JavaFX how to Math.round a bind number? - javafx

How do you round a binded number (double) in JavaFX?
I need the number to be rounded to 3 decimal places do the next equation. So I need to change the actual value not the appearance of the value.
I basically want to do this:
DoubleProperty a= new SimpleDoubleProperty(2.015);
DoubleProperty b= new SimpleDoubleProperty(9.265);
DoubleProperty c= new SimpleDoubleProperty();
I can do the following
But that will obviously not round the number.
Any ideas?

() -> Math.round(1000.0*a.get()/b.get())/1000.0,
a, b));


Java equals string and object from ObservableList

I have a big problem. My code:
TablePosition pos = (TablePosition)
Object item = tableView.getItems().get(pos.getRow());
Object e = ((List<ObservableList>) item).get(0);
String new_status = "textExample";
and how can I use equals ? new_status.equals(e) ? I don't have any idea on how to convert this.
p.s. in console e = "textExample".
I need this to update a sql row.
If you want to get selected items, you can just use getSelectedItems() (or getSelectedItem() if you only want the latest selection). You don't need to work with selected cells, table positions and rows.
Assuming a TableView<ObservableList<String>> (which you may or may not have). Code to retrieve the value of the first element of the selected row (probably the value represented in the first column), would be as follows:
final String NEW_STATUS = "textExample";
final TableView<ObservableList<String>> tableView = new TableView<>();
final ObservableList<String> selectedItem =
if (selectedItem != null
&& !selectedItem.isEmpty()
&& NEW_STATUS.equals(selectedItem.get(0))) {
// do work here.
As your type definitions may be different you may need to adapt the code above to fit your situation as required. If you still can't work it out, you will need to edit the question to provide an mcve to get further assistance.

Get The Row,Column values from a cell in QT

I have a problem, i want to return the selected Rows values, and the columns separately, i found a method to return both of them using the function cell(row, column), but i want to get them separately
Here is my code :
QTableWidgetItem *c = new QTableWidgetItem();
QMap<QString,int> lists;
for(int j=0;j<range.columnCount();++j){
c=item(i,j);// here i can return the Rows, Columns Data
As you can see this code is working, but i just want to return the Rows and the Columns separately so i can put them in my QMap<QString,int> list.
And the purpose of all this is to try to draw a piechart from the selected rows and columns
So Any help please
Here is what I understood from the comments, feel free to correct me and I'll update my answer if necessary.
So when you select a cell, you actually care about the whole row, a.k.a the name of the row and the value associated. If this is the case, it would make more sense to only allow the user to select whole rows, instead of cells. setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows); should do the trick.
Provided that the name of the dataset is always in column 1, and the value in column 2, you should update your code with the snippet:
QTableWidgetItem *c; //Deleted memory leak in your code.
QMap<QString,double> myMap; //Don't name it a list if it is explicitly a map.
QString dataName = item(i,0)->text();
int dataValue;
for(int j=1;j<range.columnCount();++j){
c=item(i,j);// here i can return the Rows, Columns Data
dataValue += c->text().toDouble();
//If you always have 2 columns only, dataValue will be the value you are looking for.
//If you can have more than 2 columns, dataValue will be the sum of all the cells located after the column 0, on the same row.
//Change this depending on how you want to treat those values.
EDIT for QPieSeries, following this example:
QPieSeries *series = new QPieSeries();
QMap<QString,double>::iterator it = myMap.begin();
QMap<QString,double>::iterator end = myMap.end();
for(; it!=end; ++it){
series->append(it->key(), it->value());
QPieSlice *slice = series->slices().at(1);
slice->setPen(QPen(Qt::darkGreen, 2));
QChart *chart = new QChart();
chart->setTitle("My Data");
QChartView *chartView = new QChartView(chart);
/*change with your window here*/

QSqlTableModel - filter not working?

I created a QSqlTableModel, set a filter and used a QTableView to show a table of my filtered data. This works as expected...
model = new QSqlTableModel;
table = new QTableView;
However, when I try to compute the sum of all visible values of a column in the table view...
float sum = 0.0f;
for(int i=0;i<model->rowCount();i++)
sum += model->record(i).value("amount").toFloat();
... I get the sum of ALL entries in the table model, NOT only of those items visible in the TableView (where the filter is applied).
How can I make my sum()-function to compute the sum of only those values which are visible in the TableView?
Thank you for your answers!
model = new QSqlTableModel;
*model->select();//select after set filter*
table = new QTableView;

Labels representing the different sections of a Piechart are overlapping with one another

