Need a little help with the following R code. I’ve got quite a number of data to load from a Microsoft sql database. I tried to do a few things to make the sql queries manageable.
1) Stored the query as object names with unique prefix
2) Using search to return a vector of the object names with unique prefix
3) using for loop to loop through the vector to load data <- this part didn’t work.
#setting up dB connection, odbc pkg
db<- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),Driver =‘SQL Server’, Server=‘Server_name’, Database=‘Datbase name’, UID=‘User ID’, trusted_connection=‘yes’)
#defining the sql query
Sql_query1<-“select * from db1”
Sql_query2<-“select top 100 * from db2”
#the following is to store the sql query object name in a vector by searching for object names with prefix sql_
Sql_list <- ls()[str_detect(ls(),regex(“sql_”,ignore_case=TRUE))]
#This is the part where the code didn’t work
For (i in Sql_list){ i <- dbGetQuery(db, i)}
The error I’ve got is “Error: ‘Sql_query1’ nanodb.cpp:1587: 42000: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Could not find stored procedure ‘Sql_query1’
However, if i don’t use the loop, no error occurred! It may be feasible if I’ve only got 2 -3 queries to manage... unfortunately I’ve 20 of them!
Can anyone help? Thank you!
#Rohits solution written down:
first part from your side is fine
#setting up dB connection, odbc pkg
db<- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),Driver =‘SQL Server’, Server=‘Server_name’, Database=‘Datbase name’, UID=‘User ID’, trusted_connection=‘yes’)
But then it would be more convenient to do something like this:
A more verbose version:
sqlqry_lst <- vector(mode = 'list', length = 2)#create a list to hold queries the in real life length = 20
names(sqlqry_lst) <- paste0('Sql_query', 1:2)#assign names to your list again jut use 1:20 here in your real life example
#put the SQL code into the list elements
sqlqry_lst['Sql_query1'] <- "select * from db1"
sqlqry_lst['Sql_query2'] <- "select top 100 * from db2"
#if you really want to use for loops
res <- vector(mode = 'list', length(sqlqry_lst))#result list
for (i in length(sqlqry_lst)) res[[i]] <- dbGetquery(db,sqlqry_lst[[i]])
Or as a two liner, a bit more R stylish and imho elegant:
sqlqry_lst <- list(Sql_query1="select * from db1", Sql_query2="select top 100 * from db2")
res <- lapply(sqlqry_lst, FUN = dbGetQuery, conn=db)
I suggest you mix and mingle the verbose eg for creating or more precisely for naming the query list and the short version for running the queries against the database as it suits u best.
I am making a shiny app where a user can input an excel file of terms and search them on elastic holdings. The excel file contains one column of keywords and is read into a list, then what I am trying to do is have the each item in the list searched using Search(). I easily did this in Python with a for loop over the terms and then the search connection inside the for loop and got accurate results. I understand that it isn't that easy in R, but I cannot get to the right solution. I am using the R elastic package and have been trying different versions of Search() for over a day. I have not used elastic before so my apologies for not understanding the syntax much. I know that I need to do something with aggs for a list of terms..
Essentially I want to search on the source.body_ field and I want to use match_phrase for searching my terms.
Here is the code I have in Python that works, but I need everything in R for the shiny app and don't want to use reticulate.
queries = list()
for term in my_terms:
search_result ="cars", body={"query": {"match_phrase": {'body_':term}}}, size = 5000)
search_result.update([('term', term)])
I established my elastic connection as con and made sure it can bring back accurate matches on just one keyword with:
match <- {"query": {"match_phrase" : {"body_" : "mustang"}}}
search_results <- Search(con, index="cars", body = match, asdf = TRUE)
That worked how I expected it to with just one keyword explicitly defined.
So after that, here is what I have tried for a list of my_terms:
aggs <- '{"aggs":{"stats":{"terms":{"field":"my_terms"}}}}'
queries <- data.frame()
for (term in my_terms) {
final <- Search(con, index="cars", body = aggs, asdf = TRUE, size = 5000)
rbind(queries, final)
When I run this, it just brings back everything in my elastic. I also tried running that with the for loop commented out and that didn't work.
I also have tried to embed my_terms inside my match list from the single term search at the beginning of this post like so:
match <- '{"query": {"match_phrase" : {"body_": "my_terms"}}}'
Search(con, index="cars", body = match, asdf = TRUE, size = 5000)
This returns nothing. I have tried so many combinations of the aggs list and match list but nothing returns what I'm looking for. Any advice would be much appreciated, I feel like I've read just about everything so far and now I'm just confused.
I figured it out with
p <- data.frame()
for (t in the_terms$keyword) {
result <- Search(con, index="cars", body = paste0('{"query": {"match_phrase" : {"body_":', '"', t, '"', '}}}'), asdf = TRUE, size = 5000)
p <- rbind(p, result$hit$hit)
I have 200,000 links that I am trying to download, I have tried downloading it all in one go but I ran into memory issues.
I am trying to create a function which will download 1000 links at a time and save them in a folder.
