Can this Rust code be written without the "match" statement? - sqlite

linuxfood has created bindings for sqlite3, for which I am thankful. I'm just starting to learn Rust (0.8), and I'm trying to understand exactly what this bit of code is doing:
extern mod sqlite;
fn db() {
let database =
match sqlite::open("test.db") {
Ok(db) => db,
Err(e) => {
println(fmt!("Error opening test.db: %?", e));
I do understand basically what it is doing. It is attempting to obtain a database connection and also testing for an error. I don't understand exactly how it is doing that.
In order to better understand it, I wanted to rewrite it without the match statement, but I don't have the knowledge to do that. Is that possible? Does sqlite::open() return two variables, or only one?
How can this example be written differently without the match statement? I'm not saying that is necessary or preferable, however it may help me to learn the language.

The outer statement is an assignment that assigns the value of the match expression to database. The match expression depends on the return value of sqlite::open, which probably is of type Result<T, E> (an enum with variants Ok(T) and Err(E)). In case it's Ok, the enum variant has a parameter which the match expression destructures into db and passes back this value (therefore it gets assigned to the variable database). In case it's Err, the enum variant has a parameter with an error object which is printed and the function returns.
Without using a match statement, this could be written like the following (just because you explicitly asked for not using match - most people will considered this bad coding style):
let res = sqlite::open("test.db");
if res.is_err() {
println!("Error opening test.db: {:?}", res.unwrap_err());
let database = res.unwrap();

I'm just learning Rust myself, but this is another way of dealing with this.
if let Ok(database) = sqlite::open("test.db") {
// Handle success case
} else {
// Handle error case
See the documentation about if let.

This function open returns SqliteResult<Database>; given the definition pub type SqliteResult<T> = Result<T, ResultCode>, that is std::result::Result<Database, ResultCode>.
Result is an enum, and you fundamentally cannot access the variants of an enum without matching: that is, quite literally, the only way. Sure, you may have methods for it abstracting away the matching, but they are necessarily implemented with match.
You can see from the Result documentation that it does have convenience methods like is_err, which is approximately this (it's not precisely this but close enough):
fn is_err(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
Ok(_) => false,
Err(_) => true,
and unwrap (again only approximate):
fn unwrap(self) -> T {
match self {
Ok(t) => t,
Err(e) => fail!(),
As you see, these are implemented with matching. In this case of yours, using the matching is the best way to write this code.

sqlite::open() is returning an Enum. Enums are a little different in rust, each value of an enum can have fields attached to it.
So in this case the SqliteResult enum can either be Ok or Err if it is Ok then it has the reference to the db attached to it, if it is Err then it has the error details.
With a C# or Java background you could consider the SqliteResult as a base class that Ok and Err inherit from, each with their own relevant information. In this scenario the match clause is simply checking the type to see which subtype was returned. I wouldn't get too fixated on this parallel though it is a bad idea to try this hard to match concepts between languages.


How does rust simply get a return from a closure

Here's the problem I'm having with tauri.
'return' shows you the return value I need, and I know for a fact that writing it this way does not work at all.
'pick_file' is called asynchronously, and I know that message passing seems to work, but is there an easier way to get the value I need.
fn open_file() -> String {
.add_filter("data", &["json"])
.pick_file(|path_buf| match path_buf {
Some(p) => return format!("{}", p.to_str().unwrap()),
_ => return "".into()
First, return in a closure returns from the closure and not from the function that contains it.
The more fundamental issue is that you can't return a String from open_file() if you use FileDialogBuilder::pick_file(). According to the documentation, pick_file() is non-blocking and returns immediately without waiting for the user to pick the file. What you can do in the closure is send the file down a channel, and pick it up elsewhere.

