Anyone know why my Chrome browser's background-color acts up like this? - css

I'm using rgba colors, but after switching to HEX the problem still persists. I never had this issue a few weeks ago, and just noticed it. All opacities on rgba colors are set to 1 (100%), so they should appear. I assume it's a new chrome bug?
The left screenshot is Safari where it works and the right is Chrome.
safari vs chrome link

Same to me. I found a fix! Aparently there is a bug with webkit with the backface of a div element. This code will help
-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
You can found more info in -> here

Chrome appears to have some rendering bugs. Especially after GPU Driver Updates or Chrome Updates. A friend of mine had them for months.
You could try tuo update your drivers but theres no guarantee it helps.

Same happens to me. I tried to download Chrome beta. The weird rectangles do not appear there but the background color still does not act as it is supposed to. You can take a look at my page - the blue background color magically changes itself as soon as the whole landing page disappears.


CSS3 webkit blur ghosting issue

I have a UI where the navigation is over a blurred set of images (blurred using webkit blur), and whenever the navigation moves, theres this strange almost ghosting effect that happens. After you click away onto another element, the ghosting also goes away.
Any advice on how to solve this?
On Mac Snow Leopard:
Chrome 19.0.1084.56
Safari all of them, including 6 beta
It seems that you are encountering a browser/engine dependent issue.
Chances are : you can't solve it by yourself aside from not using blur, or the like.
Not that this bug might not impact all users, depending on the version of the webkit they are using.
Hopefully the problem will be corrected in a future version. Maybe try to contact webkit guys, but that's really all you can do (aside submitting a patch).

Chrome not showing background images or colour on body

When checking my website a couple of days ago, everything was OK, but having looked at it this morning in Chrome, the background image and colour applied to the body have just disappeared completely. Safari is also looking pretty bad with the background colour visible and the background image on the body only visible behind other background images!
Things I've tried...
resizing the background image so that it's a lot smaller
removing the image and just having a background colour
viewing the site in incognito mode
Absolutely no difference in the outcome. I've cleared the cache and tried disabling caching but to no avail. Also, the file definitely exists. Not only can I see them being downloaded in the 'Network' tab in the Chrome developer tools, you can see it here:
You can also see the smaller version I tried
Weirdly, resizing the browser window in Safari brings the background image in. Another odd thing is that another site I built using almost exactly the same background techniques shows the images just fine, see
The CSS has been generated using LESSPHP but I'm sure this isn't the issue as it was working fine before and no changes have been made to the CSS in months.
I have Chrome v19.0.1084.46 m and Safari 5.1.2, Windows 7 but the issue also occurred on my MacBook with the Chrome 19.
Tiny bit more information: Issue happens in a locally run copy of the website too.
Although it seems to be a browser issue, the culprit was the following line of CSS at the top of the stylesheet:
* {
-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
I tried moving it elsewhere but I still get the same issue. Applying to individual elements seems to work, but as I no longer use any 3D transitions on the site, there's no need for it and removing it has solved the problem.
In my chrome(20.0.1132.11 dev-m) everything is ok.
The problem may be in the extensions (try to disable all) or the most chrome (try to reinstall it)
Update: Same bug on SO and in accordance with the answers to that question, this bug is known and not yet fixed
I checked your website, and the background works, try to clear all navigation data (ctrl+shift+delete select all check-boxes and any time of).

CSS3 animation of background-color not working in Chrome

I have been working with changing the background colour of an element using css3 animations. However it does not work in Chrome. I have attached a jsFiddle example of the code I am using. It works in Firefox, but not in Chrome and despite my best efforts I have been unable to work out what the problem is.
In chrome is seems to ignore the reference to background-color only. If I move the item or apply any other effect to the element it works fine.
Thanks in advance.
This is a bug in chrome. Should be fixed in version 18 as per
I had this same issue using the background property in Chrome with CSS3.
However the version of Chrome is 21.0.1180.83 (up to date as of 8/24/12) so the problem still exists.
I resolved it by specifying background-color instead and that works fine.
Interestingly enough the W3C says it's only supported in version 1.

White Border Around Fixed Position Header in Firefox

I'm having a really frustrating issue with Firefox. I just rolled out an update to my site at, and all of the browsers look great, except for this one issue with Firefox:
Firefox is rendering a white border along the top and left edges of my fixed position header. Strangely enough, if I hover over the element in Firebug and then hover away, the issue is fixed:
Is this something I need to bring up with the Firefox team, or am I doing something wrong?
Which version of Firefox are you using?
Are you using any custom Firefox theme?
I am on Beta Channel with recent beta version 9 and as you can see in the attached screen-shot, I don't have it.
Try using outline: 0 in your CSS.

IE8's rendering of transparent pngs is FUBARed on my site

I just downloaded the IE8 full release so I could test a site I just created.
[Example Deleted]
Focus on the left sidebar background image. It is suppose to be a 1x1 semi-transparent .png image that repeats. IE8 renders it as a gradient!!! It get's even wonkier when you try to scroll your window or mouse-over the sidebar.
I had already tested this site in the normal browsers (IE7, Firefox, and Chrome). It looks exactly as I designed it in these. IE8 is FUBARed though. I tried to set IE8 to "IE7" mode but it still looks crappy. IE 8 in IE7 mode obviously isn't rendering the same way as the real IE7. Not even the "IE7 meta tag" works.
Has anyone else had problems like this? I thought IE8 was supposed to be a an improvement, not a step backwards.
P.S. Please excuse the crappy markup on this page. I used IE's "save entire page" feature.
It may be a rendering error in IE8, or perhaps it's some function to smooth the edges of repeated images that gives you an unexpected result. Either way it's not very surprising that you get problems using such a small image. Do you realize that the browser has to draw the image 190152 times to render the page?
I am using a 10x10 semi transparent png as background for a div in a page, and it renders just fine in IE8.
I fixed the bug and it isn't the gamma issue that is mentioned in that other post. My issue was being caused by the fact that the image is 1x1 pixel in size. I just changed it to 1x2 and it fixed the problem. Weird
[edit] Just saw Guffa's post after i asked this. See his for answer.
I had a similar issue with a site I'm building. The issue only occurred on 50% of the machines with ie8 it was tested on, I was building it for an IT firm so had access to lots of computers. We were able to "fix" the problem by toggling Hardware Acceleration on the problem machines, not that thats really a fix at all.
Thanks for the help on this issue -- what a weird bug.
I was also experiencing the issue on 50% of the computers running IE8 (had access to quite a few machines). When I had a 1x1px semi-transparent png set as a background image on a div with CSS, IE would render this as a funky vertical, transparent gradient.
Changing the source image to a 5x5px png of the same opacity fixed the bug... go IE!
The problem was my original png was
1×1, and for whatever reason IE8 was
not liking trying to tile that and
handle the alpha transparency at the
same time. When I accidentally saved
that image with a much larger copy I
had on my clipboard, 100×100, it ended
up fixing whatever problem Internet
Explorer was having with processing
the png’s transparency.
