Custom WordPress Themes - wordpress

In Bluemix they use something called "WordPress Packagist" to install plugins and themes for WordPress. I was looking trough the Packagist to see if the theme I wanted was in there but no luck.
Is it possible to install custom themes in IBM Bluemix using WordPress? and how if possible?

Custom Wordpress themes are possible with Wordpress on Bluemix. Checkout these links (Getting Started and Using Composer to Manage Your Wordpress Application) to install your custom themes. The second link about using Composer specifically focuses on the how to "install your plugins and themes".
If any issues arise or you don't understand these instructions, please comment below.


WordPress custom theme installation

I have developed a WordPress site using custom HTML using plugins like ACF Pro, Contact Form 7, and woocommerce. Now I want to export the complete theme and install it somewhere else. Please suggest me a plugin and to export that and import to another fresh WordPress. It would have been better if things work exactly like paid plugins, I mean once I install this theme to any fresh WordPress, I get a new option that says install plugins and install demo content. I searched a lot but didn't find anything on how to start this. Kindly help. Thanks in advance.
You need to write functions that will request unnecessary plugins, i think there is no plugin to automate that functionality.
One example for this is TGM Plugin, link.
An easy way to transfer/copy WordPress-Websites is the AllInOne WP Migration PlugIn.

Custom plugin to clone a wordpress site in multisite network

I want to know what is the idea behind doing this like what we have to do for cloning a wordpress site in multinetwork. What is the process needs to be taken? Because i want to make a custom plugin for cloning a site
You can check out the code of plugins that already do this task. Here is a link of some plugins that clone a WordPress website. You can download them and study the code.

Shortcode is not working in my wordpress

After I installed the demo content in wordpress. I'm not able to see the content. Instead of that, the shotcode is shown.
It could be because you haven't install or activated the plugins came with theme. If your theme use some kind of visual builder to create pages. Please install and activate that plugin.

Creating a hidden wordpress plugin

My question might sound stupid but is there any way where I can create a WP plugin which when placed in Plugins folder does not appear in WP Admin Console and WP Admins/Users can't deactivate it from UI?
What you're searching is called "must-use plugin" or "mu-plugin". An mu-plugin is a plugin that is automatically activated when you install it, and it cannot be deactivated.
Basically, an mu-plugin is like a normal plugin. The only difference is that you will install it in wp-content/mu-plugins instead of wp-content/plugins. I wrote a complete guide to mu-plugins on SitePoint if you're interested.

using wordpress plugins in magento possible?

I just had a little doubt..
can i use wordpress inside Magento CMS..... I mean can I able to install wordpress plugins in magento... The reason iam asking about Magento because, Iam gonna use magento templates and besides I also need to use wordpress plugins in it.. I need BOTH..
So, is this possible..?
While my research, I found some links, BUT still iam not clear on this..
here are some links I found:
So, can anyone pls clarify on this..?
Answer:no. You can't use WordPress plugins, which are specifically made for WordPress (and based on its framework) directly in Magento.
No, you can't use WordPress plugins with Magento. They have wildly different architectures.
The integration articles you linked to are talking about using WordPress and Magento together on the same website.
You could theoretically write a plug-in for one that also manipulates the database used by the other, but that is likely a custom job, not something you can just go download somewhere.
If you want to use various Wordpress plugins inside Magento, short answer, as mentioned, is no.
With those link that you provide, you can achieve the following:
With wordpress plugin (link that you provided) you can have and then install Magento inside a folder, so Magento store would be available. for example, in and you can easily display any Magento block(top links, categories, layered navigation block etc.) from your store in you Wordpress site.
With Magento plugin (I'd go with FishPig you can have opposite: and than Wordpress blog/site inside blog folder of your Magento installation And there you'd be able to display footer and header of Magento in your wordpress site and display, for example, the latest blog post in Magento
agentoHope this help!
i think its impossible...because they have different backend architecture