Understanding how to implement a Wrapper type for a Stream

I was wondering if anyone could give me any pointers on the best way to go about handling wake ups when writing a wrapper for a Stream.
For context I've got a Byte stream coming in via a HTTP request (using reqwest) and I'm doing some filtering and mapping on that stream to handle validation and deserialization. Effectively whenever the inner stream produces a value I want this stream to (potentially) emit a value.
** Edit **
An additional caveat is the stream needs to also hold a small amount of state (A Vec<String>) that it needs to be able to reference on each poll - (the columns property)
The Solution
This turned out to be me just not understanding how the stream was working under the hood. Rodrigo's answer below was completely correct. I did just need to return Poll::Pending from the inner stream, however I was making the mistake of matching on that and returning my own Poll::Pending which was why the stream wasn't being appropriately woken up.
If it's useful to anyone, instead of matching on the output of inner_stream.poll_next(), I ended up just mapping the Some value and returning that to ensure that I was building off the Polls of the inner stream eg:
return Pin::new(&mut|data| { ... })
Thanks for everyone who commented and helped out!
Context for the original question
The wrapper type:
pin_project! {
struct QueryStream<T, S> where S: Stream, T: DeserializeOwned {
columns: Vec<String>,
stream: S,
has_closed: bool,
_marker: PhantomData<T>
The only implementation of Stream that I've managed to get to work on the wrapper type is one that spins on the inner stream when it returns Poll::Pending. This doesn't seem ideal though as I believe it would block until a value is emitted?
impl<T, S> Stream for QueryStream<T, S>
T: DeserializeOwned,
S: Stream<Item = std::result::Result<Bytes, reqwest::Error>>,
type Item = Result<T>;
fn poll_next(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
let mut this = self.project();
loop {
if *this.has_closed {
return Poll::Ready(None);
match Pin::new(&mut {
Poll::Ready(Some(data)) => {
// Parsing Logic Here
return Poll::Ready(Some(Ok::<_, Error>(resp)));
Poll::Ready(None) => return Poll::Ready(None),
Poll::Pending => {}
Trying to remove the loop (and changing the Poll::Pending match arm to Poll::Pending => Poll::Pending) generally results in poll only being called once before hanging, from my very rough understanding of why this is, it's because I'm dropping the reference to the waker when I return from this function, as it's not stored anywhere.
However I'm struggling to work out how to arrange my struct/code to enable the storage of that reference or alternatively what the best way to enable the use of that waker is? Is anyone able to explain how this problem can be solved?
Many thanks in advance!

How does Flow interpret generic types?

I would like to learn how Flow decides what type to use for a generic type, and if there is a way to control at what level the generic type gets inferred (what I mean by this is explained further down).
This question is inspired by How to type a generic function that returns subtypes. I think there is a distinction between the two questions because this one focuses on understanding how T is chosen, where as the linked on is focuses on typing the return type of a function.
The identity function is a great example to dissect. Its type is fairly straightforward
function identity<T>(value: T): T;
This seems like enough information to know what the implementation should be. However, I feel like this type is insufficient to know what the identity function actually does. For example, we could have (as the linked question tries to do),
function identity<T>(value: T): T {
if (typeof value === 'string') {
return '';
return value;
Try Flow
This does not typecheck, with Flow complaining about returning the empty string. However, I would imagine in many languages that this would be fine--we are returning a string when a string was inputted, otherwise we are returning the original value of type T--but for some reason Flow does not like this.
My confusion is compounded by both this answer, where we can return value.substr(0, 0) instead of the empty string and Flow will no longer complain, and by the inability to return a strictly equal value,
function identity<T>(value: T): T {
if (value === '') {
return '';
return value;
Try Flow
I think a major reason for this discrepancy is that literals can act like types in Flow, in addition to the "JavaScript type". For example,
const x: 5 = 5; // literal type
const x: number = 5; // JavaScript type
are both valid. However, this means that when we have a function of type T => T, we do not know if Flow is inferring the literal or JavaScript type as the type.
I would like to know if there is some way of either knowing what Flow infers for generic types in a function or if there is a way to scope the generic type to be at the "literal" level or "JavaScript" level. With this ability, we could type function that coerces values to the default value for that type (i.e., strings would go to the empty string, numbers would go to 0). Here the type of the function would effectively be T => T, but hopefully Flow could be prevented from complaining about returning the default values.
Hoping to shed a little light here on what's going on, if not answer the question directly.
Let's take your first example first of all:
function identity<T>(value: T): T {
if (typeof value === 'string') {
return '';
return value;
The function signature is identity<T>(T): T. This is basically saying:
We are creating a new type T which could be anything (<T>).
Our function is going to receive a single argument of type T.
Our function is going to return a value of type T.
From this point forward, none of these restrictions are going to change, and the type of T is also not going to change. identity must return the exact type of T, not a subset of its type. Let's look at why.
identity<'some string'>('some string');
In this case the type of T is the literal type, 'some string'. In the case of this invocation of the above function, we would find that typeof value === 'string' and attempt to return '', a string. string, however, is a supertype of T which is 'some string', so we have violated the contract of the function.
This all seems rather contrived in the case of simple strings, but it's actually necessary, and much more obvious when scaling up to more complex types.
Let's look at a proper implementation of our weird identity function:
function identity<T>(value: T): T | string {
if (typeof value === 'string') {
return '';
return value;
A return type of T can only be satisfied by something which exactly matches T, which in the case of our signature can only be value. However, we have a special case where identity may return a string, so our return type should be a union of T | string (or, if we wanted to be super specific, T | '').
Now let's move on to this second example:
function identity<T>(value: T): T {
if (value === '') {
return '';
return value;
In this case, flow just doesn't support value === '' as a refinement mechanism. Refinement in flow is very picky, I like to think of it as a list of a few simple regular expressions that are run over my code. There's really only way to refine the type to a string, and that's by using typeof value === 'string'. Other comparisons won't refine to string. There's definitely also some wonkiness around refining generics, but something like this works fine (the refinement does, it still exhibits the previous generic-related error, of course):
function identity<T>(value: T): T {
if (typeof value === 'string' && (value: string) === '') {
return '';
return value;
As for the substr example, that definitely looks like a bug to me. It seems you can do the same with any method on String that returns a string, such as concat or slice.
I would like to know if there is some way of either knowing what Flow infers for generic types in a function
Within the function body flow doesn't really infer the type of a generic. A generic has a concrete definition (T is T, essentially an unknown type, unless it has bounds, in which case it is an unknown type that matches those bounds). Flow may infer the types of parameters going into invocations of the function, but that should have no bearing on how the functions are written.
or if there is a way to scope the generic type to be at the "literal"
level or "JavaScript" level. With this ability, we could type function
that coerces values to the default value for that type (i.e., strings
would go to the empty string, numbers would go to 0). Here the type of
the function would effectively be T => T, but hopefully Flow could be
prevented from complaining about returning the default values.
The problem here is that this would no longer be T => T. As I've shown above, breaking such an implementation is trivial.

