosophy of math</title>
<title>i like cupcakes</title>
Here is the Xquery with example input 'math' for the search field title and 'name1' for the search field institution. This works, the search output are the titles 'math is fun' and 'philosophy of math'. What doesn't work is if you change the input ($title) to 'math fun'. Then you get the error message. The desired output is the title 'math is fun'.
xquery version "3.0";
let $institution := 'name1'
let $title := 'math' (:change to 'math fun' and doesn't work anymore, only a single word works:)
let $title-predicate :=
if ($title)
if (contains($title, '"'))
then concat("[contains(lower-case(title), '", replace($title, '["]', ''), "')]") (:This works fine:)
for $title2 in tokenize($title, '\s') (:HERE IS THE PROBLEM, this only works when the input is a single word, for instance 'math' not 'math fun':)
concat("[matches(lower-case(title), '", $title2, "')]")
else ()
let $institution-predicate := if ($institution) then concat('[lower-case(string-join(identifier/institution))', " = '", $institution, "']") else ()
let $eval-string := concat
let $records := util:eval($eval-string)
let $test := count($records)
let $content :=
<h2>Search Results</h2>
for $record in $records
<li id="searchList">
<span>{$record//institution/text()}</span> <br/>

You have to wrap your FLWOR expression with string-join():
for $title2 in tokenize($title, '\s')
concat("[matches(lower-case(title), '", $title2, "')]")

If tokenize($title) returns a sequence of strings, then
for $title2 in tokenize($title, '\s')
return concat("[matches(lower-case(title), '", $title2, "')]")
will also return a sequence of strings
Therefore $title-predicate will be a sequence of strings, and you can't supply a sequence of strings as one of the arguments to concat().
So it's clear what's wrong, but fixing it requires a deeper understanding of your query than I have time to acquire.
I find it hard to believe that the approach of generating a query as a string and then doing dynamic evaluation of that query is really necessary.


Xquery - Using sparql results to dynamically create XML. Dynamic Element Names

I am using MarkLogic 8.
I have a SPARQL statement as such.
let $results :=
PREFIX skosxl: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX slc: <>
select ?relation ?value
$input ?relation ?c .
?c skosxl:prefLabel/skosxl:literalForm|skosxl:literalForm ?d .
BIND ( if (bound(?d), ?d, ?c) as ?value )
", $bindings
This gives me back results that are a list of (relation, value) pairs.
I am trying to turn this response into an XML document that will be stored statically.
I've tried a variety of different approaches.
Attempt 1
let $doc := <test>{
for $item in $results
return element {map:get($item, 'relation')} {map:get($item, 'value')}
return $doc
Error :
XDMP-ELEMNAME: (err:XPTY0004) for $item in $results -- Cannot use
sem:iri("") as an element
I tried casting the item in question, to a string using fn:string but that leads to a
[1.0-ml] XDMP-QNAMELEXFORM: for $item in $results -- Invalid lexical
form for QName
How can i declare a dynamic element name in XQuery during XML Building?
What is causing this error in the first place? I have been messing with syntax to try and figure it out, what am I unaware of that is causing this issue?
Thank you for reading.
Casting as string should be enough.
However, your example has foreward slashes which I believe are invalid.
Second, your example would be making an element defined as being in the html namespace - or whatever you defined the prefix html to be.
Also, the first char after the colon is not an alphanumeric characters which is required.
In my opinion, the name you are trying to use for an element name is the issue - not the actual approach.

How to tidy-up Processing Instructions in Marklogic

I have a content which is neither a valid HTML nor a XML in my legacy database. Considering the fact, it would be difficult to clean the legacy, I want to tidy this up in MarkLogic using xdmp:tidy. I am currently using ML-8.
I'm passing this content to tidy functionality in a way :
declare variable $xml as node() :=
<options xmlns="xdmp:tidy">
As a result it returns :
<? ?†?>
Now this result is not the valid xml format (I checked it via XML validator) due to which when I try to insert this XML into the MarkLogic it throws an error saying 'MALFORMED BODY | Invalid Processing Instruction names'.
I did some investigation around PIs but not much luck. I could have tried saving the content without PI but this is also not a valid PI too.
That is because what you think is a PI is in fact not a PI.
From W3C:
2.6 Processing Instructions
[Definition: Processing instructions (PIs) allow documents to contain
instructions for applications.]
Processing Instructions
[16] PI ::= '' Char*)))?
[17] PITarget ::= Name - (('X' | 'x') ('M' | 'm') ('L' |
So the PI name cannot start with ? as in your sample ??†
You probably want to clean up the content before you pass it to tidy.
Like below:
declare variable $xml as node() :=
<content><![CDATA[<p>Hello <???†?>world</p>]]></content>;
declare function local:copy($input as item()*) as item()* {
for $node in $input
case text()
return fn:replace($node,"<\?[^>]+\?>","")
case element()
element {name($node)} {
(: output each attribute in this element :)
for $att in $node/#*
attribute {name($att)} {$att}
(: output all the sub-elements of this element recursively :)
for $child in $node
return local:copy($child/node())
(: otherwise pass it through. Used for text(), comments, and PIs :)
default return $node
<options xmlns="xdmp:tidy">
This would do the trick to get rid of all PIs (real and fake PIs)

