How to add show all for sidebar filters in magento2 - magento-2.0

I am trying to add show all filters but i dont know how to add in magento please see image link i searched for a code but i need to activate this to filters on sidebar in magento2 can anyone help me please for this please check code i want like that for sidebar filters
$(document).ready(function () {
// Load the first 3 list items from another HTML file
//$('#myList').load('externalList.html li:lt(3)');
$('#myList li:lt(3)').show();
var items = 25;
var shown = 3;
$('#loadMore').click(function () {
shown = $('#myList li:visible').size()+5;
if(shown< items) {$('#myList li:lt('+shown+')').show();}
else {$('#myList li:lt('+items+')').show();
$('#showLess').click(function () {
$('#myList li').not(':lt(3)').hide();
#myList li{ display:none;
#loadMore {
#loadMore:hover {
#showLess {
#showLess:hover {
<script src=""></script>
<ul id="myList">
<li>Twenty one</li>
<li>Twenty two</li>
<li>Twenty three</li>
<li>Twenty four</li>
<li>Twenty five</li>
<div id="loadMore">Load more</div>
<div id="showLess">Show less</div>
see image


How to add style to first element of ul?

I am appending an list to top of the array that I display in HTML using li. Now I am trying to add css to first child of li. I have tried the following code.
this.skills.push({title: 'Play button clicked'});
<div class="column" class="steps">
<ul *ngFor = "let post of skills" >
<li>{{ post.title}}</li>
.steps li:first-child {
background-color: yellow;
.steps li:not(::first-line) {
My problem is this css is added to all the li added. I dont want to show different css to li excluding first one.
Your current selector (.steps li:first-child) is perfectly fine; the problem is that you have two class attributes on your <div> element (<div class="column" class="steps">), which is invalid HTML. Combining the two into one attribute fixes the problem, as can be seen in the following:
.steps li:first-child {
background-color: yellow;
<div class="column steps">
If you want to have multiple <ul> elements, but only want the first child of the first <ul> element to be highlighted, you'll want .steps ul:first-of-type li:first-child:
.steps ul:first-of-type li:first-child {
background-color: yellow;
<div class="column steps">
Pure Angular way
<li *ngFor="let item of array(9); let i = index" [class.firstElem]='i==0'></li>
array(n) {
return Array(n);
.firstElem {
color : red;
Working example in

what for it's working additive-symbols at CSS3?

I am see this documentation at :
but I don't understand true, what for it's working
down is code example :
<ul class="list">
#counter-style additive-symbols-example {
system: additive;
additive-symbols: I 1;
.list {
list-style: additive-symbols-example;
The CSS isn't a replacement for the HTML; it's supplementary (you need both).
Including the relevant HTML with your CSS shows that it does indeed work as intended:
#counter-style additive-symbols-example {
system: additive;
additive-symbols: I 1;
.list {
list-style: additive-symbols-example;
<ul class="list">
However, note that at the moment, additive symbols are only supported in Firefox (from Firefox 33 and onwards). In Firefox, this produces:
In all other browsers you will only see the regular bullet points rendered.
Hope this helps! :)

CSS entire menu item clickable

I have a unordered list for my navigation menu but only the text is clickable when I would like the entire 'button' clickable. How do I do this?
<li class="current_link">Home</li>
<li>Growing Up and School</li>
<li>James Bond</li>
Here's one way you could do it:
<ul class="clickables">
<li>item one link one</li>
<li>item two link two</li>
<li>item three link three</li>
<li>item four link four</li>
$$('.clickables').each(function(clickable) {
var list = clickable.getElements('li');
list.addEvent('click', function() {
var link = this.getElement('a');
if(this.getFirst('a')) {
window.location = link
Since you are asking about CSS menu, I think you have a CSS.
Add following code to your CSS file.
To make the anchor fill the entire menu item.
ul li a {
display: block;
line-height: 30px;
height: 30px;

