Hashable tuple-like collections in TypeScript - dictionary

I'm writing a (toy) hash-and-cache decorator in TypeScript and can't find a good means of creating a solid generic one.
The code I have so far is
function cache
(target: Object,
propertyKey: string,
// Likely we can do better than <any> here -- <Function<any>> maybe?
descriptor: TypedPropertyDescriptor<any>)
let cacheMap = new Map();
let wrappedFn = descriptor.value;
descriptor.value = function (...args: any[]) {
if (cacheMap.has(args)) {
console.log("Short-circuiting with result: " + cacheMap.get(args));
return cacheMap.get(args);
let result = wrappedFn.apply(this, args);
cacheMap.set(args, result);
console.log("cacheMap %o", cacheMap);
return result;
return descriptor;
Naturally this fails, since args is not a tuple but a list, which is mutable[1]. So each input, even if it's the same over and over, gets its own list/array in its own memory location with its own hash value, wherever that comes from.
I haven't found a Tuple type in TypeScript (or JS) yet -- is there one? Is there another workaround for this sort of problem?
Shouldn't this be an error? Map<T, U> should constrain T to implementing IHashable or something, right? That's the point of types -- to raise this issue before it takes a bunch of time out of your life.

Shouldn't this be an error? Map<T, U> should constrain T to implementing IHashable or something, right?
No. Object identity is a real and well-defined thing in JavaScript; TypeScript doesn't attempt to force you to pretend it doesn't exist.
If the ECMAScript committee thought it was appropriate to enforce non-object-identity-based keying in maps, they could have restricted Map keys, but they didn't.


How does rust simply get a return from a closure

Here's the problem I'm having with tauri.
'return' shows you the return value I need, and I know for a fact that writing it this way does not work at all.
'pick_file' is called asynchronously, and I know that message passing seems to work, but is there an easier way to get the value I need.
fn open_file() -> String {
.add_filter("data", &["json"])
.pick_file(|path_buf| match path_buf {
Some(p) => return format!("{}", p.to_str().unwrap()),
_ => return "".into()
First, return in a closure returns from the closure and not from the function that contains it.
The more fundamental issue is that you can't return a String from open_file() if you use FileDialogBuilder::pick_file(). According to the documentation, pick_file() is non-blocking and returns immediately without waiting for the user to pick the file. What you can do in the closure is send the file down a channel, and pick it up elsewhere.

How do I type a function with input and output objects with the same keys but different value types?

Basically, I have a function that will transform an object into a different object, and it's like a dictionary, but I don't know how to type it.
var myFunctions = {
a: () => something1,
b: () => something2,
gets transformed into
var myObject = {
a: something1,
b: something2
With Flow 0.33+ you can use $ObjMap
type ExtractCodomain = <V>(v: () => V) => V;
declare function f<O>(o: O): $ObjMap<O, ExtractCodomain>;
I don't think you can do this with Flow. The closest you can get is probably this:
function<T>(obj: T): ([key: $Keys<T>]: boolean)
That function is typed to return an object with the same key as input object, but with boolean-only values (as an example, you can specify another type). Sorry to disappoint, but it's hard to type highly dynamic code with Flow in general.
Note that the $Keys feature is undocumented because it's not part of the public API, so its behavior is defined solely by its implementation (in other words, it can change anytime).
If you're interested in the details of Flow's type system, check out the typings that come with flow in its own /lib directory, for example https://github.com/facebook/flow/blob/master/lib/core.js – you'll see that some things like Object.assign are special-cased, so you might not be able to re-implement such things in your own code.
Also, check out http://sitr.us/2015/05/31/advanced-features-in-flow.html for other "dollar features" such as $Shape and $Diff – it's partially outdated, but can give some good pointers.
#Nikita gave you the best answer for now. That said, the use-case you talked about is being discussed in the issues on the FlowType repository. It may land soon.
As of right now, if you've got mixed type, I'll just fallback to any
function<T>(obj: T): ([key: $Keys<T>]: any)
This way, at least the key names are validated. I expect within a few more versions of Flow, this problem will get solved.

When function should be effectful?

