"www" issue on WordPress site - wordpress

I just starting with WordPress, I am using Digital Ocean and a domain. I went to WordPress setting and added "www" to website name as it was naked before, the site stopped working and shows nothing now. How to fix this?

After changing the site URL and home URL to www, you need to add ServerName as www.yourdomainname.com
Assuming you have a single host.
sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
Change the file as below.
ServerName www.yourdomain.com
ServerAlias yourdomain.com
Now you need to have 2 A records with hostnames # and www pointing to your IP in your DNS.
Hope this will resolve the issue.

Who did you buy your domain through? You should go to your settings there and change your DNS settings to do a www redirect for you. Then just make sure the box is listening for the site name with the www prefix.

Usually changing the domain name for a site isn't quite this simple, although adding in 'www' shouldn't cause too much grief I'd think.
However, to get things back up and running, you'll want to get into your site's database (via PHPMyAdmin or something like that) and open the wp_options table. In the first page of that table, you should see an entry for site_url, which you can edit and remove the 'www'. That should at least get you back up and running. Then we can sort out what the other issue is with the subdomain.


park a domain without redirecting in wordpress

i have a wordpress website with this name mydomain.ir
i parked mydomain.com to this website. but when i type mydomain.com it redirect to mydomain.ir
i want to address stay on mydomain.com .
i try some plugins but didnt work properly.
my host service told that this is a worpress error and you should change your codes.
i tried this but didnt work too
what can i do to do this?
thanks for your answers
First of all, make sure that you have the correct url at wordpress settings. Check Settings->General and make sure that site and home urls ar the one you want.
Next, check if there is any kind of redirection at .htaccess file.
Then, check at your cpanel if you have added any redirection there.
Finally, make a search at your wordpress database for your unwanted domain name. Make sure to change all old urls to the new one. Try this plugin for that: https://wordpress.org/plugins/velvet-blues-update-urls/
Alternatively, you may want to mask your domain. This should be done through your domain name registrar.

Wordpress links pointing to the wrong domain

In wordpress, how can I change where the links are pointing to without changing the server name or adding redirection?
My main site is a rails app at www.example.com.
I have the wordpress blog on a separate server at blog.example.com/blog
I have a reverse proxy on the primary (rails) server that takes any url that ends in /blog/ and then serves up the blog content. (That's all behind the scenes -- the user never sees the blog.example.com domain)
Currently, I can access the blog via the reverse proxy at www.example.com/blog, but the problem is that the urls on the blog point to blog.example.com/blog (wrong) instead of www.example.com/blog (right).
I've tried changing the urls in wp-config.php, but whenever I change those it breaks something.
I eventually figured it out. Here's what I did.
1) Got rid of the Bitnami wordpress image (on Amazon) and reinstalled wordpress fresh, from scratch, on EC2. Bitnami had a bunch of magic behind the scenes that was making it hard for me to figure out what was going on.
2) Via wordpress admin changed Site Address (URL) from http://blog.example.com/blog to http://www.example.com/blog Previously, I had been changing this in the wp-config.php file, but I am pretty sure that doesn't do the same thing. So I needed to change it in wordpress admin. However I needed to keep the Wordpress Address the same. Found out that the Site Address governs the urls displayed in the theme, whereas the Wordpress Address is the server hostname. I'm using a reverse proxy which is why this was confusing.
3) To enable pretty permalinks behind the reverse proxy I changed the permalink settings in wordpress admin, then I updated .htaccess according to its instructions, then I modified /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default changing AllowOverride None to AllowOverride All. Need to do this to enable mod_rewrite to work on virtual hosts.
Go to wp-admin - settings, and change site url. Than flush permalinks by resaving settings.
You don't really provide a mountain of information. But you will need to check this area of your dashboard
to make sure the information is
In both fields.
If you still have issues try changing your permalink setting to a new setting save it and then change it back again and save.
If you are unable to access the dashboard of the site on the address
As it redirects you to the other domain.
Then you need to likely change the two fields mentioned earlier siteaddress and wordpressaddress via the database. Find the table in your database wp_options or yourtableprefix_options and edit the fields option_value where the option_name is siteurl and home to have the address
Also if you are just starting using a webserver. You may need to make sure your files are writable by the webserver.

