Reading In Source Code From .R File, Editing It, Then Saving It - r

I'm looking to see if there is a way in R to read in a .R file's source code as text. What I'd like to do is give the path to a .R file, have R grab that R file and return the source code, in text, of that R file.
After that, I plan to make a gsub edit on the source code, and then saving the edited text to the same location (which I believe I can do with the save function). The gsub regular expression is solid (as I wrote the code) and know that will only match what I want it to match and replace.
Naturally, I'm backing up everything before attempting any of this. The part that I am having the most issue with is reading in a .R file's code as text to be edited. I'm also not sure if this would destroy the formatting of the R file, but obviously it would be preferred to not do that. Any help is greatly appreciated!

code <- readLines("<path>")
code_edited <- gsub("foo", "bar", code)
writeLines(code_edited, "<path>")


Download a text file of items in the global environment

What to do when you have a lot of individual objects in the global environment and you want to save them as a table of values?
I could not find any similar questions here, but found and an answer in the R help files eventually. It's posted below.
The dump function in base R did the trick. I used dump(ls(), "my_file_name.txt")
It produces a text file that you can edit pretty easily. I used a macro in notepad++ to replace the <- items and delete the line break, resulting in a file I could easily copy and paste into a table.
There's probably a better way. Other answers are more than welcome.

How to open .jl file

I want to open a .jl file and convert it to a readable file preferably in .xls format.
I do not have any any idea about Julia language.
Is there a file opener for jl files?
I came here with the same question, but since the file I was looking at was clearly JSON data, I did some more searching.
The .jl file extension also refers to JSON lines, sometimes instead a .jsonl extension.
More here:
You can search for .json to Excel to find a converter, e.g. (this worked fine on my JSON lines file).
A .jl file is a julia script.
It is source code.
Not data.
You can open it up in any text editor, e.g. notepad on windows.
However, it won't normally contain anything useful to you unless you want to edit that code.
(It might contain some array literals that you want, I guess)
Perhaps you mean to ask "How can I open a .jld file"?
Which is a julia HDF5 file.
In which case please ask another question.
As I see, Julia is a script language therefor the file can be opened in a text editor like Notepad++, Vim, etc. Do not use word processor (like LibreOffice Writer) if you want to modify it, but it's OK if you want to read only.
To get started:

Output of saved .R files in r

I want to save my code in R. I did:
When I open the file in R again, the code looks like hieroglyphics.
How can I save the code in a way, that I can read the code in an editor or RStudio again?
save outputs a binary copy of the objects you tell it to save, not R code. Because you are naming this file with a ".R" extension, RStudio is blindly trying to open this binary file as R code, and you are seeing the results of that mess.
Technically, the R language doesn't care what the extension of the file is. As long as you know that the file contains, you can load it back in with the command load("Code_Data.R"). However, if you want to get RStudio to recognize that this is actually a file containing binary data and not R code, try saving the file with the canonical ".RData" extension:
save(Data, file="Code_Data.RData")
Using the ".RData" extension will also help you and other programmers who look at your code avoid this confusion in the future.

How to converge multiple R files into one single file

I wrote an R program which I split up into multiple R-files for the sake of keeping a good code structure.
There is a Main.R file which references all the other R-files with the 'source()' command, like this:
source(paste(getwd(), dirname1, 'otherfile1.R', sep="/"))
source(paste(getwd(), dirname3, 'otherfile2.R', sep="/"))
As you can see, the working directory needs to be set correctly in advance, otherwise, this could go wrong.
Now, if I want to share this R program with someone else, I have to pass all the R files and folders in relative order of each other for things to work. Hence my next question.
Is there a way to replace all the 'source' commands with the actual R script code which it refers to? That way, I have a SINGLE R script file, which I can simply pass along without having to worry about setting the working directory.
I'm not looking for a solution which is an 'R package' (which by the way is one single directory, so I would lose my own directory structure). I simply wondering if there is an easy way to combine these self-referencing R files into one single file.
Ok I think you could use something like scaning all the files and then writting them again in the same new one. This can be done using readLines and sink:
for(i in Nfiles){
current_file = readLines(filedir[i])
cat("\n\n#### Current file:",filedir[i],"\n\n")
cat(current_file, sep ="\n")
Here I have supposed all your file directories are in a vector filedir with length Nfiles, I guess you can adapt that

Importing the contents of a word document into R

I am new to R and have worked for a while as follows. I have the code writen in a word document, then I copy and paste the document with the code into R as to have the code run which works fine, however when the code is long (hundred pages) it takes a significant amount of time in R to start making the code run. This seems rather not a very effective working procedure and I am sure there are other forms to compile the R code.
On another hand one of then that comes to my mind is to import the content of word into R which I am unsure how to do. Have tried with read.table but it does not work, have look on internet as to how to import data, however most explanations are all for data tables etc or internet files in the form of data tables and similar. I have tried saving the document into csv. however word does not include csv have tried with Rich text format and XML package but again the instructions from the packages are for importing tables and similars. I am wondering if there is an effective way for R to import a word document as is in the word document.
Thank you
It's hard to say what the easiest solution would be, without examining the word document. Assuming it only contains code and nothing else, it should be pretty easy to convert it all to plain text from within Word. You can do that by going to File -> Save As, and use 'plain text' under 'Save as type'.
Then edit the filename extension to .R from .txt, download a proper text editor (I can recommend RStudio for R), and open your code in it. Then you will be able to run the code from inside the editor without using copy / paste.
No, read table won't do it.
Microsoft Word has its own format, which includes a lot of meta data over and above the text you enter into it. You'll need a reader/parser that understands the Word format.
A Java developer would use a library like Apache POI to read and parse it into word tokens and n-grams.
Look for Natural Language Processing tools, like this R module:
