Firebase and Swift 3 - firebase

I have searched around and have not found the particular answer that I am seeking for. I just went and updated my App to a Swift 3 Language from swift 2. It obviously threw out a host of errors which I went through and fixed to the best of my abilities and now I do not have any errors. I can run the app but I cant tell if anything else is working because the Login or Auth sections of the app are not working. I know that I can just bypass to test but I have been working on it a lot and trying to get this feature to work that worked well before the language was changed..
Very simple my question is this:
I upgraded to Swift 3. Do I need to upgrade the cocoa pods to support the change in language? If not is it just an issue with the way that my code is and because of the change to swift 3 that i need to keep tinkering with?
Thanks for any help

sorry posted that about 12 hours to early. After doing a lot of research it looks like I found the answer. have not tested yet but I think I am getting the same errors in the compiler.
"We've noticed what seems to be an issue with the latest iOS 10 simulators (up to beta 6 at the time of this writing) that causes Firebase Auth to throw an error due it to not being able to write values to the keychain. This issue does not affect real devices." This is from a Firebase Blog

Hello I got this problem on the device and not on simulator, my device is iOS 9.3.3 and the strange thing is that when run from xcode it works just fine
But when I open from device after stopping debug from xcode, the error will occur
And after some digging, I found out that if pod is only using firebase, it connect just fine even opening from the device
But if I add just 1 pod, it will error like above, so I don't really understand what is going on
And yes already try using keychain sharing
Any tips?
Edit: it works fine on other devices running iOS 8.1


Unable to boot simulator XCode 8

I have tried all the solutions which found on stack overflow, but still not able to resolve it. Somehow its not open the simulator and gives me error "unable to boot simulator".
I have reinstall 2 times xcode and also remove all simulator and add again. also change "DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES" to ZZ but no solution.
Please help me, Thanks in Advance!
Try to turn off System Integrity Protection - it helped me.
As I also faced the same problem as below..
--"Unable to boot simulator"
--Storyboard designs/views completely invisible and showing only blue lines.
--CoreTelephony Trace File Error ... failed to create \tmp
Don't do any SIP (Disable/Enable)settings its just temp solutions & it may harms to other applications in the mac as well as may affecting on secure data in the mac.
Best way to do upgrade your iMac to macOS "Sierra". It will solve all your problems.
Finally I am able to work on my project by solving above strange problems.
Happy coding.. happy Development...!!!
Assuming the error message was actually "Unable to boot the Simulator.", this error indicates an error starting up launchd_sim when booting the simulated device. In and of itself, it does not indicate the actual cause. You can look in ~/Library/Logs/CoreSimulator/CoreSimulator.log for more information about the error (including the error reason).
Possible causes:
On OSX 10.9 and earlier, DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES could be set by 3rd party applications. On later versions, invalid DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES are ignored instead of resulting in an error.
Usage of older simulator runtime DLC with Xcode 7 betas. Newer versions of Xcode ignore these older DLC.
If you need additional help, please provide that additional datum.
Also see my answer in the related question: Please see my answer on launchd_sim crashing: could not create temporary state directory regarding data you can collect to help further triage the problem.

URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier never returns on iPad Air 2 running iOS 8.1

I have a new iPad Air 2 running iOS 8.1 that I am using to test my app.
The call to URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier never returns.
I installed iOS 8.1 on my iPhone 5s and everything works as expected.
I am thinking there may be a bug in iOS 8.1 for the iPad Air 2 but I am not sure. I noticed that in Settings for iCloud that Documents and Data wasn't even listed, and I signed out and signed back in and Documents & Data showed up in settings. That leads me to believe that this might be an iOS bug.
But in case it is not, is anyone else had the call to URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier never return? If so, what did you do to fix it?
This is a Core Data app using iCLoud storage for an sqlite data store.
I call ubiquityIdentityToken before and it retuns a non-nil value, so iCloud is available.
NSURL *cloudStoreURL = [fileManager URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier:#""];
A user emailed me and said it suddenly started working for him. I just ran my app with no changes and everything works as it should. I do not know why it is working, but something changed somewhere, my guess is Apple changed something.
I've seen the same issue recently for one of my apps. It never occurred directly for me but it has occurred for Apple during the review process. However, it happened only for one of my apps. A second app with the same code never showed the issue for myself or for Apple. I have contacted DTS regarding the problem. If I get a solution I'll post it here.

Xcode 6.1 Simulator - Location Issues

I have created a location based app, and it works fine on the device. But on the simulator there appears to be sporadic issues where the location services just stops working. Everyday for the past few days, I have worked on the app using the simulator without issues, however when I come back into work the next day and start the app again, I am getting the usual error
didFailWithError: Error Domain=kCLErrorDomain Code=0 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCLErrorDomain error 0.)"
This happens to every location app I have, I have a few custom code examples I have I use for reference to check the issue is not just happening to my application. So this confirms that it is not a coding issue
Usually I can fix the issue, after a few attempts of resetting simulator, deleting derived data, double checking I have setup a simulated location under edit scheme. It usually takes a few attempts of trying this various techniques to get it working. But today I cannot get it working at all on the simulator.
Now I am sure after playing about with for longer, I will eventually get this working again on the simulator, but I would like to know the root cause of this issue. I am getting tired of every morning, repeating this routine of resetting sim, deleting data, as it is wasting time that could be spent actually coding.
Is this an issue with the Xcode 6.1 simulator? Why does this seem to happen quite often and does anyone else have a better solution to this issue?
I have filed a bug report with Apple as suggested by Jeremy Huddleston Sequoia. However for the time being, if anyone else has this issue, the only work around I have found to truly fix this is, first reset the simulator, secondly delete the derived data folder, then finally reset the mac. It is frustrating, but every day this week I have had this issue, and for the time being, this is the only solution I have found that seems to work, well sometimes. Hope this helps if anyone else is having this problem. If Apple respond to my error report, I will update my answer
it happens often to me and use xCode 6.1.
Usually Cmd + Shift + K, which is about the equivalent of resetting the simulator , I can make it work.
Other times , change device , launch the iPhone 5 on the simulator and on the iPhone 6 and then I go after ...
Strange thing ... I agree with you that it may be some sort of bug or poorly procedures initiated by the compiler.
Also because then once part after is always the simulator