CName of website

My website doesn't work without www. It is not working since I installed WordPress.
Pardon me, I am not trying to market my site. But here it goes
http://www.stratageeks.com works
http://stratageeks.com doesn't
My settings in wordpress
If I remove www from both those places than the situation is other way, I have problem with www
Do I need to digg some place else? CName or what?
I believe the problem is with your DNS settings. You can check in with your hosting provider and make sure that the A Name for stratageeks.com, and that the CNAME www. points to stratageeks.com. The A Name usually contains the IP to your server and CNAME points to a web address

Typing local Wordpress URL works, but clicking the same link does not

Wordpress is installed locally on WAMP (win 7 x64) and the front page of my site loads fine when I type http://lc.loc. However when I click the link to this URL on the loaded page, I am taken to a DNS fail page that downloads from my DNS host. All the links on the page that start with http://lc.loc/ are broken in this way; if I type them into the address bar they work, if I click that same link on the page I get the DNS 'page not found' error.
I have tried firefox, chrome and IE but the same thing happens in all of them.
mod_rewrite is enabled, and the LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so line is uncommented in http.conf, as is Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
No .htaccess file was created by wordpress which could be the issue, but I believe I've enabled all the settings it requires to do this. I set the permissions of all the files in the www folder so that 'everyone' had full access. I also manually added an .htaccess file from a fresh wordpress installation I'd made on my shared hosting account, but this hasn't helped.
Virtual host config in httpd-vhosts.conf:
NameVirtualHost *:80
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName lc.loc
ServerAlias lc.loc
DocumentRoot "e:/wamp/www/lc"
I've tried changing the permalinks structure to post type, and while this does change the urls of the links successfully, clicking those links still fails in the way described.
hosts file config: lc.loc
I would really appreciate some help in solving this as I have no idea if it's a setting in apache, wordpress or elsewhere.
Thanks, Carl
Check your WordPress Address URL and Site Address URL in your wordpress configuration. If it is still set to localhost that could be causing the problem.
Edit to clarify: These values can be edited from the phpmyadmin system included with WAMP. In the wordpress database, under wp_options - the value you'll want to correct will be listed under siteurl.

Multiple Subdomains on Xampp

I want to start developing a site locally and later port it to the web. As I'm planning to run a Wordpress Network using Subdomains, I would need to set-up a Xampp installation that would allow me to run a subdomain install.
No idea how to do this and haven't found much info on the web either. Can someone point me in the right direction? I've seen people managing to change the URL as well. I can't seem to get past http://localhost.
You need two things first of all, and nothing related to wordpress.
Let´s supose you will use a local url like "your_test_domain.local", so:
#1 Add virtual servers on your xampp httpd-vhosts.conf (xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf).
For example:
<VirtualHost *>
DocumentRoot "C:\xampp\htdocs\your_site_folder"
ServerName your_test_domain.local
ServerAlias your_test_domain.local
<Directory "C:\xampp\htdocs\your_site_folder">
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
That means, if you surf to "your_site_folder.local" you will see what´s on the "your_site_folder" folder inside xampp htdocs folder. Right?
#2 and also, you need to edit the hosts file on windows (guess you are using win), that´s on: Windows\System32\drivers\etc\, and add this line: your_test_domain.local
Start apache to take this effect. Same thing for subdomains, you only need to create another virtualhost and another host redirection but for "sub_domain.your_test_domain.local"
So, once you got those things, you also will need some plugin to install on wordpress. I use the Domain Mapping Plugin, that will do the rest, but, that´s another story. Start there and you will learn the rest.
Hope that helps.
Try this link
also watch out for xampp's root index.php file as it has a redirect in it...
