Installing / Using R Packages in Sublime Text 3 - r

I am trying to use the R function dmvnorm (found in the mvtnorm package) in Sublime Text 3. I installed it and ran my code in RStudio, so I know the code is fine. In sublime, I entered:
It looked as though it worked, but when I ran my code it said:
Error: could not find function "dmvnorm"
I'm using a Mac and my hunch is this is somehow related to specifying the path in Preferences -> Package Settings -> Sublime REPL -> Settings - User. The current path displayed as part of the error reads:
[path: /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin]

I had a hard time with this recently as well. I'm very new to R so I'm not sure this is the best answer, but to hold you off until someone gives a better one, did you include library('') in the file (in sublime)? require('') also works, but this appears not to be best practice for reasons described, e.g., here.
I hope this helps!


Setting up R in Atom: How to Run a Help Page

I successfully set up R in my new Atom editor and can get in-line results using the Hydrogen package. I just noticed, however, that when I run lines to obtain "R Documentation" that would pop up automatically in RStudio, Hydrogen only gives me a check mark in-line result with no associated documentation.
Here is what is going on in my Atom editor when I run ?plot
Here is what happens in RStudio (bottom right pane), which I am hoping I can get in Atom
How can I get this working in Atom?
try hydrogen -> Toggle inspector
I had the same question and actually made a little progress. Perhaps someone more experienced than I can use this to make a package to enable an in-atom help documentation panel for us :)
Anyway you can install the atom package 'script' which will properly output some, but not all, help documents. I have an example of one working & one not working.
Working ?read.csv
Not-working ?geom_bar

\code{\link{function-name}} in roxygen2

It is my first experience in writing an R-package. I used roxygen2 by following the instructions given in this link
Everythig is working fine except few things.. there could be a simpler solution to solve the issues, but I am not finding clues what I am doing wrong. I hope someone here in this blog can give a solution to solve my issues.
First issue is about {\code\link{function-name}} in roxygen2:
In .R script I inlcuded this line:
#' #seealso \code{\link{s2a}}
After documenting (generating .Rd files) there is no hyperlink to s2a ,
in documentation s2a shows like a normal text not like hyperlink..
export(s2a) is listed out in NAMESPACE.
Is there any other place i need to modify ?
Second issue is about data():
I saved the dataset in .Rdata format and placed in the data/ in package directory. I also created the .R script in R/ as like following steps here
In DESCRIPTION file LazyData: true .
but when I type data(shh) in R console gives a warning message
Warning message:
In data(shh) : data set ‘shh’ not found
Any ideas is of great help:)
It's been a while since you asked this, but I was having the exact same problem with hyperlinks in documentation not appearing correctly, so for anyone who might be having a similar problem: Are you possibly viewing the development documentation? The links don't seem to work there. (You'll know this is the case if you see Using development documentation for your_function_name in your console output when you run ?your_function_name.)
The links should appear in the non-development documentation. To generate this you can try building and reloading your package, for instance by following the steps here:

Error with setwd in R

When trying to use the sample code for SubgraphMining (the example is on 35th page), I get an error:
"Error in setwd(paste(Sys.getenv("R_HOME"), "library", "subgraphMining", :
cannot change working directory"
I'm using RStudio 0.97.551, 32-bit R (2.15.3 - this version of R was recommended to use with subgraphMining), igraph0 (was recommeded too, instead of igraph library), Java installed. Operation system is Windows 8.
Can anyone help me with the issue?
The error message is coming from the gspan function of subgraphMining, from here:
setwd(paste(Sys.getenv("R_HOME"), "library", "subgraphMining",
"parsemis", sep = "\\"))
The reason for it is that R uses / as path separator, and not \\, which only works on windows. A workaround is not modify the function and use / instead of \\.
Btw. this has nothing to do with the igraph package, so I'll remove that tag.
In my case, it displayed the error because I expected it to create a new folder which I mentioned in the path in setwd. Unfortunately, R does not have this functionality and the matter was resolved when I created the folder and then used setwd command.
I know it's almost 1 year since this question was posted. I encountered the same problem with subgraphMining package. A quick hack is: You can write "gspan" on RStudio's command line and it will show the function, copy that function and create your own function in your own script (of course with new name, let's say gspanNew) and fix it by replacing "\\" with "/", as Gabor Csardi pointed out.
Cheers! :)
You can always use file.path("path","with","code") instead of simple paste in order for your code to be OS independent.

