Jqgrid filter not getting refreshed after selection - jqgrid-asp.net

In my project jqgrid is implemented with drop down filter in top of Grid.
I want filter work Like Excel filter. Means When I select filter from one column then in next column filter should display only relevant data which is related to first selection.Currently, it is showing whole data in next filter drop down. We have load data on loadcomplete event of jqgrid.


Return data from multiple tables in a gridview on a single button click

There are five tables. My question is how to perform search on one table and move to another table if the result is not there, and display relevant information where ever it's found, in a gridview, on my .aspx page. The problem is I have to implement this search using a single button click event (Cannot use radiobuttons or checkboxes to filter).

Dyanmically create gridview in code behind with template field

I need to create gridviews dynamically, of particular design(only 4 columns), first column has a checkbox, and the rest are boundfields, how can i create this, and bind the dynamically created gridview, is it possible to bind checkbox also(i have a bool column for this).
Later i need to check and uncheck rows, and on button click will i be able to access this dynamically created gridview to find checked and unchecked rows.
i have a data set with many(unknown no of) datatables having 4 columns,i need to Provide a UI for the user to change Data with in this DS.

Add buttons to GridView rows dynamically

I have a gridview which is being populated by a Javascript. Now after this action I want to add Start and Stop buttons to the data that has already being bound via the Javascript. So the final Gridview row would consist of 2 buttons and the column values that have been set by the Javascript.Can someone please suggest

GridView - show last added record as first displayed

Just like in the title. I got GridView control that displaying some data from database. All i want to do is to make GridView displaying rows descending, i mean from the last added to first added. So first row i see from the GridView is displaying the last item added to database instead of added first like is in default state. I hope you understand what i mean ;).
Im pretty sure there is a property for that but i cant find it.
Don't know about any property for reversing the gridview itself, but you can always reverse the datasource ;) If you're displaying a data from db, include that in your sql/linq query.

Add New Row to GridView without DataBind

I have a GridView that allows editing the values in every column, in every row, all the time. The user enters in all their changes, clicks Save once and all changes are commited.
The user must also be able to click the New button, have a new row appear in the GridView (yep, it has to show up in the actual GridView), enter whatever data they want, click Save and have all changes go to the database.
Now. Here's the user case that's throwing me: a user arrives at the page, makes several changes on several existing rows, and then needs to add a new row, enter data in the new row, click Save, and have all changes go to the database.
However, the only ways I've seen to add a new, empty row involve rebinding the GridView, which means all of their changes will be lost. This is obviously no good.
So, my question would be: what are some approaches to adding a new, empty, editable row to a GridView without having to rebind the GridView?
The only thing I can think of would be, on the New buttons' click event, suck all the data out of the GridView (including the user's potential edits), save it to ViewState (or whatever), add the new row, repopulate the grid. This, to me, seems a little hacky, but it should allow me to turn ViewState off on the GridView.
Any ideas?
Just off my head I can think of two options. The first is to cache the original results that you are binding into the grid and when you need to add another row you add a datarow to the datatabale that you are binding to and then bind this to the grid. If there are changes in the grid then you need to update the datatable. Once all changes have been made and the user clicks the save button you can iterate through the table and update the DB with the data.
It might look like this
Page Loads
Get DB Data and put into a table
Bind the table to the grid
Store the table in a cache
When user asks for a new row
Get the cached data object.
Update any rows that have changed
Add an empty row Bind to the grid
When the user saves the grid
Get the cached object.
Make last set of updates
Loop through the row and update the DB
The other way to do this is by creating the grid dynamically but this will involve far more effort than it's worth given what you have described.
You could dynamically add the new row via javascript, and on the save command look for newly added rows. That is fairly common.