In app purchase didReceiveResponse does not show my product

By some mysterious reasons I got myself a jailbroken iPhone 3GS from a vendor whom I am finding difficult to track.
My task is to test out in app purchase functionality on it.
Currently it has iOS 5.0.1 with cydia installed.
No, it does not have Appsync.
I am installing my build through testflightapp API which works without issues with my app so far.
However when I initiate in app purchase, I don't get anything in response.products so far.
I have added productIDs and all in itunes-connect already, checked twice that they are fine, since 48 hours.
I tried testing with iPhone simulator 5.1, but all I got was no values from storekit. I would love to hear if there is any workaround with simulator.
Worked around this finally - deleted my app from itunes connect, re-added it.
It complained about name being already used.
I changed the language of name. And it worked.
Maybe, my prior app setup was right, but I had something else messed up.
In between, I rejected my app. That maybe one of the reason behind this issue.
Don't developer reject your app.

Xcode 4.4 on iOS 5.1 build succeeds but run hangs on simulator with debug message 'Failed to attach to process id <pid>'

Symptoms: Running any iOS 5.1 application from Xcode 4.4 (and 4.4.1) will launch the iPhone simulator but result in a plain black screen. In the Xcode console, the message "error: Failed to attach process to id " is displayed, being different each time. Attempting to 'Stop' the application from Xcode does nothing, and only Force Quit will return Xcode to a working state. Pressing the 'Home' button on the simulator shows that the app was successfully installed. Sometimes, opening the app from the simulator will show the UI, but no console messages are displayed, even after manually performing 'Product->Attach to process.'
Attempted Solutions: Xcode 4.3.x was originally installed on Lion, working charmingly. The problem started at installation of Xcode 4.4 in early August, for a project which was working before. I upgraded to Mountain Lion, didn't help. I reinstalled Xcode, didn't help. I upgraded to 4.4.1 Aug 7, didn't help. I deleted all trace of Xcode data, running: find / -name '[xX]code' and deleting all super-folders where it seemed relevant. That (not surprisingly) caused some OS issues, since subsequently reinstalling Xcode just didn't work. I then did it again, reinstalled Mountain Lion (to restore some OS files I probably killed), then reinstalled Xcode 4.4.1.
For projects, I typically ran new, single-view projects each time. Lately I've tried using this sample project from Apple, per link 3 below. I tried all the clean builds, etc., but honestly, one would assume opening a fresh project should just work. Just for kicks, I put a single 'Label' object in the iPhone storyboard at times.
After doing some homework I managed to find the following questions most similar to mine, but none are exact nor do any of the solutions work (in order of decreasing relevance):
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I apologize for the lack of brevity, but I've spent probably 15 hours trying to find/implement solutions to a seemingly trivial problem, and I would rather provide all relevant information than to have you guess at what I did. I'm not going to specify all the build info, just because it's whatever comes stock on the fresh install of Xcode.
I had similar problem (although with different configuration) and found incredibly simple solution by chance. I just used Product->Stop, then Product->Run (through keyboard shortcuts if that matters). Just once! Then the problem disappeared.
configuration: XCode 4.2, iPhone Simulator 5.0
symptom difference: process attaching didn't fail
It seems to me that the problem stems from the XCode-Simulator communication, and that's why I've shared my experience here despite the differences.
EDIT: It comes out Stop; Run didn't provide permanent solution for me. The problem is recurring from time to time. Still it is a temporary workaround for me.
I got this a few times, especially when I kept running my app and cancelling it or interrupting it too often, it's not something you can put your finger on, but yes I always managed to get back up and running by deleting the app in the simulator, cleaning project and build folder, deleting derived data (in Xcode organiser > projects view), restarting simulator and Xcode.
This also happened a few times on the device, and I needed to restart the device, iPhone in my case. I hope these infos help you out.
I got this to work by building and running the simulator using the Xcode 4.5 developer preview. I then closed it out and reopened Xcode 4.4.1 and it built and ran fine.
While none of the solutions above worked for me, thanks for putting this all together. I figured I'd answer here since this was the most comprehensive.
While this isn't exactly a solution, after today's OSX 10.8.1 update from Apple, this issue has been resolved. It's safe to say that some bug arose in the process of installing Mountain Lion and Xcode 4.4 that was fixed with this update to OSX.
I think I've cracked this one for my particular case, and I admit it's somewhat a mistake only newbies should do but I had overrided
viewWillApear:(bool)animated {}
in a ViewController of mine, without calling back
[super viewWillApear:animated]
It might be a good idea to search for all view lifecycle methods in your project and see if you have similar problem.
