AEM adaptive image working on Author but not on Publish - servlets

I've followed these instructions to get a custom adaptive image component working on my AEM author install. Problem is, it doesn't fetch a lower resolution image on publish like it does on author. Could this have something to do with the fact that the servlet reference is in the apps directory and is therefore not accessible on a publish server?
Name your config file and place it in config folder in your app. The trick here is to have the sling.servlet.resourceTypes property. This property should include the path to your custom adaptive image component (highlighted in yellow in below sample – for a custom comp in path /apps/APPNAME/components/content/adaptiveimage).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jcr:root xmlns:sling="" xmlns:jcr=""
I used CRX/DE lite for this, so it worked a little differently. It involved creating a "sling:OsgiConfig" node named "" under apps/myproject/config.
I added a String named "adapt.supported.widths" with the "Multi" button clicked and added the values 320, 480, 476, and 620.
I added another Multi String named "sling.servlet.resourceTypes" and added the values "foundation/components/adaptiveimage" and "myproject/components/content/adaptiveimage"
After that, I could see the image resolution changing for my custom component when I resized the browser window.
As I've stated above, I'm noticing that in Publish the adaptive image that I implemented successfully in Author using this method does not work. The image will resize in publish but will only request the "high" image resolution. I've checked to see if it is just calling it "high" when in fact the actual resolution is low. When I look closely at the image when I resize it to the same level on author and publish you can see a difference between author which shows a much lower res image and publish which shows a much higher res image.
Could this have something to do with the fact that we've created a node with the type "sling:OsgiConfig" named "" under apps/myproject/config?
Perhaps publish doesn't have access to this node as it's in the apps directory? Have I missed something else here?

This is not an access issue as the OSGI configurations gets bound to service internally and are independent of logged in user. Can you verify that the configurations are getting bound correctly on your publish instance -
Goto /system/console/configMgr on your publish instance
Search for Adaptive Image Component Servlet and click on it.
Check if property Configuration Binding is empty stating Unbound or new configuration
If so, click on Save and your configurations will be effective. Post this test again on your publish instance


AEM DAM image replace - references in pages not updating

I have a problem with references to an image not updating in pages that are using that image.
This is the steps that the users are reporting
go to /siteadmin#/content/dam/
on the "new" dropdown menu, select "new file"
select an image file that is a different image but has the same name as a file that already exists
upload the file and when asked that a file already exists, choose replace
activate the file when the upload completes
The problem is that when I check pub I can see the image is updated, and if I navigate to the path of the image, for example:
I can see the new image I replaced the old one with
the problem is that pages that were referencing the image, specifically the image component, still shows the old image. I've check flush rules, checked workflows and nothing seems to work
The one thing I noticed is that in pages that are referencing the image the path is like this
so it seems the path it is using is like a generated path and not the same path as this one: pub1.mypub:4503/content/dam//my-image.png
im at a complete loss, I honestly do not know what else to check, has anyone ran into this and figured out how to fix it?
this is on aem 6.3
the problem is that in pubs the image being referenced in the component does not update, and since it does not update in pub, it never updates dispatcher
You can try activating the referenced pages after the image has been published. Since the page on publish has reference to the previous image.

Complication placeholder not showing

I've just added a complication to my watchOS app. I was able to select it on simulator's watch face, but it shows blank items. Temporary all methods of CLKComplicationDataSource return nil. I've created a new assets group for complication, added all required .png images as specified here, setup Complication Group property in Xcode target, but nothing shows up!
What should I do to enable static placeholder images for my complications?
Configuration in Xcode:
The problem was that the .xcassets file with placeholder images must be included into the watch extension bundle, but it was included into the watch app instead. I spend all day trying to figure this out.