How to dynamically create a search query based on a set of quoted strings in MarkLogic

I have the following query, where i want to form a string of values from a list and i want to use that comma separated string as an or-query but it does not give any result, however when i return just the concatenated string it gives the exact value needed for the query.
The query is as follows:
xquery version "1.0-ml";
declare namespace html = "";
declare variable $docURI as xs:string external ;
declare variable $orQuery as xs:string external ;
let $tags :=
<tag>"private banking"</tag>
let $docURI := "/2012-10-22_CSGN.VX_(Citi)_Credit_Suisse_(CSGN.VX)__Model_Update.61198869.xml"
let $orQuery := (string-join($tags/tag, ','))
for $x in cts:search(doc($docURI)/doc/Content/Section/Paragraph, cts:or-query(($orQuery)))
let $r := cts:highlight($x, cts:or-query($orQuery), <b>{$cts:text}</b>)
return <result>{$r}</result>
The exact query that i want to run is :
cts:search(doc($docURI)/doc/Content/Section/Paragraph, cts:or-query(("credit","bank","private banking")))
and when i do
return (string-join($tags/tag, ','))
it gives me exactly what i require
"credit","bank","private banking"
But why does it not return any result in or-query?
The string-join step should not need to be string-join. That passes in a literal string. In xQuery, sequences are your friend.
I think you want to do something like this:
let $tags-to-search := ($tags/tag/text()!replace(., '^"|"$', '') ) (: a sequence of tags :)
cts:search(doc($docURI)/doc/Content/Section/Paragraph, cts:word-query($tags-to-search))
cts:word-query is the default query used for parameter 2 of search if you pass in a string. cts:word query also returns matches for any items in a sequence if presented with that.
EDIT: Added the replace step for the quotes as suggested by Abel. This is specific to the data as presented by the original question. The overall approach remains the same.
Maybe do you need something like this
let $orQuery := for $tag in $tags/tag return cts:word-query($tag)
I used fn:tokenize instead it worked perfectly for my usecase
its because i was trying to pass these arguments from java using XCC api and it would not return anything with string values
xquery version "1.0-ml";
declare namespace html = "";
declare variable $docURI as xs:string external ;
declare variable $orQuery as xs:string external ;
let $input := "credit,bank"
let $tokens := fn:tokenize($input, ",")
let $docURI := "2012-11-19 0005.HK (Citi) HSBC Holdings Plc (0005.HK)_ Model Update.61503613.pdf"
for $x in cts:search(fn:doc($docURI), cts:or-query(($tokens)))
let $r := cts:highlight($x, cts:or-query(($tokens)), <b>{$cts:text}</b>)
return <result>{$r}</result>

