where to get address like in android? - ip

I am trying to get IP address of Android Phone and it shows something like i need some thing like both same?.Can anyone tell me what is the difference and How to get that address?
Thank you

Are you using AVD?
The AVD receives its network address and configuration on the private network from a DHCP server that is integrated into Virtual. The address which the virtual Device receives is usually on a completely different network to the host. As more than one card of a virtual device can be set up to use NAT networking, the first card is connected to the private network, the second card to the network and so on.

It is highly unlikely that you have an IP with a 0 at the end because they are mostly used as the Network ID, especially with the adress. The and the Adress are both IP Adresses that are in the private Range, so they are not public. I assume that you get your IP via DHCP so it depends on that DHCP Server what IP you will get. In the end of the day it doesn't really matter if you have an 10.0.xx.xx or a 192.168.0.xx Adress. Maybe I could help you a little more if you tell me why you need a adress? is an IP address found on many local computer networks, particularly business networks.Internet Protocol (IP) version 4 defines certain sets of IP addresses as restricted for private use (not available to be assigned to Web servers or other Internet hosts).


local area IP Routing

I am using fiber internet service that company give me a device which assign me local ip like ,2,3 and so on to my computer/ Laptop . but I want to change my local area ip like etc. how to route my Ip
Well since the ip is assigned by the service provider they are probably using DHCP server to assign you ip. So you are getting those segment ip's, these are basically private class c ip address. In order to get different range of IP's you can put your intermediate router and configure it to provide private class B IP address.You might need a cross cable to connect both the routers.

Weird IP appears on local network

I've logged in to my router's console to check a small internet problem.
And accidently noticed a strange ip connected to the wireless network which is (the rest were all on the,
I looked that ip up on whois and got nothing, result was that 'this ip is unroutable'.
What does that mean ? and why possibly would be seeing this strange ip on my local network ?
This ip was appearing as connected to the router via wireless network, a few seconds later it appeared as connected via ethernet.
Can someone please explain what could this possibly happen ?
The address range is the "zeroconf" range that many devices fall back to when no local address is configured and DHCP fails.
It's a link-local address, meaning that devices can only communicate within the local layer 2 segment. These addresses are not routed.
The device in question is probably set up for DHCP but failing that (filtered, exhausted pool, ...) has fallen back to zeroconf. Another possibility is a stray packet that the device has sent out on the wrong interface.
Using packet capturing, you should be able to find out the device's MAC address and be able to locate it.
The 192.168.X.X Ip's are the ones being assigned by your router, they are private network reserved addresses. The other address you see is probably your router's connection to the WAN

What exactly is the difference between and

What's the difference between these 2 local ip addresses? In terms of pro's , con's and usage?
Those a simply two separate IPv4 addresses.
The address is a public address which should not be used unless you have been assigned the address block containing it by an RIR or your ISP (which was assigned the address block containing it).
The address is a private address which anyone may use in a private network. This address cannot be routed on the public Internet.
I suppose you are talking about because it makes no sense to compare with because is a public IP address.
If you are talking about instead of, then... both are private IP address. They are defined in the RFC1918
There is a good overview at the Wikipedia page but the main difference is the size of the segment.
The address is not a local address, it is a web address.
If you instead meant this is what is refereed to as the "Loop back" IP, and is often referred to as localhost. Connections to this IP target the computer of origin, and are intercepted by the network card in your computer and fed back into the same computer. is an IP on your local network, this may or may not be your computer. This address is assigned by your DHCP server on your local network (usualy running on the router) and is subject to change unless you have configured your DHCP server to make it static
Which to use? Use when you are trying to connect to a website/remote computer at that IP (most likely not you) Use when you are trying to connect a computer/device on your local network that you know will be at or localhost Use when you are trying to connect to a port on the same computer you are already on

IP Comparison between 2 Locations

can one location have more than 1 IP address? I have 2 IP addresses and need to know if they originate from the same source. Thanks
You're missing clear definitions of "location" and "source" in your question but lets go with the assumption that you mean "physical machine" for both (as it's obvious that multiple machines will have different addresses and that a single machine can change its IP address over time).
In that case, the answer is yes. The operating system may bind as many IP addresses to a physical network port (and a single MAC -- the physical addressing used by Ethernet) as it wishes.
Binding multiple IP addresses was the standard way of doing "virtual web hosting" before HTTP/1.1 arrived with the "Host" header. The provider would use DNS to map different host names to different IPs on the same network (usually the same subnet as well) and then assign all of them to the same interface. The webserver would get address information from an incoming connection and based on the local IP address would know which virtual host was being accessed.
This led to a higher-than-typical use of public IP addresses but the practice is now gone with the proliferation of HTTP/1.1.
I'm not sure how Windows presents it, but Linux will present a physical interface with multiple IP addresses as multiple logical interfaces such as "eth0", "eth0:1", "eth0:2", etc. Each logical interface has a unique IP address even though they share the same physical interface.
This is hard to tell. Especially it is hard to tell if these IP addresses are from different times. Today I may have a different IP address than tomorrow.
Even they are from the same time, a load balancer im my internal equipment might send my packets over the fail-over line if the 1st one is overloaded or broken down.
One network adapter normally has only one IP address at once and a typical end user only has one network connection active, but even then the IP address can change. The user could switch from wireless to wired and back or a power outage might reset the ISP's DHCP server (assigning everyone a new IP address).
If you want to identify the user even if his IP address changes, you need to identify the user by his session id, stored in cookies. As two users can have the same IP address (a whole company could be behind a NAT), you should never rely on IP addresses for identification.

Different values for my IP address?

Was just wondering why I seem to get different values for my IP address from different sources. If I go to one of the many different 'what's my ip' sites on the net I get a completely different value from when I use ipconfig (on win7)
And no, it's not the subnet mask I'm looking at, these are the actual ipv4 addresses, why would they be resolving to different addresses? Are these 'what's my IP' sites only able to hit an exchange and not determine the IPs of my actual box itself?
If your PC is on a network and not directly connected to your ISP via a modem, there will be at least one router between your machine and the internet. That router will almost certainly be doing NAT (Network Address Translation) and possibly DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) too.
The router will have been assigned an address by the ISP when it established the connection. This address might be static (unchanging) or, more commonly, dynamic (changes periodically as the ISP sees fit). So your 'public' address - the one the router has been assigned and which is visible to the internet - may change from time to time.
Your PC will be connected to the router, and will either have a fixed IP address assigned to it (typically in the 192.168.x.x range) through your OS networking config, or will be given one by the router each time it connects (when you switch on or reboot) via DHCP. In this case, the address will be in whatever range the DHCP service has been told to use (again, the default is likely to be in the 192.168.x.x range).
So your PC has its' own internal address, and your router has its' public address. When you exchange internet traffic, the machine at the other end of the connection will see your public address, not your internal address - the router takes care of forwarding data to the right internal address automatically.
Depending on what IP-checker service you're using, it might display your public address (from the router, which may change if the ISP assigns dynamic addresses) or your internal address (typically when a script runs inside the browser and asks the machine directly).
The answer won't clarify anything, but I'll tell you anyway.
They're both right.
No, your machine doesn't really have two IP addresses, but the IP it shows as depends on who's looking, and from where.
What you're seeing is the result of what's called a NAT router. NAT stands for "Network Address Translation". The router manages the IP addresses on a LAN, or Local Area Network, and then translates to the appropriate IP address it was assigned on the external network, usually the internet.