When I use FFI to wrap some API (for example DOM API) is there any rule of thumb that could help me to decide whether function should be effectful or not?
Here is an example:
foreign import querySelectorImpl """
function querySelectorImpl (Nothing) {
return function (Just) {
return function (selector) {
return function (src) {
return function () {
var result = src.querySelector(selector);
return result ? Just(result) : Nothing;
""" :: forall a e. Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe a) -> String -> Node -> Eff (dom :: DOM | e) (Maybe Node)
querySelector :: forall e. String -> Node -> Eff (dom :: DOM | e) (Maybe Node)
querySelector = querySelectorImpl Nothing Just
foreign import getTagName """
function getTagName (n) {
return function () {
return n.tagName;
""" :: forall e. Node -> Eff (dom :: DOM | e) String
It feels right for querySelector to be effectful, but I'm not quite sure about getTagName
I understand what a pure function is and that it should not change the state of the program and maybe DOM was a bad example.
I ask this question because in most libraries that wrap existing js libraries pretty much every function is effectful even if it doesn't feels right. So maybe my actual question is - does this effect represent the need in this wrapped js lib or is it there just in case it is stateful inside?
If a function does not change state, and it always (past, present, and future) returns the same value when given the same arguments, then it does not need to return Eff, otherwise it does.
n.tagName is read-only, and as far as I know, it never changes. Therefore, getTagName is pure, and it's okay to not return Eff.
On the other hand, a getTextContent function must return Eff. It does not change state, but it does return different values at different times.
The vast vast vast majority of JS APIs (including the DOM) are effectful. getTagName is one of the very few exceptions. So when writing an FFI, PureScript authors just assume that all JS functions return Eff, even in the rare situations where they don't need to.
Thankfully the most recent version of purescript-dom uses non-Eff functions for nodeName, tagName, localName, etc.
Effectful functions are functions that are not pure, from Wikipedia:
In computer programming, a function may be described as a pure function if both these statements about the function hold:
The function always evaluates the same result value given the same argument value(s). The function result value cannot depend on any hidden information or state that may change as program execution proceeds or between different executions of the program, nor can it depend on any external input from I/O devices [...].
Evaluation of the result does not cause any semantically observable side effect or output, such as mutation of mutable objects or output to I/O devices [...].
Since the DOM stores state, functions wrapping calls to the DOM are almost always effectful.
For more details regarding PureScript, see Handling Native Effects with the Eff Monad.

What is the purpose of the state monad?