A small sample of the data is as follows:
Data 1:
urls_to_parse <- c("",
I then apply the following function to download these 10 links
parsed_files <- map(urls_to_parse, possibly(parse_filing, otherwise = NA))
Which stores it as a nice list, I can then apply names(parsed_files) <- urls_to_parse to name the lists as the links from where they were downloading them from. I can also use output <- plyr::ldply(parsed_files, data.frame) to store everything in a nice data frame.
Using the below data, how could I create batches to download the data in say batches of 10?
What I have currently:
start = 1
end = 100
output <- NULL
output_fin <- NULL
for(i in start:end){
output[[i]] <- map(urls_to_parse[[i]], possibly(parse_filing, otherwise = NA))
names(output) <- urls_to_parse[start:end]
save(output_fin, file = paste0("C:/Users/Downloads/data/",i, "output.RData"))
I am sure there is a better way using a function, since this code breaks for some of the results.
More data: - 100 links
urls_to_parse <- c("",
Looping over to do batch job as you showed is a bad idea. If you have a 1000s of files to be downloaded, how do you recover from errors?
The performance is not solely depend on your computer's configuration, but the network performance is crucial.
Here are couple of suggestions.
Option 1
partition all URLs in to batches to be able to download them parallelly. The number of files to be downloaded could be equal to number of cores in your computer. Look at this question; reading multiple files quickly in R
store these batches in a queue objects - For ex: using a package like
pop the queue and use the batch of URLs in your parallel file download function.
Use a retryable file download function like in -- HTTP error 400 in R, error handling, How to retry instead of forcing to stop?
Once the queue is completed, move to the next partition.
wrap the whole operation in a retryable loop. For example; How to retry a statement on error?
Why do I use a queue? Because you could retry on error easily.
A pseudo code
file_url_partitions <- partion_as_batches(all_urls, batch_size)
attempts = 3
while( file_url_partitions is not empty && attempt <= 3 ) {
batch = file_url_partitions.pop()
}, some_exception = function(se) {
attemp = attempt+1
Note: I don't have access to R studio/environment now hence no way to try.
Option 2
Download files separately using a download manager/similar and use downloaded files.
Some useful resources:
I've written a very quick blast script in r to enable interfacing with the NCBI blast API. Sometimes however, the result url takes a while to load and my script throws an error until the url is ready. Is there an elegant way (i.e. a tryCatch option) to handle the error until the result is returned or timeout after a specified time?
## Definitive set of blast API instructions can be found here:
## Generate query URL
query_url <-
PROGRAM = "blastp",
DATABASE = "nr",
...) {
put_url_stem <-
arguments = list(...)
blast_url <- query_url(QUERY = "NP_001117.2") ## test query
blast_session <- html_session(blast_url) ## create session
blast_form <- html_form(blast_session)[[1]] ## pull form from session
RID <- blast_form$fields$RID$value ## extract RID identifier
get_url <- function(RID, ...) {
get_url_stem <-
arguments = list(...)
paste0(get_url_stem, "&RID=", RID, "&FORMAT_TYPE=XML", arguments)
hits_xml <- read_xml(get_url(RID)) ## this is the sticky part
Sometimes it takes several minutes for the get_url to go live so what I would like is to do is to keep trying let's say every 20-30 seconds until it either produces the url or times out after a pre-specified time.
I think you may find this answer about the use of tryCatch useful
Regarding the 'keep trying until timeout' part. I imagine you can work on top of this other answer about a tryCatch loop on error
Hope it helps.
I am trying to run the cspade function in the arulesSequences package in R. After I successfully read in my transactions using read_baskets, I try to execute the cspade function against the transactions object I read in.
However, when I execute the command, I obtain an error: system invocation failed. Specifically, here is the output.
preprocessing ... 1 partition(s), 1.2 MB [0.23s]
mining transactions ...Error in cspade(table, parameter = list(support = 0.1), control = list (verbose = TRUE)) :
system invocation failed
The presence of "mining transactions" indicates that the following function call in the cspade code is failing.
if (system2(file.path(exe, "spade"), args = c("-i", file,
"-s", parameter#support, opt, "-e", nop, "-o"), stdout = out))
stop("system invocation failed").
For reference, I can successfully generate sequences using the example zaki dataset.
Does anyone have any idea why that command might be failing?
See link above, caveats section and lower your support threshold.
I have the same problem, I decreased the support ( put 0), still didn't work. But came up with another solution:
I changed the data size (less rows) and it works.
so if for example you can devide your data set to 2 parts of half size and make transcation data of each part as x_1 and x_2,
frequent_pattern_1 <- cspade(x_1,parameter = list(support = 0 ))
frequent_pattern_2 <- cspade(x_2,parameter = list(support = 0 ))
then get the absolute support of analysing each dataset to get result of all.
get the absolute support value
support_x_1<-support(frequent_pattern_1 ,x_1, type= c("absolute"), control = NULL)
support_x_2<-support(frequent_pattern_2 ,x_2, type= c("absolute"), control = NULL)
then finding the matching sequence and summing the supports of the matched ones.