Sending notifications between devices using Firebase SDK? - firebase

Is it possible to send upstream messages from a device using the Firebase JavaScript SDK?
For example, would it be possible to send a push notification to another device without the use of an external server?


Firebase push notification device to device

I am coding a React Native app and I using Firebase push notification service.
In my app, users can send message for each other and I want to notify them when they get message.
I found one way for native android I can code for react native it is not problem just I want to know if there is better way. I can make post to directly to Firebase service with using Http post.
This is the link which way I found:
I want to push notification to specific device without server, is there another way to do this?
Sending a message to a device with Firebase Cloud Messaging requires that you specify the FCM server key. As its name implies, this key is supposed to only be used in trusted environments, as knowing it allows one to send any message they want to all users of the app. For this reason it is not possible to secure send messages directly from one device to another device with FCM.
Instead you will have to run code in a trusted environment, such as your development machine, a server you control, or Cloud Functions. Your client-side application code invokes the server-side code, that ensures the call is authorized, and then calls the FCM API.
For more on this see:
How to send one to one message using Firebase Messaging
How to send device to device messages using Firebase Cloud Messaging?

Can I send push notification without using device token

I want to send automatic push notifications to my clients who are installing my flutter application. Can I do it without getting their device tokens. I am using firestore as my database
You can send messages to client apps using topic messaging, but each client app will need to be subscribed to the named topic. You will not be able to single out a specific device without a device token.

Subscribe user in OneSignal via proxy in QT app

IP address of OneSignal is now in registry of prohibited sites of Russia.
I have Android and iOS app using OneSignal for push notifications. Before I can send notification to specific device, this device has to be subscribed by using OneSignal SDK. After that I can take playerid to specify device for which I want to send a notification.
Because of IP address block I cannot use SDK directly. But I suppose that it's possible to setup a proxy, so all api requests of SDK will go throw it.
App is written using Qt, QML and Java/Objective-C.
I've tried QNetworkProxy using provided example with some free proxies from here. But I've got errors not just requesting OneSignal SDK but my server api as well.
So the question is how to setup proxy in QT app (using qt, qml, java whatever) to make all OneSignal SDK API requests go throw it to bypass OneSignal IP addresses blocking?

How Firebase push notification work on IOS?

I want to create my own push notification mechanism for my own iOS applications.
I compared some services like or Google Firebase. I think Pushy is the only service that can push notifications independent from Apple APNs, but it uses simple HTTP long-poll requests to receive notifications (in the iOS SDK).
But how does Firebase work? Does it still depend on Apple's APNs? How will it affect my battery life?
Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) delivers push notification to iOS devices via Apple's Push Notifications service. Also FCM extends functionality of push notifications.
How FCM extends?
FCM works with iOS and Android. Cool feature if you have the app for both platforms;
Don't need to develop backend for sending notifications, storing pn tokens etc. Just register your app in the Google Developer Console and follow User Guides. For sending a push just execute request to with params;
Broadcast notifications. The app subscribes to a topic and then you can send a notification to all topic subscribers. Very cool;
Upstream messages (send data to the server)
Also Google has others services you can extend FCM with. For example Cloud Functions.
I didn't find that FCM integration take big affect to battery life in my apps.
FCM framework sends push notification token (and other info) to Google services. Also as I mentioned above you can subscribe app for a specific topic. Than Google knows which device needs to send a push to.
There is a possibility to setup FCM in iOS automatically(with using method swizzling). FCM exchange AppDelegate methods and knows your's device pn token.
Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) utilizes APNs (Apple push notifications services) for delivering the messages to iOS devices.
So basically, FCM wraps iOS methods like registerForRemoteNotifications or didReceiveRemoteNotification using method swizzling (BTW, you can disable this if you wish, although I can't see any reason...).
On the technical side - the phone is keeping an open connection with APNs and this tunnel is used for sending the messages themselves.

Is Firebase client SDK necessary for simple APNS?

I have a project that currently sends PNs through APNS and I'm investigating using Firebase for this purpose. I would prefer that the push notifications be sent through APNS and Firebase merely acts as a wrapper/intermediate around APNS. I'm not using any other feature of Firebase(storage, persistent connections, messaging, etc) either.
All guides/examples on this topic seem to integrate the Firebase SDK and relevant config files but I don't see the need for any client side change if the notifications are going to go through APNS.
Do I really need the Firebase SDK for simply sending PNs? If yes, for what reason?
You only need the Firebase SDK if you intend to use the service.
The behavior of FCM, as you know it, is that when you send a message with FCM, it forwards the message towards APNs, which in turn would send it to the iOS device.
If you're already fine using APNs alone for the push notifications, then you technically don't need the Firebase SDK.