I am a JavaScript developer on a journey to up my skills in functional programming. I recently ran into a wall when it comes to managing state. When searching for a solution I stumbeled over the state monad in various articles and videos but I have a really hard time understanding it. I am wondering if it is because I expect it to be something it is not.
The problem I am trying to solve
In a web client I am fetching resources from the back end. To avoid unnecessary traffic I am creating a simple cache on the client side which contains the already fetched data. The cache is my state. I want several of my modules to be able to hold a reference to the cache and query it for its current state, a state that may have been modified by another module.
This is of course not a problem in javascript since it is possible to mutate state but I would like to learn more about functional programming and I was hoping that the state monad would help me.
What I would expect
I had assume that I could do something like this:
var state = State.of(1);
map(add(1), state);
state.evalState() // => 2
This obviously doesn't work. The state is always 1.
My question
Are my assumptions about the state monad wrong, or am I simply using it incorrectly?
I realize that I can do this:
var state = State.of(1);
var newState = map(add(1), state);
... and newState will be a state of 2. But here I don't really see the use of the state monad since I will have to create a new instance in order for the value to change. This to me seems to be what is always done in functional programming where values are immutable.
The purpose of the state monad is to hide the passing of state between functions.
Let's take an example:
The methods A and B need to use some state and mutate it, and B needs to use the state that A mutated. In a functional language with immutable data, this is impossible.
What is done instead is this: an initial state is passed to A, along with the arguments it needs, and A returns a result and a "modified" state -- really a new value, since the original wasn't changed. This "new" state (and possibly the result too) is passed into B with its required arguments, and B returns its result and a state that it (may have) modified.
Passing this state around explicitly is a PITA, so the State monad hides this under its monadic covers, allowing methods which need to access the state to get at it through get and set monadic methods.
To use the stateful computations A and B, we combine them together into a conglomerate stateful computation and give that conglomerate a beginning state (and arguments) to run with, and it returns a final "modified" state and result (after running things through A, B, and whatever else it was composed of).
From what you're describing it seems to me like you're looking for something more along the lines of the actor model of concurrency, where state is managed in an actor and the rest of the code interfaces with it through that, retrieving (a non-mutable version of) it or telling it to be modified via messages. In immutable languages (like Erlang), actors block waiting for a message, then process one when it comes in, then loop via (tail) recursion; they pass any modified state to the recursive call, and this is how the state gets "modified".
As you say, though, since you're using JavaScript it's not much of an issue.
I'm trying to answer your question from the perspective of a Javascript developer, because I believe that this is the cause of your problem. Maybe you can specify the term Javascript in the headline and in the tags.
Transferring of concepts from Haskell to Javascript is basically a good thing, because Haskell is a very mature, purely functional language. It can, however, lead to confusion, as in the case of the state monad.
The maybe monad for instance can be easily understood, because it deals with a problem that both languages are facing: Computations that might go wrong by not returning a value (null/undefined in Javascript). Maybe saves developers from scattering null checks throughout their code.
In the case of the state monad the situation is a little different. In Haskell, the state monad is required in order to compose functions, which share changeable state, without having to pass this state around. State is one or more variables that are not among the arguments of the functions involved. In Javascript you can just do the following:
var stack = {
store: [],
push: function push(element) { this.store.push(element); return this; },
pop: function pop() { return this.store.pop(); }
console.log(stack.push(1).push(2).push(3).pop()); // 3 (return value of stateful computation)
console.log(stack.store); // [1, 2] (mutated, global state)
This is the desired stateful computation and store does not have to be passed around from method to method. At first sight there is no reason to use the state monad in Javascript. But since store is publicly accessible, push and pop mutate global state. Mutating global state is a bad idea. This problem can be solved in several ways, one of which is precisely the state monad.
The following simplified example implements a stack as state monad:
function chain(mv, mf) {
return function (state) {
var r = mv(state);
return mf(r.value)(r.state);
function of(x) {
return function (state) {
return {value: x, state: state};
function push(element) {
return function (stack) {
return of(null)(stack.concat([element]));
function pop() {
return function (stack) {
return of(stack[stack.length - 1])(stack.slice(0, -1));
function runStack(seq, stack) { return seq(stack); }
function evalStack(seq, stack) { return seq(stack).value; }
function execStack(seq, stack) { return seq(stack).state; }
function add(x, y) { return x + y; }
// stateful computation is not completely evaluated (lazy evaluation)
// no state variables are passed around
var computation = chain(pop(), function (x) {
if (x < 4) {
return chain(push(4), function () {
return chain(push(5), function () {
return chain(pop(), function (y) {
return of(add(x, y));
} else {
return chain(pop(), function (y) {
return of(add(x, y));
var stack1 = [1, 2, 3],
stack2 = [1, 4, 5];
console.log(runStack(computation, stack1)); // Object {value: 8, state: Array[3]}
console.log(runStack(computation, stack2)); // Object {value: 9, state: Array[1]}
// the return values of the stateful computations
console.log(evalStack(computation, stack1)); // 8
console.log(evalStack(computation, stack2)); // 9
// the shared state within the computation has changed
console.log(execStack(computation, stack1)); // [1, 2, 4]
console.log(execStack(computation, stack2)); // [1]
// no globale state has changed
cosole.log(stack1); // [1, 2, 3]
cosole.log(stack2); // [1, 4, 5]
The nested function calls could be avoided. I've omitted this feature for simplicity.
There is no issue in Javascript that can be solved solely with the state monad. And it is much harder to understand something as generalized as the state monad, that solves a seemingly non-existing problem in the used language. Its use is merely a matter of personal preference.
It indeed works like your second description where a new immutable state is returned. It isn't particularly useful if you call it like this, however. Where it comes in handy is if you have a bunch of functions you want to call, each taking the state returned from the previous step and returning a new state and possibly another value.
Making it a monad basically allows you to specify a list of just the function names to be executed, rather than repeating the newState = f(initialState); newNewState = g(newState); finalState = h(newNewState); over and over. Haskell has a built-in notation called do-notation to do precisely this. How you accomplish it in JavaScript depends on what functional library you're using, but in its simplest form (without any binding of intermediate results) it might look something like finalState = do([f,g,h], initialState).
In other words, the state monad doesn't magically make immutability look like mutability, but it can simplify the tracking of intermediate states in certain circumstances.
State is present everywhere. In class, it could be the value of its properties. In programs it could be the value of variables. In languages like javascript and even java which allow mutability, we pass the state as arguments to the mutating function. However, in languages such as Haskell and Scala, which do not like mutation(called as side-effects or impure), the new State (with the updates) is explicitly returned which is then passed to its consumers. In order to hide this explicit state passes and returns, Haskell(and Scala) had this concept of State Monad. I have written an article on the same at https://lakshmirajagopalan.github.io/state-monad-in-scala/