split document by using MarkLogic Flow Editor

i try to split my incoming documents using "Information Studio Flows" (MarkLogic v 8.0-1.1). The problem is in "Transform" section.
This is my importing documents. For simplicity i reduce it content to one stwtext-element
<stwtext id="RD-10-00258" update="03.2011" seq="RQ-10-00001">
<ff id="0103"/>
Symbol für die
<vw idref="RD-19-04447">Stromdichte</vw>
This is my "xquery transform" content:
xquery version "1.0-ml";
(: Copyright 2002-2015 MarkLogic Corporation. All Rights Reserved. :)
:: Custom action. It must be a CPF action module.
:: Replace this text completely, or use it as a template and
:: add imports, declarations,
:: and code between START and END comment tags.
:: Uses the external variables:
:: $cpf:document-uri: The document being processed
:: $cpf:transition: The transition being executed
import module namespace cpf = ""
at "/MarkLogic/cpf/cpf.xqy";
(: START custom imports and declarations; imports must be in Modules/ on filesystem :)
(: END custom imports and declarations :)
declare option xdmp:mapping "false";
declare variable $cpf:document-uri as xs:string external;
declare variable $cpf:transition as node() external;
if ( cpf:check-transition($cpf:document-uri,$cpf:transition))
try {
(: START your custom XQuery here :)
let $doc := fn:doc($cpf:document-uri)
for $wpt in fn:doc($doc)//stwtext
fn:concat("/rom-data/", fn:concat($wpt/#id,".xml")),
(: END your custom XQuery here :)
cpf:success( $cpf:document-uri, $cpf:transition, () )
catch ($e) {
cpf:failure( $cpf:document-uri, $cpf:transition, $e, () )
else ()
by running of snippet, i take the error:
Invalid URI format
and long description of it:
XDMP-URI: (err:FODC0005) fn:doc(fn:doc("/8122584828241226495/12835482492021535301/URI=/content/home/admin/Vorlagen/testing/")) -- Invalid URI format: "
Symbol für die
In /18200382103958065126.xqy on line 37
In xdmp:invoke("/18200382103958065126.xqy", (xs:QName("trgr:uri"), "/8122584828241226495/12835482492021535301/URI=/content/home/admi...", xs:QName("trgr:trigger"), ...), <options xmlns="xdmp:eval"><isolation>different-transaction</isolation><prevent-deadlocks>t...</options>)
$doc = fn:doc("/8122584828241226495/12835482492021535301/URI=/content/home/admin/Vorlagen/testing/")
In /MarkLogic/cpf/triggers/internal-cpf.xqy on line 179
In execute-action("on-state-enter", "", "/8122584828241226495/12835482492021535301/URI=/content/home/admi...", (xs:QName("trgr:uri"), "/8122584828241226495/12835482492021535301/URI=/content/home/admi...", xs:QName("trgr:trigger"), ...), <options xmlns="xdmp:eval"><isolation>different-transaction</isolation><prevent-deadlocks>t...</options>, (fn:doc("")/p:pipeline, fn:doc("")/p:pipeline), fn:doc("")/p:pipeline/p:state-transition[1]/p:default-action, fn:doc("")/p:pipeline/p:state-transition[1])
$caller = "on-state-enter"
$state-or-status = ""
$uri = "/8122584828241226495/12835482492021535301/URI=/content/home/admi..."
$vars = (xs:QName("trgr:uri"), "/8122584828241226495/12835482492021535301/URI=/content/home/admi...", xs:QName("trgr:trigger"), ...)
$invoke-options = <options xmlns="xdmp:eval"><isolation>different-transaction</isolation><prevent-deadlocks>t...</options>
$pipelines = (fn:doc("")/p:pipeline, fn:doc("")/p:pipeline)
$action-to-execute = fn:doc("")/p:pipeline/p:state-transition[1]/p:default-action
$chosen-transition = fn:doc("")/p:pipeline/p:state-transition[1]
$raw-module-name = "/18200382103958065126.xqy"
$module-kind = "xquery"
$module-name = "/18200382103958065126.xqy"
In /MarkLogic/cpf/triggers/internal-cpf.xqy on line 320
i thought, it was a problem with "Document setting" in "load" section of "Flow editor"
but if i remove it, i recive the same error.
i have no idea what to do. i am really new. please help
First of all, Information Studio has been deprecated in MarkLogic 8. I would also recommend very much looking in to the aggregate_record feature of MarkLogic Content Pump:
Apart from that, there are several issues with your code. You are calling fn:doc twice, effectively trying to interpret the doc contents as a uri. There is an unnecessary xdmp:eval wrapping the FLWOR statement, which expects a string as first param. I think you can shorten it to (showing inner part of the action only):
(: START your custom XQuery here :)
let $doc := fn:doc($cpf:document-uri)
for $wpt in $doc//stwtext
fn:concat("/roempp-data/", fn:concat($wpt/#id,".xml")),
(: END your custom XQuery here :)
very many thanks #grtjn and this is my approach. Practically it is the same solution
(: START your custom XQuery here :)
xdmp:log(fn:doc($cpf:document-uri), "debug"),
let $doc := fn:doc($cpf:document-uri)
declare variable $doc external;
for $wpt in $doc//stwtext
return (
fn:concat("/roempp-data/", fn:concat($wpt/#id,".xml")),
(xs:QName("doc"), $doc),
<options xmlns="xdmp:eval">
(: END your custom XQuery here :)
Ok, now it works. It is fine, but i found, that after the loading is over, i see in MarkLogic two documents:
my splited document "/rom-data/RD-10-00258.xml" with one root element "stwtext" (as desired)
origin document "URI=/content/home/admin/Vorlagen/testing/" with root element "docs"
is it possible to prohibit insert of origin document ?

how to change the XML structure using XQuery

I have a XML file containing Employees Name and the Job done by them.
The structure of the XML file is -
There are thousands of records and I have to change structure to -
How to get this done using XQuery in BaseX ?
3 XQuery functions, substring-before, substring-after and tokenize are used to get
the required output.
substring-before is used to get the Name.
Similarly, the substring-after is used to get the Job portion.
Then the tokenize function, is used to split the Jobs.
let $data :=
for $x in $data/Employee
for $tag in tokenize(substring-after($x,"#"),'#')
Tokenizing the string is probably easier and faster. tokenize($string, $pattern) splits $string using the regular expression $pattern, head($seq) returns the first value of a sequence and tail($seq) all but the first. You could also use positional predicates of course, but these functions are easier to read.
for $employee in //Employee
let $tokens := tokenize($employee, '[##]')
return element Employee {
element Name { head($tokens) },
element Jobs {
for $job in tail($tokens)
return element Job { $job }
