embedding matrix functions into dplyr mutate - r

I have a large dataframe, alldata, for which I'm attempting to do a number of calculations that were previously done on an older version and written in base R. My goal is to create new columns with the outputs of these calculations using dplyr. The previous version of this code used dozens of intermediate dataframes and wrote these calculations out into separate files using functions.
I am curious if it is possible to preserve these functions as they are written, but embed them in dplyr to reference columns in alldata instead of these temporary matrices from the original version.
Here is a sample section of the code I'm working on. As you can see in the comments, I've translated the old R code into dplyr for the simple weighted mean function.
d_weighted = alldata %>%
# equivalent to by = list(regspp = data$regspp[inds]) from old code
group_by(regspp, year) %>%
# equivalent to wgtmean = function(x, na.rm=FALSE) wtd.mean(x=x[,1], weights=x[,2], na.rm=na.rm) from old code
mutate(lat_wgtmean = wtd.mean(x=lat, weights=wtcpue, na.rm=FALSE))
However, as the functions get more complicated than wgtmean, I'd like to just include the function as is.
The next function from the old code calculates a weighted standard deviation from a matrix where the first column consists of values and the second of weights:
wgtsd = function(mat, ...){
x = mat[,1][mat[,2]>0] # trim to values with weight > 0
w = mat[,2][mat[,2]>0]
sqrt(wtd.var(x=x, weights=w, ...))
Is it possible to embed this function in dplyr::mutate with value = lat (latitude) and weight = wtcpue (catch per unit effort, converted to weights) to create a new column in alldata that contains weighted standard deviations?
I recognize I could rewrite these functions, but I'd rather not do so for the more complex ones later in the text (see the below one as an example), and I'm curious if there is an elegant solution to integrate functions with matrix arguments with dplyr.
wgtskew = function(mat, na.rm=FALSE){
x = mat[,1][mat[,2]>0] # trim to values with weight > 0
w = mat[,2][mat[,2]>0]
s = !is.na(x+w)
x = x[s]
w = w[s]
n = length(x)
w = n * w / sum(w) # normalize
c3 = n / ((n - 1) * (n - 2))
sdv = wgtsd(cbind(x, w), normwt = TRUE, na.rm = na.rm)
xbar = wtd.mean(x, w, na.rm = na.rm)
sk = c3 * sum(w ^ (3 / 2) * ((x - xbar) / sdv) ^ 3)
} else {

The packages matrixStats and Weighted.Desc.Stat contain many of the functions you might need.
Then you can either Find and Replace using your text editor, or, for example:
wgtsd <- function(...) matrixStats::weightedSd(...)
and run your script as before.


R code for replacing the values of Matrix

Hey everyone, I have a large Matrix X with the dimensions (654x7095). I wanted to subset this matrix and replace the values of this subsetted matrix of X with another matrix which I have created. The R-code is as follows -
T = 215
n = 3
k = 33
X = matrix(0,T*n,T*k)
IN = diag(n)
K1 = Matrix(0, n*n, n*(n-1)/2, sparse = TRUE)
for(i in 1:(n-1)){
K1[(2+(i-1)*(n+1)):(i*n), (1+(i-1)*(n-i/2)):(i*(n-i)*(i+1)/2)] <- diag(n-i)
yin = matrix(rnorm(645), ncol = 3)
Xu = matrix(rnorm(2150), ncol = 10)
#Till yet I have defined the variables and matrices which will be used in subsetting.
Above codes are perfectly fine, however, the code below is showing error -
#Loop for X subsetting
for(i in 1:T){
X[(((i-1)*n)+1):(i*n), (((i-1)*k)+1):(i*k)] <- cbind( (t(kronecker(yin[i,],IN))%*%K1) , (t(kronecker(Xu[i,],IN))))
# in this Kronecker() finds the Kronecker tensor product of two Matrix A and B. This function can be used with the help of "base" library.
When I am running this above code, the error which is showing is -
Error in X[(((i - 1) * n) + 1):(i * n), ] <- cbind((t(kronecker(yin[i, :
number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
However, when I am running this same command in MATLAB it is working perfectly fine. MATLAB CODE -
X = zeros(T*n,T*k);
for i = 1:T
X((i-1)*n+1:i*n,(i-1)*k+1:i*k) = [kron(yin(i,:),IN)*K1, kron(Xu(i,:),IN)];
The output which MATLAB is giving is that it fills up the values in number of rows and columns which is defined in the Loop for subsetting the X. I have attached the snapshot of the desired output which MATLAB is giving. However, error is showing in R for the same.
Can someone enlighten me as where I am going wrong with the R code?
I appreciate the help, Many thanks.
I think the problem is how the class 'dgeMatrix' is handled. Try
for (i in 1:T) {
X[(((i-1)*n)+1):(i*n), (((i-1)*k)+1):(i*k)] <- as.matrix(cbind((t(kronecker(yin[i,],IN))%*%K1) , (t(kronecker(Xu[i,],IN)))))

