Alljoyn Studio Watcher class not generated - alljoyn

I'm developing a consumer app using Alljoyn runtime libraries generated using a interface XML, for some reason visual studio doesn't create the watcher class using the Alljoyn Studio, Ive got producer and consumer but no watcher. Is there a problem with my interface xml (to check I used different XMLs but this is not working for me), how do I check for devices on the d-bus, is there another way? if not can someone please help me how to fix this problem, to generate the watcher class?
P.S. I'm using VS Enterprise 2015 with updates on Windows 10

It seems that some changes made to AllJoyn Studio, so you can't get watcher class by visual studio. You can use AllJoynBusAttachment.GetWatcher() instead.
This is the original answer.


Having trouble referencing .NET Standard class library using SQLProvider from .NET Core project

Reproduction of problem here:
I'm fairly new to the .NET world so am having trouble wrapping my head around exactly what the problem is.
I've tried to use the SQL type provider directly in an F# .NET Core project, but had a bunch of problems getting it to work. From what I can tell that's due to incompatibilities between .net core and type providers.
So what I am trying instead is to have the SQL type provider code encapsulated in a .NET Standard project that I can reference from my main Core project.
I've managed to reproduce the problem in a minimal GitHub repo located here which demonstrates both that
the type provider is working in Visual Studio 2019 with IntelliSense, but
despite this I still get a build error when I try to start the Main project
The build error is
Unable to find the file 'C:\projects\SqlProviderTest\SQLStuff\bin\Debug\netstandard2.0\SQLStuff.dll' in any of
C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\NuGetFallbackFolder\\2.2.0\ref\netcoreapp2.2
Why isn't the project reference simply working as expected? I've tried adding <Private>True</Private> to the project reference but that didn't make any difference
P.S. in case it matters, I'm developing on Windows but the app gets deployed on a Docker container.

XamarinForms CustomRenderer with .net standard 2.0 and prism7

I am trying out Prism7 together with AutoFac in a xamarinforms project.
I am trying to create a custom renderer for an entry control, nothing fancy here.
But for some reason i cannot get a reference to xamarin.forms and xamarin.forms.platform.ios/android namespaces in my ios and android project.
The project is based on the prism7 templates and the pcl is a .net 2.0
Normally I would expect
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(Entry), typeof(BorderlessEntryRenderer))]
to work and connect my renderers but as said cannot reference xamarin.forms.
Anyone got an ideer?
I made it work.
Solution was to open project in Visual Studio Mac (I was in pc version before).
Then there is no problem seeing the namespaces. Rebuild and run both projects to see them work.
Go back to visual studio pc version and continue work there. If you have Resharper you need to clear cache otherwise it will look like you still have errors.
Must be a Visual Studio Pc or Resharper bug. Maybe I should use Mac version from now on :-)
I had the same problem. That's how I fixed it:
Add the correct references (ex: using myproject.myrenderers;)
Close the solution and Visual Studio (Windows).
Delete all bin and obj folders in the solution (including each platform).
Open VS and the project.

.net standard library with HttpCient for xamarin forms

I was trying to create a common library for using HttpClient to consume an API. I was planning to make it in .net standard so as to share it with my xamarin.forms project right now and any future ones. However the highest version of .net standard I managed to use was 1.0. HttpClient needs standard2.0. I have included the latest version of .netstandard nuget into my xamarin.forms.
I have noticed that xamarin.forms runs in net4.5. According to the documentations the max I can go with this is standard1.1. Is there any work around around these to a .net standard common project or is my only option to make a .net framework project/xamarin portable library?
I used to be in the same situation and I managed to pull through this. First I tried to upgrade my current PCL project to .netStandard, but it was always failing, so I decided to create a new Project A Class Library (.NETStandard), moved all my files to the new project and re-install all nuget packages.
New project configuration:
Target Framwork: .NET Standard 2.0
Output type: Class Library
Make sure you're using Microsoft Visual Studio > version 15.3
Hope it helps.
I did manage to get HttpClient working in .net standard after manually importing the class. It needed an additional reference which is why it threw an error when I downgraded from .netcore.
This seems to work sometimes and throws reference errors other times. These errors go when I close and re-open visual studios.

Adding a new .NET SDK to Visual Studio

I am relatively new to Visual Studio and .NET and VB.NET. I recently installed the Amazon Web Services .NET SDK and I am trying to figure out how to get things running, specifically do I need to do anything to include the SDK in an existing project? I know there is some sample code, but its in C# and the project is already set up so I don't find it very helpful. Thank you.
I'm not a VB expert but you should be able to include the AWS dll to your existing project. That way you can use AWS API functions.
You can locate the dll using the sample project. (As I remember the name of the dll is AWS2SDK.dll or something like that..)

Qt/QuickFIX - doesn't find some header files

I am using both Qt Framework and QuickFIX engine to create a financial application with GUI.
My problem is that when I compile a program that implements QickFIX engine and Qt Framework, it gives me a compilation error: it doesn't find some header files in MinGW (socket.h, inet/in.h, etc)
I am on Windows 7 and I know that to use sockets you must use winsock.h and so on, but the problem is I have Visual C++ express edition and it's not supported by Qt, so I used Qt Creator and since I have an open source of Qt, QuickFIX engine uses the header files of Linux (socket.h, etc) rather than windows. So it gave me an error.
Please can you suggest me a solution?
I use Visual Studio Express 2010 with Qt. You will need to build Qt with it. When you configure make sure to specify Visual Studio 2010 as the make spec.Last time I built it got hung up on a couple of projects. To get around this you need to clear out some temporary files that Nokia packaged in the installer for some reason. Just google the error for details.
Once you have Qt built you ought to be able to qmake -tp vc your project and then load up the generated Visual Studio project file.