Hashable tuple-like collections in TypeScript

I'm writing a (toy) hash-and-cache decorator in TypeScript and can't find a good means of creating a solid generic one.
The code I have so far is
function cache
(target: Object,
propertyKey: string,
// Likely we can do better than <any> here -- <Function<any>> maybe?
descriptor: TypedPropertyDescriptor<any>)
let cacheMap = new Map();
let wrappedFn = descriptor.value;
descriptor.value = function (...args: any[]) {
if (cacheMap.has(args)) {
console.log("Short-circuiting with result: " + cacheMap.get(args));
return cacheMap.get(args);
let result = wrappedFn.apply(this, args);
cacheMap.set(args, result);
console.log("cacheMap %o", cacheMap);
return result;
return descriptor;
Naturally this fails, since args is not a tuple but a list, which is mutable[1]. So each input, even if it's the same over and over, gets its own list/array in its own memory location with its own hash value, wherever that comes from.
I haven't found a Tuple type in TypeScript (or JS) yet -- is there one? Is there another workaround for this sort of problem?
Shouldn't this be an error? Map<T, U> should constrain T to implementing IHashable or something, right? That's the point of types -- to raise this issue before it takes a bunch of time out of your life.
Shouldn't this be an error? Map<T, U> should constrain T to implementing IHashable or something, right?
No. Object identity is a real and well-defined thing in JavaScript; TypeScript doesn't attempt to force you to pretend it doesn't exist.
If the ECMAScript committee thought it was appropriate to enforce non-object-identity-based keying in maps, they could have restricted Map keys, but they didn't.

How do I type a function with input and output objects with the same keys but different value types?

Basically, I have a function that will transform an object into a different object, and it's like a dictionary, but I don't know how to type it.
var myFunctions = {
a: () => something1,
b: () => something2,
gets transformed into
var myObject = {
a: something1,
b: something2
With Flow 0.33+ you can use $ObjMap
type ExtractCodomain = <V>(v: () => V) => V;
declare function f<O>(o: O): $ObjMap<O, ExtractCodomain>;
I don't think you can do this with Flow. The closest you can get is probably this:
function<T>(obj: T): ([key: $Keys<T>]: boolean)
That function is typed to return an object with the same key as input object, but with boolean-only values (as an example, you can specify another type). Sorry to disappoint, but it's hard to type highly dynamic code with Flow in general.
Note that the $Keys feature is undocumented because it's not part of the public API, so its behavior is defined solely by its implementation (in other words, it can change anytime).
If you're interested in the details of Flow's type system, check out the typings that come with flow in its own /lib directory, for example – you'll see that some things like Object.assign are special-cased, so you might not be able to re-implement such things in your own code.
Also, check out for other "dollar features" such as $Shape and $Diff – it's partially outdated, but can give some good pointers.
#Nikita gave you the best answer for now. That said, the use-case you talked about is being discussed in the issues on the FlowType repository. It may land soon.
As of right now, if you've got mixed type, I'll just fallback to any
function<T>(obj: T): ([key: $Keys<T>]: any)
This way, at least the key names are validated. I expect within a few more versions of Flow, this problem will get solved.