Can this Rust code be written without the "match" statement?

linuxfood has created bindings for sqlite3, for which I am thankful. I'm just starting to learn Rust (0.8), and I'm trying to understand exactly what this bit of code is doing:
extern mod sqlite;
fn db() {
let database =
match sqlite::open("test.db") {
Ok(db) => db,
Err(e) => {
println(fmt!("Error opening test.db: %?", e));
I do understand basically what it is doing. It is attempting to obtain a database connection and also testing for an error. I don't understand exactly how it is doing that.
In order to better understand it, I wanted to rewrite it without the match statement, but I don't have the knowledge to do that. Is that possible? Does sqlite::open() return two variables, or only one?
How can this example be written differently without the match statement? I'm not saying that is necessary or preferable, however it may help me to learn the language.
The outer statement is an assignment that assigns the value of the match expression to database. The match expression depends on the return value of sqlite::open, which probably is of type Result<T, E> (an enum with variants Ok(T) and Err(E)). In case it's Ok, the enum variant has a parameter which the match expression destructures into db and passes back this value (therefore it gets assigned to the variable database). In case it's Err, the enum variant has a parameter with an error object which is printed and the function returns.
Without using a match statement, this could be written like the following (just because you explicitly asked for not using match - most people will considered this bad coding style):
let res = sqlite::open("test.db");
if res.is_err() {
println!("Error opening test.db: {:?}", res.unwrap_err());
let database = res.unwrap();
I'm just learning Rust myself, but this is another way of dealing with this.
if let Ok(database) = sqlite::open("test.db") {
// Handle success case
} else {
// Handle error case
See the documentation about if let.
This function open returns SqliteResult<Database>; given the definition pub type SqliteResult<T> = Result<T, ResultCode>, that is std::result::Result<Database, ResultCode>.
Result is an enum, and you fundamentally cannot access the variants of an enum without matching: that is, quite literally, the only way. Sure, you may have methods for it abstracting away the matching, but they are necessarily implemented with match.
You can see from the Result documentation that it does have convenience methods like is_err, which is approximately this (it's not precisely this but close enough):
fn is_err(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
Ok(_) => false,
Err(_) => true,
and unwrap (again only approximate):
fn unwrap(self) -> T {
match self {
Ok(t) => t,
Err(e) => fail!(),
As you see, these are implemented with matching. In this case of yours, using the matching is the best way to write this code.
sqlite::open() is returning an Enum. Enums are a little different in rust, each value of an enum can have fields attached to it.
See http://static.rust-lang.org/doc/0.8/tutorial.html#enums
So in this case the SqliteResult enum can either be Ok or Err if it is Ok then it has the reference to the db attached to it, if it is Err then it has the error details.
With a C# or Java background you could consider the SqliteResult as a base class that Ok and Err inherit from, each with their own relevant information. In this scenario the match clause is simply checking the type to see which subtype was returned. I wouldn't get too fixated on this parallel though it is a bad idea to try this hard to match concepts between languages.