Converting Mahalanobis p1 probabilities to p2 probabilities - is vectorization possible in this context?

I'm trying to write a function that takes in p1 probabilities for Mahalanobis distances and returns p2 probabilities. The formula for p2, along with a worked example is given at on the IBM website. I have written a function (below) that solves the problem, and allows me to reproduce the p2 values given in the worked example at the aforementioned webpage.
p1_to_p2 <- function(p1,N) {
p2 <- numeric(length(p1))
for (i in 1:length(p1))
k <- i;
p1_value <- p1[i];
start_value <- 1;
while (k >= 1)
start_value = start_value - choose(N,N-k+1) * (1-p1_value)^(N-k+1) * (p1_value)^(k-1)
k <- k-1;
p2[i] <- start_value;
p1 <- c(.0046132,.0085718,.0390278,.0437704,.0475222)
N <- 73
Although the function works, it's been suggested to me by a colleague that it's inefficient/poorly written as it's not vectorized. This is indeed potentially relevant since in general we will be converting a lot more than just 5 p1 values to p2 values.
I have some limited experience vectorizing code, but I am wondering if a vectorized solution is possible in this context since within the loop the variable start_value constantly needs to update itself. If vectorization is not possible, is there some other way I should improve the code so that it works better?
Here is one way to do it, Breaking the steps here can help(Please read the comments):
N <- 73
p1 <- c(.0046132,.0085718,.0390278,.0437704,.0475222)
n <- N:(N-length(p1)+1)
# code:
mahalanobis_dist = function(x=x,n){
m = max(n)
max_min = Reduce(`*`,c(1, n[-length(n)]), accumulate = TRUE)
acc = c(1, Reduce(`*`, seq_along(n), accumulate = TRUE)[-length(n)])
comns = max_min/acc
exp <- comns*((1 - x)**n)*(x**(m - n))
return(1- sum(exp))
} ## the calculation of Mahalanobis distances
## This is just an iterator for each of the sequences we have to run the above function
ls <- lapply(n, function(x)(max(n):x))
## creating a list of iterators
## applying mapply, mapply or Map can iterate multiple inputs of the function,
## here the input p1 and ls , p1 is your input points, ls is the iterator created above
mapply(mahalanobis_dist,p1, ls)
## Applying the function on each iterators
#> mapply(mahalanobis_dist,p1, ls)
#[1] 0.2864785 0.1299047 0.5461263 0.3973690
#[5] 0.2662369
Also, one can join the last two steps like below, with one function and correct iteration this can be achieved:
mapply(mahalanobis_dist,p1, lapply(n, function(x)(max(n):x)))

Saving recursive function results to a global data frame in R

I'm trying to recreate the functionality of the memoise package in base R by saving the outputs of a recursive function in a data frame. I have this function "P" and then I made this "metaP" wrapper that will run P(n) if metaP(n) hasn't been run before and then save the results of P(n), or it produces the previously saved output. My issue is it only works at the first level. If I run metaP(5) it will save the output of metaP(5), but in order to get P(5) it also had to calculate P(4) and the results of P(4) aren't getting saved. I'm assuming it's getting lost in the recursive environments, but when I tried using the assign function and setting it to the global environment it still didn't work.
In the example below, I run metaP 5 through 10, and df has 5 through 10 saved, but it doesn't have 1 through 5 saved, some of which must have been calculated to come up with the answers of 5 through 10.
df <- data.frame(n = 0, pn = 1)
metaP <- function(n) {
if (!n %in% df$n) df <<- rbind(df, data.frame(n = n, pn = P(n)))
df[df$n == n, "pn"]
P <- function(n) {
if (n < 0) return(0)
k <- rep(1:((sqrt(24 * n + 1) + 1) / 6), each = 2) * c(1, -1)
return(sum((-1) ^ (k + 1) * sapply(n - k * (3 * k - 1) / 2, metaP)) %% 1e6)
sapply(5:10, metaP)
The issue here is kind of subtle. The expression
df <<- rbind(df, data.frame(n = n, pn = P(n)))
is ambiguous, because the ?rbind documentation doesn't define the order in which the two arguments to rbind() are evaluated. It appears that R is evaluating df, then doing the recursive call, then appending that result to the saved value of df. Any changes to the global variable that happened during the recursive call are lost.
To fix this, rewrite the conditional part as
if (!n %in% df$n) {
newval <- data.frame(n = n, pn = P(n))
df <<- rbind(df, newval)
(I'd also suggest adding parens to the test, and writing it as if (!(n %in% df$n)), because it's not immediately obvious that these are the same. I was confused about this in an earlier answer to this question. But checking ?Syntax shows that %in% has higher priority than !.)

