julia-client: can't render lazy - julia

Could somebody please explain to me what this message might mean?
I have the Julia client running in Atom, and my code works properly and it gets me the results, but for some line executions(ctrl+enter) the instant eval gives me "julia-client: can't render lazy".
It appears that the behind the scenes the code is executed, but the inline evaluations prefers not to output anything.
The lines corresponding to these messages usually should return a 2 dimensional arrays or dataframes, and in Julia usually the type and the dimensions are printed in the eval, but for some specific lines it can't render.
I could not find similar reports anywhere else.
julia version 0.5.0-rc3

This is a problem with package versions being out of sync. It's you're on the Julia release (v0.5), this will be fixed with a Pkg.update(). In the future, this kind of question is better suited for the Juno discussion board


Calling the agrep .Internal C function from Rcpp

In short: How can I call, from within Rccp C++ code, the agrep C internal function that gets called when users use the regular agrep function from base R?
In long: I have found multiple questions here about how to invoke, from within Rcpp, a C or C++ function created for another package (e.g. using C function from other package in Rcpp
and Rcpp: Call C function from a package within Rcpp).
The thing that I am trying to achieve, however, is at the same time simpler but also way less documented: it is to directly call, from within Rcpp, a .Internal C function that comes with base R rather than another package, without interfacing with R (that is, without doing what is said in Call R functions in Rcpp). How could I do that for the .Internal C function that lays underneath base R's agrep wrapper?
The specific function I am trying to call here is the agrep internal C function. And for context, what I am ultimately trying to achieve is to speed-up a call to agrep for when millions of patterns must be each checked against each of millions of x targets.
Great question. The long and short of it is "You cant" (in many cases) unless the function is visible in one of the header files in "src/include/". At least not that easily.
Not long ago I had a similar fun challenge, where I tried to get access to the do_docall function (called by do.call), and it is not a simple task. First of all, it is not directly possible to just #include <agrep.c> (or something similar). That file simply isn't available for inclusion, as it is not a part of the "src/include". It is compiled and the uncompiled file is removed (not to mention that one should never "include" a .c file).
If one is willing to go the mile, then the next step one could look at is "copying" and "altering" the source code. Basically find the function in "src/main/agrep.c", copy it into your package and then fix any errors you find.
Problems with this approach:
As documented in R-exts the internal structures of sexprec_info is not made public (this is the base structure for all objects in R). Many internal function use the fields within this structure, so one has to "copy" the structure into your source code, to make it public to your code specifically.
If you ever #include <Rcpp.h> prior to this file, you will need to go through each and every call to internal functions and likely add either R_ or Rf_.
The function may contain calls to other "internal" functions, that further needs to be copied and altered for it to work.
You will also need to get a clear understanding of what CDR, CAR and similar does. The internal functions have a documented structure, where the first argument contains the full call passed to the function, and function like those 2 are used to access parts of the call.
I did myself a solid and rewrote do_docall changing the input format, to avoid having to consider this. But this takes time. The alternative is to create a pairlist according to the documentation, set its type as a call-sexp (the exact name is lost to me at the moment) and pass the appropriate arguments for op, args and env.
And lastly, if you go through the steps, and find that it is necessary to copy the internal structures of sexprec_info (as described later), then you will need to be very careful about when you include Rinternals and Rcpp, as any one of these causes your code to crash and burn in the most beautiful and silent way if you include your header and these in the wrong order! Note that this even goes for [[Rcpp::export]], which may indeed turn out to include them in the wrong arbitrary order!
If you are willing to go this far down the drainage, I would suggest carefully reading adv-R "R's C interface" and Chapter 2, 5 and 6 of R-ext and maybe even the R internal manual, and finally once that is done take a look at do_docall from src/main/coerce.c and compare it to the implementation in my repository cmdline.arguments/src/utils/{cmd_coerce.h, cmd_coerce.c}. In this version I have
Added all the internal structures that are not public, so that I can access their unmodified form (unmodified by the current session).
This includes the table used to store the currently used SEXP's, that was used as a lookup. This caused a problem as I can't access the modified version, so my code is slightly altered with the old code blocked by the macro #if --- defined(CMDLINE_ARGUMENTS_MAYBE_IN_THE_FUTURE). Luckily the code causing a problem had a static answer, so I could work around this (but this might not always be the case).
I added quite a few Rf_s as their macro version is not available (since I #include <Rcpp.h> at some point)
The code has been split into smaller functions to make it more readable (for my own sake).
The function has one additional argument (name), that is not used in the internal function, with some added errors (for my specific need).
This implementation will be frozen "for all time to come" as I've moved on to another branch (and this one is frozen for my own future benefit, if I ever want to walk down this path again).
I spent a few days scouring the internet for information on this and found 2 different posts, talking about how this could be achieved, and my approach basically copies this. Whether this is actually allowed in a cran package, is an whole other question (and not one that I will be testing out).
This approach goes again if you want to use not-public code from other packages. While often here it is as simple as "copy-paste" their files into your repository.
As a final side note, you mention the intend is to "speed up" your code for when you have to perform millions upon millions of calls to agrep. It seems that this is a time where one should consider performing the task in parallel. Even after going through the steps outlined above, creating N parallel sessions to take care of K evaluations each (say 100.000), would be the first step to reduce computing time. Of course each session should be given a batch and not a single call to agrep.