Creating simple CSS multilevel menu

I am trying to make a webpage with a navigation functionality EXACTLY like this one: where you click a list item and its children items appear and stay.
I can do it with hover, but I can't figure out how to make it stay when not hovering.
It seems like the most simple thing is the most difficult to do.
<ul id="menu">
<li>Menu 1
<li>Item A</li>
<li>Item B</li>
<li>Item C</li>
<li>Menu 2
<li>Item A</li>
<li>Item B</li>
<li>Item C</li>
<li>Menu 3
<li>Item A</li>
<li>Item B</li>
<li>Item C</li>
Here is a jsfiddle
Here is a CSS only solution as the OP requested, using tabindex
#menu li > ul {
#menu li:focus > ul {
li {
outline: 0;
Here is a jQuery solution should you ever need it. It keeps the submenus open and it's simple to implement. 11 lines of code.
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".nav-top > li").click(function(e) {
if($(this).find('ul').hasClass('expanded')) {
} else {
$('.nav-top a').click(function(e){
Here is another CSS only solution that uses either:
Checkboxes if you want the menus to toggle on click
radio buttons if you want the menus to auto close when another is selected
CSSTricks: Stuff you can do with the “Checkbox Hack”
The CSS Ninja: CSS Tree
Basic behavior CSS (the demo has more styling to remove the default list indentation/bullets):
.sideMenu input[type='radio'],
.sideMenu input[type='checkbox'] {
display: none;
.sideMenu input[type='radio'] + ul,
.sideMenu input[type='checkbox'] + ul {
position: relative;
display: none;
.sideMenu input[type='radio']:checked + ul,
.sideMenu input[type='checkbox']:checked + ul {
display: block;
HTML (can be arbitrarily deep):
<nav class="sideMenu">
<label for="menu1">Menu 1</label>
<input id="menu1" type="checkbox" name="menu1">
<li>Item A</li>
<li>Item B</li>
<li>Item C</li>
<!-- repeat -->

How to style list items (with same class) individually

please help me to style this list , I need to set different background image for each list item, but class are same.
<li class="sameforall">menu 1</li>
<li class="sameforall">menu 2</li>
<li class="sameforall">menu 3</li>
<li class="sameforall">menu 4</li>
I know this one , but it works only for fist item :(
ul:first-child li{
/*my css*/
Why would you give all the li's the same class?
Give the ul a class to style the contained li's, then give the li's their own class, like so:
<ul class="sameforall">
<li class="one">menu 1</li>
<li class="two">menu 2</li>
<li class="three">menu 3</li>
<li class="four">menu 4</li>
.sameforall {color: red;}
.sameforall .one {background-color: blue;}
.sameforall .two {background-color: green;}
.sameforall .three {background-color: pink;}
.sameforall .four {background-color: purple;}
You can't access the HTML, CSS3 supports :nth-child() psuedo selecting -
<li class="sameforall">menu 1</li>
<li class="sameforall">menu 2</li>
<li class="sameforall">menu 3</li>
<li class="sameforall">menu 4</li>
.sameforall:nth-child(1) { background-color: blue; }
.sameforall:nth-child(2) { background-color: green; }
.sameforall:nth-child(3) { background-color: pink; }
.sameforall:nth-child(4) { background-color: purple; }
Note, this won't work in most old browsers.
I would avoid the use of first-child since it's not fully supported and where it is, it's probably still buggy. In regards to referring to the other elements or childs, your best shot would be to give them a different id and style them using it. Like this:
<ul class="sameforall">
<li id='first' >menu 1</li>
<li id='second'>menu 2</li>
<li id='third' >menu 3</li>
<li id='forth' >menu 4</li>
Then you would refer to those elements in the css file like this:
#first{/*Your css*/}
If you want to see a list of support browsers for the nth-child visit this page it contains a table with some of the most popular browser versions and the support issues they may have with it.
you need :nth-child() btw it should be
ul li:fist-child
Since you can't change the markup and child selecting via CSS is not supported that well, the only way for you is to do it with JavaScript.
<li class="sameforall">menu 1</li>
<li class="sameforall">menu 2</li>
<li class="sameforall">menu 3</li>
<li class="sameforall">menu 4</li>
<script type="text/javascript">
var listItems = document.getElementsByTagName("ul")[0].getElementsByTagName("li");
var numChildren = listItems.length;
for(var i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
var item = listItems[i];
// -> do whatever you want with each item.
switch(i) {
case 0: = 'url(item-1.gif);'; break;
case 1: = 'url(item-2.gif);'; break;
case 2: = 'url(item-3.gif);'; break;
you need to go with the nth-child method.
Here the stuff is well detailed. Hope this will help you.