RcmdrPluginPackage Paths

My paths and files are as follows ...
where, in the name RcmdrPlugin.Package, I've used the word 'Package' to represent the name of the actual package being used.
The installation is as described above because (i) I'm not an expert at installing packages, (ii) I couldn't do a direct install from Cran because I wanted to put the package onto a USB stick; and, (iii) at work the Cran server is blocked (sic).
When I start the package from the GUI the Cmdr opens once and quickly closes (I don't know if this is relevant or normal) and opens again. Once open, I can operate the package via the Cmdr interface. It's a very nice package, everything works really well until I want to save the work. Then I get the following error,
Error in obj[i] : object of type 'closure' is not subsettable
I've been in contact with the people who developed (and are still developing) the package and they cannot reproduce the bug.
I strongly suspect that the problem lies in my 'crappy' install and file configuration, rather than with the package.
Can anyone please help me by suggesting how I would undo what I've done and do it properly in view of the constraints list above?
I appreciate that I can use Remove to get rid of the package but I don't want to start tinkering with something without having a greater understanding of what I'm doing.
Lastly, note that is error has been discussed a number of times on this list but not within this particular context.
I've managed to get it to work by following the instructions from here… where I set repos=NULL after I'd put the package into /MyLibrary/

R2PPT crashes R; are there alternatives to R2PPT?

I am attempting to automate the insertion of JPEG images into Powerpoint. I have a macro done for that already, except using R would be infinitely better for my purposes.
The package R2PPT should do this, I understand. However, I cannot use it. For example, when I try to use PPT.Open, I understand I can do it two different ways by calling method = "rcom" or method = "RDCOMClient". Using the latter, R will always crash, sending an error report to windows. Using the former, it tells me I need to install statconnDCOM , before giving the error:
Error in PPT.Open(x) : attempt to apply non-function.
I cannot install statconnDCOM freely, as I wouldn't call this work non-commercial. So if there isn't a way to get around this issue, are there at least some free alternatives to R2PPT so that I can save several hours of manual work with a simple R code? If there is a way for me to use R2PPT, that would be ideal.
I'm using R version 2.15 and downloaded the most recent version of R2PPT. Powerpoint is 2007.
Do you have administrative privileges on this machine?
There is an issue with package RDCOMClient. It needs permissions to write file rdcom.err in the root of drive C:. If you don't have privileges to write to c:, there is a rather cumbersome workaround:
Close R
Create "c:\temp" folder if it doesn't exist.
Locate on your hard drive file rdcomclient.dll. It usually placed in \R\library\RDCOMClient\libs\i386\ and in \R\library\RDCOMClient\libs\x64\ (you need to patch file which corresponds your Windows version - 32 bit or 64 bit). It's recommended to make backup copy of this files before patching.
Open rdcomclient.dll in text editor (Notepad++, for example -
Find in file string c:\rdcom.err - it occurs only once.
Go into overwrite mode (usually by pressing "Ins" key). It is very important that new path will have the same number of characters as original one. Type C:\temp\e.rr instead of c:\rdcom.err
Save the file.
Now all should work fine.
Arguably not an answer, but have you looked at using Sweave/knitr to render your presentations in LaTeX using something like Beamer? (As discussed on slide 17 here.)
Wouldn't help any with getting JPGs into a PowerPoint, but would certainly make putting R-output (numerical or graphical) into a presentation much easier!
Edit: if you want to use knitr (which I recommend), here's another reference.