"Sapply" function in R counterpart in MATLAB to convert a code from R to MATLAB

I want to convert the code in R to MATLAB (not to executing the R code in MATLAB).
The code in R is as follows:
data_set <- read.csv("lab01_data_set.csv")
# get x and y values
x <- data_set$x
y <- data_set$y
# get number of classes and number of samples
K <- max(y)
N <- length(y)
# calculate sample means
sample_means <- sapply(X = 1:K, FUN = function(c) {mean(x[y == c])})
# calculate sample deviations
sample_deviations <- sapply(X = 1:K, FUN = function(c) {sqrt(mean((x[y == c] - sample_means[c])^2))})
To implement it in MATLAB I write the following:
%% Reading Data
% read data into memory
% get x and y values
% get number of classes and number of samples
K = max(y_read);
N = length(y_read);
% Calculate sample mean - 1st method
% funct1 = #(c) mean(c);
% G1=findgroups(y_read);
% sample_mean=splitapply(funct1,x_read,G1)
% Calculate sample mean - 2nd method
for m=1:3
sample_mean(1,m)=mean(x(y_read == m));
% Calculate sample deviation - 2nd method
for m=1:3
sample_mean=mean(x(y_read == m));
sample_deviation(1,m)=sqrt(mean((x(y_read == m)-sample_mean).^2));
As you see I get how to use a for loop in MATLAB instead of sapply in R (as 2nd method in code), but do not know how to use a function (Possibly splitaplly or any other).
PS: Do not know how to upload the data, so sorry for that part.
The MATLAB equivalent to R sapply is arrayfun - and its relatives cellfun, structfun and varfun depending on what data type your input is.
For example, in R:
> sapply(1:3, function(x) x^2)
[1] 1 4 9
is equivalent to MATLAB:
>>> arrayfun(#(x) x^2, 1:3)
ans =
1 4 9
Note that if the result of the function you pass to arrayfun, cellfun etc. doesn't have identical type or size for every input, you'll need to specify 'UniformOutput', 'false' .

Evaluate code within a function call in R (Use ICC::ICCbare within a loop)