Alfresco Aikau debugging

In Alfresco Share the Search page is implemented with Aikau.
I'm interested in the more general question, is it possible to Debug Aikau widgets?
I have founds some links on this matter, but they talk more about logging and not actual javascript debugging:
Suppose I have the following Aikau widget alfresco/search/AlfSearchResult and the following method inside it:
* This function is called to create a
* [SearchResultPropertyLink]{#link module:alfresco/renderers/SearchResultPropertyLink} widget
* to render the displayName of the result. It can be overridden to replace the default widget
* with a reconfigured version.
* #instance
createDisplayNameRenderer: function alfresco_search_AlfSearchResult__createDisplayNameRenderer() {
// jshint nonew:false
var config = {
id: + "_DISPLAY_NAME",
currentItem: this.currentItem,
pubSubScope: this.pubSubScope,
propertyToRender: "displayName",
renderSize: "large",
newTabOnMiddleOrCtrlClick: this.newTabOnMiddleOrCtrlClick,
defaultNavigationTarget: this.navigationTarget
if (this.navigationTarget)
config.navigationTarget = this.navigationTarget;
new SearchResultPropertyLink(config, this.nameNode);
Is there any way I could insert a breakpoint and stop execution at the line where this.currentItem is used in order for me to evaluate it's properties?
Yes, there are several ways in which you can debug Aikau... the first thing to do is to make sure that you're running with "client-debug" mode enabled (either in Share or in your custom Aikau client).
For example, in Share you'd want to update the /WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/share-config.xml file to change:
<client-debug>false</client-debug> be...
You'll need to restart Share for the changes to take effect. You'll see then that you have a "Debug Menu" item in the main header menu bar. If you open this you can enable logging by toggling "Debug Logging" and "Show All Logs" to be true.
This will result in logging output appearing in your browser developer tools console. You can also fine tune the logging output to only show errors or warning and to provide a RegEx expression to match certain logging output.
With client debug enabled the JavaScript source being loaded by the browser will be uncompressed. This will make it easier for you to add break points.
Because Surf aggregates all of the required module source code into a single resource (for performance and caching reasons) you will want to find the Aikau source file - the easiest way to do this is to use "CTRL-P" (in Chrome) to open a resource and type "surf" into the box that appears - this will always find the Aikau source code first.
Firebug for Firefox handles finding across resources better, so you can just used "CTRL-F" and then paste in the line you want to break on.
You can add breakpoints in this resource as you normally would and the browser will break on them.
As well as setting break points you can also use the DebugLog widget. This can be toggled from the "Debug Menu" and shows all the publications and subscriptions that are being made.
It is also possible to directly include and configure the alfresco/services/LoggingService and the alfresco/logging/DebugLog widgets in your page as you are developing. We take this approach for all our unit test pages. This can be a handy approach during development and they can be removed when you're finished developing.
This presentation although quite old, also contains some useful debugging tips (see slide 56 onwards).

Get TinyMCE 4.3 Image Tools to save images as regular image files

The new TinyMCE 4.3 Image Tools (eg when cropping) saves images as blob data instead of image files in a directory. the edited mage url is like
I want to upload the image file to a specific folder and then use it as regular image referance / path.
The question I am going to put is similar to Image edit issue. but the answer to this question is not working. I also tried solution but not working because it produces always same name image name.
The basic process is that TinyMCE will create a separate HTTP POST for each image that you modify with the image editor. It will send that image to a URL of your choosing (via HTTP POST) based on the setting of the images_upload_url option in your init.
The image handler at the URL referenced in the images_upload_url (which you have to create) has to do whatever needs to be done to "store" the image in your application. That could mean something like:
Store the item in a folder on your web server
Store the item in a database
Store the item in an asset management system
...regardless of where you choose to store the image your image handler needs to return a single line of JSON telling TinyMCE the new location of the image. As referenced in the TinyMCE documentation this might look like:
{ location : '/uploaded/image/path/image.png' }
TinyMCE will then update the image's src attribute to the value you return. If you use the images_upload_base_path setting in the init that will be prepended to the returned location. The TinyMCE page has more details on all of this:
The net here is that TinyMCE knows when an embedded image exists in your content but it can't possibly know what to do with that image in the context of your application so that job (the "image handler") is something you must create.

Browse for Project Folders in Build Template TFS 2010

I'm adding a new argument to my custom Build template. The argument is almost identical to the default Projects to Build argument under Required -> Items to Build. It simply shows a dialog window with a list of folders under current TFS Project. I can't figure out what the type of control is. I tried FolderBrowserDialog but it browses the computer rather than the TFS project itself. Any help would be appreciated.
You can set the Editor for this argument to:
Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Controls.ServerFileBrowserEditor, Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Controls
Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Controls.ServerFolderBrowserEditor, Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Controls
See my blog for a detailed set of steps.
All of these types are Internal, so you can't reference them from your own code or see them easily. What you can do, is set them as Editor for a parameter you created in the Build Workflow. You need to specify Typename, Assemblyname. You can find these items in the MetaData section of your Build Template.
Add your argument to the workflow:
Open the Metadata property:
Set the editor for your property:
A multi-folder select dialog is not part of the Default UI Editors. You'd have to roll your own. Either use Reflector to see how the existing ones work, or use Reflection to invoke th existing editors as part of your new editor.
It's not going to be pretty code either way, but it would work.
