Is it possible to make text touchable in Libgdx - button

I am creating a menu screen for my game and instead of creating button there I just have text font. I want to know whether it is possible to to make them i have 3 text in main menu so three different function.

I have very little experience making GUIs in LibGDX, and I'm sure this answer is too late anyway, but:
Why not just have a clickable object surrounding the text, and just don't render this?
In other words, do what you'd do normally for a button, just don't render it.


bulma - adjusting typography sizing efficiently

I'm having a hard time figuring out the most efficient way to resize text for mobile. I know per the documentation, making the text size responsive to the screen is fairly straightforward, simply add the is-size-*-mobile class to an element to reset the text size to the value of * (1-7) for mobile devices. What elements are the best place to do this? For example, I would like to be able to have all the text on screen change to size 7 on mobile, but so far I've had to add the is-size-7-mobile class to almost every text container on the page. While it's not impossible to do, it seems to be defeating the purpose of having such a class available through CSS.
Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Although they lack a specific example, those Typography helpers are meant to be added to the element that holds the content you want to modify.
For example, if you want to modify the whole document consider adding it right to the body element:
<body class="is-size-7-mobile layout-documentation page-helpers">
The above example works on their documentation page you liked in your question. Just hit F12, add the modifier, and voilĂ , all the page changes text size.

Text appears while over on an icon in Webflow

I made some research before writing here, but I couldn't find nothing that satisfied my answer to this specific case.
I have an icon, and when user hover onto it I want the icon become smaller and text (caption for the icon) should appear -at icons bottom.
As now, I have an interaction for the icon, that makes it become smaller.
It's first time for me working with WebFlow, and I see that using overlapping blocks they work as layers in the sense that the one on top is the only one who react to hovering.
I found in other questions that there was the need of setting correctly absolute/relative for blocks, but is not working for me since I have also the icon, inside the same block.
If I move the icon out of the block, I have the problem I shared before about overlapping "layers".
I need that icon decrease in size and text appear at the same time.
Is this achievable?
Thank you for your help!

Text below buttons in android

I have an application which has many icons (Buttons). I want to put a text below the icons (just like mainscreen). My icon size is 128x128 for high resolution, so android:drawableTop strategy doesnt work because I couldnt figure out a way of programmatically reducing the size of the drawable to 80x80dp. I would prefer not to create several little icon files.
Another idea offered was to put a text view below each button. This is possible but sounds very clunky way of achieving this.
Could someone suggest a way of achieving a text below the icons ?
I would use this layout structure for your purpose

Advanced Flex custom components for working with graphics and text

I'm looking for a new, modern components with enhanced functionality for working with graphics and text.
For example by mouse over to the text appears a icon click on that appears a panel into which you can change the font, font size, font color, letter-range, etc.
With graphics by pointing resizing handles appear, rotation, reflection, etc.
It sounds like you want to create a custom tooltip, that has the options to change/edit the appearance of the UIComponent that was hovered over. This is a tricky mofo of a component to make. I made a custom tooltip based on a Canvas, that has an item renderer associated with it. If your in earnest, I could probably put together a usable example and post it (on my blog or something).
If you hover over a component, a regular toolip appears, but when you hover over the tooltip, it expands out to a custom tooltip. I used Timer objects with event listeners added.
After that, you'll need to do all the transform stuff. Probably out of the scope of a single StackOverflow question to be honest.

How to grow a textbox to match size of input for data entry dynamically (ASP.NET)

I'd like to add a description field to an application that can be as long as several lines (or even paragraphs) or as short as a one-liner.
Instead of taking up a lot of screen real estate or have scroll bars, it would be preferable to have the textbox grow based on its input.
On IE6 adding Style="overflow-y:visible" accomplishes this nicely (both on display of read only, and if we are in edit mode).
However, it has no effect on Firefox, or IE7 for that matter.
Is there a relatively easy fix for this?
You can accomplish this using jquery if you want to go down that route. It's a nice effect, kind of like the comment textarea in facebook.
