CName of website - wordpress

My website doesn't work without www. It is not working since I installed WordPress.
Pardon me, I am not trying to market my site. But here it goes works doesn't
My settings in wordpress
If I remove www from both those places than the situation is other way, I have problem with www
Do I need to digg some place else? CName or what?

I believe the problem is with your DNS settings. You can check in with your hosting provider and make sure that the A Name for, and that the CNAME www. points to The A Name usually contains the IP to your server and CNAME points to a web address


Why is Wordpress not working in other DNS

I install Wordpress in Hostinger with Hostinger's DNS name, then it is working properly, but when I access with second DNS pointed to this site, the CSS on website is not working Although I check the source and the CSS link is not wrong. please help me! thanks a lot
I assume you’re trying to access your WordPress site with two different domain names, eg. and
This usually causes problems with WordPress sites, due to the way the assets (CSS, Javascript, etc.) are referenced.
Choose one, eg., and redirect to

Subdomain install no longer working after domain switch

I have about five different subdomains on my host that are all working fine with wordpress installed.
I recently switched from Godaddy to Namecheap and bought a new domain name.
I changed the domain on my WHM Server which was all fine with my current sites.
The problem I have is when adding a new subdomain and installing Wordpress the site breaks because of DNS issues.
The Wordpress auto install is also weird as it doesn't detect the root like it used to, it puts the sub domain name into a folder above public_html.
So old subdomains are working fine but adding a new subdomain brings dns errors with wordpress installed.
Any ideas please, I've spent a solid five hours on this already.
If I'm following you correctly, you...
Created an account and bought a new domain on Namecheap
In Namecheap's WHM (Webhost Manager), you changed the domain to the one you had with GoDaddy.
When you create a new subdomain in Namecheap's WHM, it's not resolving the subdomain
So based on the above assumptions, it sounds like your domain is still with GoDaddy, and it's still pointing to GoDaddy's name servers. So if you add a new subdomain in Namecheap, it won't do anything, because Namecheap doesn't have control of the DNS. And for that matter, I think your subdomains would still be pointing to GoDaddy's servers.
Again, assuming I followed your description correctly, I'd recommend you migrate your old domain to Namecheap since, I'd assume, you're going to close your GoDaddy account at some point. If you need to urgently create a subdomain, you would need to do that on GoDaddy's end.
Hope this helps.
Fixed the problem myself, for anyone with a similar issue. I even went through Hostgator support who couldn't figure out the problem.
Logged into WHM > DNS Functions > Edit DNS Zone
The sub domain in question was not named correctly, it was named as the directory name instead of the full url.

Point DNS to Squarespace Except for a Specific Subdirectory

My client is moving their site to SquareSpace, but wants to keep the blog portion hosted in WordPress. I'm not sure what their current hosting plan is, but is it generally possible to point "" to SquareSpace, and have "" still exist as a WordPress site?
Thank you!
This can't be done solely through DNS as DNS is ignorant of the path and works only with the domain name. The only way to do this through DNS would be to move the blog from to, then the website can be located on one service at and the blog can still be located on wordpress at

How to make plesk subdomain reachable

I'm pretty new to the Plesk AdminPanel. I own a Domain called For a friend's project I'm trying to set Wordpress up on the subdomain I did set up the subdomain and made it point at a subfolder of httpdocs (httpdocs/mugi). Then I have installes wordpress via the Plesk-own tool there.
My problem is that the subdomain is not reachable! I don't know why, I checked all the permissions.
Is there anything I did forget?
I think you are using external DNS server and due to that you are getting this issue. I will suggest you please check your main domain DNS zone and update the correct "A" record for your sun-domain and once you update it correctly you will not get any issues with your sub-domain.

Pointing domain at seperate sub-domain & domain

I have a domain residing with one organisation for managing DNS and a wordpress site built as a sub-domain of another site of mine.
I set up web forwarding, expecting the domain to be reflected in the address bar for site visitors, but the sub-domain is showing instead.
i.e. should forward to and show in the address bar. Meanwhile, my should still render the other wordpress site I have there.
Am I right in thinking I need to do this through my htaccess file? If so, can anyone advise on the syntax I need to use to do this? I can currently only find information on mapping a sub-domain to the www of the same domain.
Thanks in advance :-)
This comes down to the provider's definition of "web forwarding", which is a vague marketing term. It sounds like they're just doing a straight redirection unfortunately, which no amount of playing with .htaccess files can fix: you simply cannot make a website tell the browser to stick another domain name in its address bar.
What I'd suggest is talking to them and see if they can do a CNAME for to, or switch to it using the same IP address instead. You will then need to set up your Wordpress install to respond to "" requests.
do you have control panel for your domains?
Im using direct admin and they call it "domain pointers" - I believe it does exactly what you need.
You need to create alias for your which will point (not forward, if you forward it also url in browsers address bar will be changed) to the without url change.
If you are not using any control panel, you need to create alias manually by adding same dns for your (no matter A or CNAME) as it is for AND in server configuration set response for (ie. apache servername and serveralias, in iis binding)
I dont think .htaccess is a good idea for achieving what you described.
