Using find to copy over contents - unix

I am trying to copy over the contents from a file to a directory.
I wrote the command find . -name "file" | while read f; do cp "$$f" directory; done
This however moves the actual filename with the contents. I only want the contents of "file" to get placed into the directory appreciate any assistance.


How to list contents of another directory without being in it?

Here is what my directory looks like:
Test ----
I am attempting to list the contents of Two while still being in One and I am not able to do so.
I have tried this command (as seen in a other post) : "ls Test/" and it says No such file or directory. I have also tried ls Test/Two/ and it still does not work.
If you are in One and you want to list the contents of Two, you should go up to the parent directory using ..:
ls ../Two
../ will place you in the Test directory, from there, you can go to Two with no problem. If you have more depth levels, just add more ../ to go up one directory each time, but mind which is your current directory when running the command.
what does this command provide you in terminal.
ls -al Test //a flag is used for hidden file

Find all filename that contains a particular substring in them

I wanted to write a command that would help me fetch recursively in a folder all filenames that have a particular text in them . Suppose my folder contains lot of files two of them being largest_pallindrome_subsequence_1.cpp and largest_pallindrome_subsequence_2.cpp . Now I want to find files which have sub in it . So the search should return me these 2 cpp files as mentioned above.
The thing is that I also want to look for a file with particular extension say .txt or .cpp .
I tried using grep --include=\*{.cpp} -rnw . -e "sub" but this doesnot work for me.
You can do:
find ./ -name "*sub*"
find ./ | grep "sub"

How to display contents of all files under a directory on the screen using unix commands

Using cat command as follows we can display content of multiple files on screen
cat file1 file2 file3
But in a directory if there are more than 20 files and I want content of all those files to be displayed on the screen without using the cat command as above by mentioning the names of all files.
How can I do this?
You can use the * character to match all the files in your current directory.
cat * will display the content of all the files.
If you want to display only files with .txt extension, you can use cat *.txt, or if you want to display all the files whose filenames start with "file" like your example, you can use cat file*
If it's just one level of subdirectory, use cat * */*
find . -type f -exec cat {} \;
which means run the find command, to search the current directory (.) for all ordinary files (-type f). For each file found, run the application (-exec) cat, with the current file name as a parameter (the {} is a placeholder for the filename). The escaped semicolon is required to terminate the -exec clause.
I also found it useful to print filename before printing content of each file:
find ./ -type f | xargs tail -n +1
It will go through all subdirectories as well.
Have you tried this command?
grep . *
It's not suitable for large files but works for /sys or /proc, if this is what you meant to see.
You could use awk too. Lets consider we need to print the content of a all text files in a directory some-directory
awk '{print}' some-directory/*.txt
If you want to do more then just one command called for every file, you will be more flexible with for loop. For example if you would like to print filename and it contents
for file in parent_dir/*.file_extension; do echo $file; cat $file; echo; done

Find a file in directory where i know part of the filename and the extension

I know the file im looking for begins with a data for example 20131111 and I know the file ends in .log, but I don't know the full file name,
what is a unix command that would allow me to see all files beginning with or containing this date and ending with .log.
Like this, for example:
find /certain/path -type f -name "20131111*.log"
-type f - just files.
-name "20131111*.log" files whose name starts with 20131111 and ends with log.

Powershell Script to rename TXT file based on certain criteria

I realise it is likely the each of the requirements listed below is available individually within the forum here but I am struggling to bring it all together (if at all possible!).
Hoping someone has the patience and time to point me in right direction to make this happen.
What I need to do is the following:
Scan a directory (and all sub-directories) for a particular filename
NOTE: Whilst there are many files within the sub-directories with the filename in question, we only wish to target those in a sub-directory with a suffix of JERRY
ie. In the below example the files indicated by the arrow would be targeted
When file is found matching the filename and is within the sub-directory listed above take a copy of the file (to remain in same directory) & rename based on the following criteria:
a) Created date/time
b) Certain content within the file
The content in the file is always located on ROW 8 and it is the first 9 characters
Original filename: FILENAME.txt
Finished Product: FILENAME-20121129#1300-123456789.txt
Thanks in advance!
you should tell us what have you tried so far and what are your mains problems...
try this :
(remove the -whatif flag to actually copy files)
#list dir & subdirs
ls c:\ -recurse |
Foreach {
#find subdirs named JERRY
if($_.PSIsContainer -and $ -match "JERRY"){
ls $_.fullname -filter 'FILENAME*' |
$fcontent=get-Content $_.FullName
$newName=Get-Date -UFormat "%Y%m%d"
write-verbose $destination
Copy-Item $_.FullName -Destination $destination -WhatIf
