Shortcode is not working in my wordpress - wordpress

After I installed the demo content in wordpress. I'm not able to see the content. Instead of that, the shotcode is shown.

It could be because you haven't install or activated the plugins came with theme. If your theme use some kind of visual builder to create pages. Please install and activate that plugin.


How to force to use Gutenberg in Worpress after install/uninstall clasic editor?

I can not use Gutenberg in any way.. even with DEMO
I want to use Gutenber in my site, but all post and pages always edit with the editor clasic. I've uninstalled clasic editor, and also all related plugins I had been using in the past. However, nothing happens. I can not use gutenberg. I installed Gutenberg Version 12.7.2 but I can not find where I need to configure or what I need to do more... It is really frustrating. Is there some configuration in the wordpress files where I can find another solution to force Gutenberg use technically? maybe some .php configuration file?
Step-by-step reproduction instructions
Go to Pages
Click on Edit any Page
Always open with Classic Editor.
I can not find any option related with edit with Gutenberg.
Environment info
Wordpress version 5.9.1, Gutenberg 12.7.2, Theme GeneratePress 3.1.0
Problem in Chrome, Firefox, Edge.
Desktop windows 10, and Phone with Andriod 11
Please confirm that you have searched existing issues in the repo.
Please confirm that you have tested with all plugins deactivated except Gutenberg.
add_filter('use_block_editor_for_post', '__return_true', 999);
I also find a way to force wordpress to use Gutenberg in post.php file. It does not depend on the theme. (Make sure to create a copy of the original file).
Find function use_block_editor_for_post and add:
return true;

Elementor seems to be showing shortcode, not contents

In this Elementor-made WP website one of the pages has mutated into just its Shortcode description showing, insted of the actual contents and UI:
I have already tried to re-introduce it through both PHPmyAdmin and the Classic Editor, but that didn't work. Has this happened to anyone?
Your website is not working based on Elementor, it is built with Visual Composer. Install and activate it and will start working.
The shortcodes seem coming from the Visual Composer Page Builder. Also, your page doesn't look edited by using elementor page builder on that page.
I recommend to install and activate the Visual Composer Page Builder plugin on the website to make this page working.

Creating a hidden wordpress plugin

My question might sound stupid but is there any way where I can create a WP plugin which when placed in Plugins folder does not appear in WP Admin Console and WP Admins/Users can't deactivate it from UI?
What you're searching is called "must-use plugin" or "mu-plugin". An mu-plugin is a plugin that is automatically activated when you install it, and it cannot be deactivated.
Basically, an mu-plugin is like a normal plugin. The only difference is that you will install it in wp-content/mu-plugins instead of wp-content/plugins. I wrote a complete guide to mu-plugins on SitePoint if you're interested.

Custom WordPress Themes

In Bluemix they use something called "WordPress Packagist" to install plugins and themes for WordPress. I was looking trough the Packagist to see if the theme I wanted was in there but no luck.
Is it possible to install custom themes in IBM Bluemix using WordPress? and how if possible?
Custom Wordpress themes are possible with Wordpress on Bluemix. Checkout these links (Getting Started and Using Composer to Manage Your Wordpress Application) to install your custom themes. The second link about using Composer specifically focuses on the how to "install your plugins and themes".
If any issues arise or you don't understand these instructions, please comment below.

wordpress plugin automatically will install, when my wp theme someone install

I made a wordpress theme and I take some advantage from advance custom field plugin. Now I wand to distribute my plugin and also wano give on wordpress plugin directory.
But there is one problem. if I want to get all feature of my theme. Than need obviously ACF Plugin.
Now I wan, if anybody install my theme. Than ACF plugin wil automaticlly.
is there ny system/way/function? if anybody intall my theme, than acf plugin will install automaticaly.
You can include the free version of ACF within a theme (or the PRO version if you are selling a premium theme). Check this page.