Julia: ctrl+c does not interrupt

I'm using REPL inside VScode and trying to fix a code that gets stuck inside a certain package. I want to figure out which process is taking time by looking at the stack trace but cannot interrupt because REPL does not respond to ctrl+c. I pressed ctrl+x by accident and that showed ^X on the screen.
I am using JuMP and GLPK so it could be stuck there. However, I am not seeing any outputs.
I would also appreciate any tips on figuring out which process is causing it to be stuck.
Interrupts are not implemented in GLPK.jl. I've opened an issue: https://github.com/jump-dev/GLPK.jl/issues/171 (but it's unlikely to get fixed quickly).
If you're interested in contributing to JuMP, it's a good issue to get started with. You could look at the Gurobi.jl code for how we handle interrupts there as inspiration.
I started out using GLPK.jl and I also found that it would "hang" on large problems. However, I recommend trying the Cbc.jl solver. It has a time limit parameter which will interrupt the solver in a set number of seconds. I found it to produce quality results. (Or you could use Cbc for Dev/QA testing to determine what might be causing the hanging and switch to GLPK for your production runs.)
You can set the time limit using the seconds parameter as follows.
For newer package versions:
model = Model(optimizer_with_attributes(Cbc.Optimizer
,"seconds" => 60
,"threads" => 4
,"loglevel" => 0
,"ratioGap" => 0.0001))
Or like this for older package versions:
model = Model(with_optimizer(Cbc.Optimizer

BigFloat FFT in Julia

I'd like to perform FFT over an array of BigFloats in Julia, but so far I couldn't make it possible. I found FFTW.jl and followed the instructions in their docs (importall FFTW, etc.). Sadly this did not help and I'm still getting ERROR: type BigFloat not supported when running a command like fft([BigFloat(1.0)]).
Did anybody experience (and hopefully overcome) similar issues?
FFTW.jl is a wrapper to the C library FFTW which cannot handle BigFloats. You need to find a pure-Julia code, like this one in FastTransforms.jl.

Can I implement a small subset of Curses in pure C++ (or any similar language) easily?

(I couldn't find anything related to this, as I don't know what keywords to search for).
I want a simple function - one that prints 3 lines, then erases the 3 lines and replaces with new ones. If it were a single line, I could just print \r or \b and overwrite it.
How can I do this without a Curses library? There must be some escape codes or something for this.
I found some escape codes to print colored text, so I'm guessing there is something similar to overwrite previous lines.
I want this to run on OSX and Ubuntu at least.
Edit: I found this - http://www.perlmonks.org/?displaytype=displaycode;node_id=575125
Is there a list of ALL such available commands?
(Short answer: Yes. See "ANSI Escape code" in Wikipedia for a complete list of ANSI sequences. Your terminal may or may not be ANSI, but ANSI sequence support seems pretty common - a good starting point at least).
The commands depends on the terminal you are using, or these days of course the terminal emulator.
Back in the day there were physical boxes with names such as "VT-100" or "Ontel".
Each implemented whatever set of escape sequence commands they chose.
Lately of course we only use emulators. Nearly every sort of command line type interface operates in a text-window that emulates something or other.
Curses is a library that allowes your average programmer to write code to manipulate the terminal without having to know how to code for each of the many difference terminals out there. Kind like printer drivers let you print without having to know the details of any particular printer.
First you need to find out what kind of terminal you are using.
Then you can look up the specific commands.
One possible answer is here.
"ANSI" is a common one, typical of MSDOS.
Or, use curses and be happy for it :-)

How can I label my sub-processes for logging when using multicore and doMC in R

I have started using the doMC package for R as the parallel backend for parallelised plyr routines.
The parallelisation itself seems to be working fine (though I have yet to properly benchmark the speedup), my problem is that the logging is now asynchronous and messages from different cores are getting mixed in together. I could created different logfiles for each core, but I think I neater solution is to simply add a different label for each core. I am currently using the log4r package for my logging needs.
I remember when using MPI that each processor got a rank, which was a way of distinguishing each process from one another, so is there a way to do this with doMC? I did have the idea of extracting the PID, but this does seem messy and will change for every iteration.
I am open to ideas though, so any suggestions are welcome.
EDIT (2011-04-08): Going with the suggestion of one answer, I still have the issue of correctly identifying which subprocess I am currently inside, as I would either need separate closures for each log() call so that it writes to the correct file, or I would have a single log() function, but have some logic inside it determining which logfile to append to. In either case, I would still need some way of labelling the current subprocess, but I am not sure how to do this.
Is there an equivalent of the mpi_rank() function in the MPI library?
I think having multiple process write to the same file is a recipe for a disaster (it's just a log though, so maybe "disaster" is a bit strong).
Often times I parallelize work over chromosomes. Here is an example of what I'd do (I've mostly been using foreach/doMC):
foreach(chr=chromosomes, ...) %dopar% {
cat("+++", chr, "+++\n")
## ... some undoubtedly amazing code would then follow ...
And it wouldn't be unusual to get output that tramples over each other ... something like (not exactly) this:
... you get the idea ...
If I were in your shoes, I think I'd split the logs for each process and set their respective filenames to be unique with respect to something happening in that process's loop (like chr in my case above). Collate them later if you must ... ie. map/reduce your log files :-)