I want to use the ICC::ICCbare function within a loop. However, the ICCbare uses the concrete variable names as input, e.g.:
ICCbare(x = group, y = variable1, data = dat)
whereby both "group" and "variable1" are columns of the data.frame "dat" (i.e., dat$variable1); ICCbarecannot be used with y = dat[, i].
In order to program a loop I therefore need to evaluate some R code within the function call of ICCbare. My idea was the following:
for(i in 1:10){
ICCbare(group, names(dat)[i], data = dat)
However, this does not work. The following error is printed:
Error in '[.data.frame`(data, yc) : undefined columns selected'
Is there a way to evaluate the statement names(dat)[i]) first before it is passed to the function call?
Here is a minimum working example for my problem:
# Create data set
dat <- data.frame(group=c(rep("A",5),
# Loop
for (i in names(dat)[2:3]){
ICCbare("group", i, data = dat)
I agree with #agstudy. This is a bad example of non-standard evaluation. You can use this as a workaround:
v <- "variable1"
ICCbare("group", v, data = dat)
#Error in `[.data.frame`(data, yc) : undefined columns selected
eval(bquote(ICCbare("group", .(v), data = dat)))
#[1] 0.8275862
It is a bug in ICCbare that try to to manage arguments as name in a bad manner.
function (x, y, data)
ICCcall <- Call <- match.call()
xc <- as.character(ICCcall[[2L]]) ## this is ugly!
yc <- as.character(ICCcall[[3L]])
inds <- unique(data[xc])[[1]]
tdata <- data.frame(data[yc], data[xc])
Personally I would remove the first lines and just use assume that arguments are just column names.
ICCbare_simple <-
function (xc, yc, data)
## remove lines before this one
inds <- unique(data[xc])[[1]]
## the rest of the code
I'm the maintainer of ICC and I want to thank you for the excellent discussion. I know this is a very late reply, but I just updated the package and the new version (v2.3.0) should fix the "ugly" code and the problem encountered by the OP. See examples in this gist.
I just wanted to post this here in case anyone was searching with a similar problem. Thanks again, sorry for the delay.
Here is the content of the gist:
ICC non-standard evaluation examples
The ICC package for R calculates the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) from a one-way analysis of variance. Recently, the package was updated to better execute R's non-standard evaluation within each function (version 2.3.0 and higher). The package functions should now be able to handle a range of possible scenarios for calling the functions in, what I hope, is a less grotesque and more standard way of writing R functions. To demonstrate, below are some of those scenarios. Note, the examples use the ICCbare function, but the way in which the function arguments are supplied will apply to all of the functions in ICC.
First, load the package (and make sure the version is >2.3.0)
Columns of a data.frame
Here we supply the column names and the data.frame that contains the data to calculate the ICC. We will use the ChickWeight data fame.
ICCbare(x = Chick, y = weight, data = ChickWeight)
#[1] 0.1077609
Iterating through columns of a data.frame
In this case, we might have a data.frame in which we want to estimate the ICC for a number of different types of measurements that each has the same grouping or factor variable (e.g., x). The extreme of this might be in a simulation or bootstrapping scenario or even with some fancy high-throughput phenotyping/data collection. The point being, we want to automate the calculation of the ICC for each column.
First, we will simulate our own dataset with 3 traits to use in the example:
n <- 15 # number of individuals/groups/categories/factors
k <- 3 # number of measures per 'n'
va <- 1 # variance among
icc <- 0.6 # expected ICC
vw <- (va * (1 - icc)) / icc # solve for variance within
simdf <- data.frame(ind = rep(LETTERS[1:n], each = k),
t1 = rep(rnorm(n, 10, sqrt(va)), each = k) + rnorm(n*k, 0, sqrt(vw)),
t2 = rep(rnorm(n, 10, sqrt(va)), each = k) + rnorm(n*k, 0, sqrt(vw)),
t3 = rep(rnorm(n, 10, sqrt(va)), each = k) + rnorm(n*k, 0, sqrt(vw)))
Two ways to run through the columns come to mind: iteratively pass the name of each column or iteratively pass the column index. I will demonstrate both below. I do these in for loops so it is easier to see, but an easy extension would be to vectorise this by using something from the apply family of functions. First, passing the name:
for(i in names(simdf)[-1]){
cat(i, ":")
tmp.icc <- ICCbare(x = ind, y = i, data = simdf)
cat(tmp.icc, "\n")
#t1 : 0.60446
#t2 : 0.6381197
#t3 : 0.591065
or even like this:
for(i in 1:3){
cat(paste0("t", i), ": ")
tmp.icc <- ICCbare(x = ind, y = paste0("t", i), data = simdf)
cat(tmp.icc, "\n")
#t1 : 0.60446
#t2 : 0.6381197
#t3 : 0.591065
Alternatively, pass the column index:
for(i in 2:ncol(simdf)){
cat(names(simdf)[i], ": ")
tmp.icc <- ICCbare(x = ind, y = simdf[, i], data = simdf)
cat(tmp.icc, "\n")
#t1 : 0.60446
#t2 : 0.6381197
#t3 : 0.591065
Passing a character as an argument is deprecated
Note that the function will still work if a character is passed directly (e.g., "t1"), albeit with a warning. The warning just means that this may no longer work in future versions of the package. For example:
ICCbare(x = ind, y = "t1", data = simdf)
#[1] 0.60446
#Warning message:
#In ICCbare(x = ind, y = "t1", data = simdf) :
# passing a character string to 'y' is deprecated since ICC version
# 2.3.0 and will not be supported in future versions. The argument
# to 'y' should either be an unquoted column name of 'data' or an object
Note, however, that an expression evaluating to a character (e.g., paste0("t", 1)) doesn't throw the warning, which is nice!