I am developing a JaxaFX application that generates reports by taking data from a MySQL database. I came across an issue when working with piecharts. Whenever the fetched data is 0, the label getting displayed for it overlaps with the other labels in the piechart making it difficult to read.
Relevant bits of Code:
Fetching the Data:
Get_data_from_pos_basket_for_reporting getreportPaymentPaidUnpaidNoClass=new Get_data_from_pos_basket_for_reporting();
getreportPaymentPaidUnpaidNoClass.getreportPaymentPaidUnpaidNo(fromDate, untilDate);
double amountPaid,amountUnpaid;
int totalPaid,totalUnpaid;
amountUnpaid= getreportPaymentPaidUnpaidNoClass.getAmountUnpaid();
double totalamountPaidUnpaid=amountPaid+paymentSystem+amountUnpaid;
double totalNoPaidUnpaid=totalPaid+totalUnpaid;
// DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
double percentagePaidAmount=((amountPaid/totalamountPaidUnpaid)*100);
double percentageUnpaidAmount=((amountUnpaid/totalamountPaidUnpaid)*100);
double percentagePaidTotal=((totalPaid/totalNoPaidUnpaid)*100);
double percentageUnpaidTotal=((totalUnpaid/totalNoPaidUnpaid)*100);
Setting the Piechart:
ObservableList<PieChart.Data> pieChartData3 =
new PieChart.Data("Paid\n"+(df.format(percentagePaidAmount))+"%", amountPaid),
new PieChart.Data("Unpaid\n"+(df.format(percentageUnpaidAmount))+"%", amountUnpaid));
PieChart chart3 = new PieChart(pieChartData3);
chart3.setTitle("Payment Details[Total Amount]");
VBox vBoxPie3= new VBox();
Please suggest a solution such that the labels don't overlap with each other.

Is swapping the columns and rows of a flex datagrid possible?

I have a 1 row, many column flex datagrid. I would like to turn the dataGrid on its side, so that the column headers become a single column running down and v.v.
Is there a way to do that in the DataGrid?
Or am I stuck manipulating the data presented to the grid? If so whats your recommendation?
The main idea here is I have an object like:
And I'd like a control that is visually similar to that. Currently the datagrid displays the object as:
x b o u w
y u p e p
Which is too horizontal for my case. Thx
I presume that you want to convert your columns in to a single column
this can be done by getting all the columns and put the in array as provide it as a dataprovider.
will return the columns.
and you can do some think like this to create columns.
public function createColumns():Array{
var advancedDataGridColumn:AdvancedDataGridColumn;
var i:int;
var columnsArray:Array = new Array();
advancedDataGridColumn=new AdvancedDataGridColumn();
advancedDataGridColumn.itemRenderer=new ClassFactory(Styler);
if(columns[i].descending!=undefined ){
sortField = new SortField("#"+columns[i].name.toString(),false,true,null);
sortField = new SortField("#"+columns[i].name.toString(),false,false,null);
if(advancedDataGridColumn.headerText == Constants.price||
advancedDataGridColumn.headerText == Constants.quantity||
advancedDataGridColumn.headerText == Constants.askPrice||
advancedDataGridColumn.headerText == Constants.bidPrice||
advancedDataGridColumn.headerText == Constants.netAmount||
advancedDataGridColumn.headerText == Constants.interestAmount||
advancedDataGridColumn.headerText == Constants.principalAmount||
advancedDataGridColumn.headerText == Constants.accruedInterestAmount){
var currencyFormattor:CurrencyFormatter = new CurrencyFormatter();
return columnsArray;
sorry i just copied the code but i think it will help you.
Set the DataGrid to have only 2 columns and transform the original dataset to an array collection of {propName, propValue}.
Say you have:
var originalDataSet : ArrayCollection;
var dataSet : ArrayCollection;
var columnSet : ArrayCollection;
Once you have the original values, you'll do something like:
dataSet = new ArrayCollection();
for (var i : int; i < originalDataSet.length; i++)
dataSet.addItem({name : columnSet.getItemAt(i), value : originalDataSet.getItemAt(i)});
myDataGrid.dataProvider = dataSet;//set the data provider of the grid to the transformed data set.
To clarify:
{name : columnSet.getItemAt(i), value : originalDataSet.getItemAt(i)}
This creates a new instance of type Object and assigns the name and value dynamic properties to their respective values. Instead of this you might want to define your own class with bindable properties. Note that the property names are just for this example because I don't know what you're working with actually.
The data grid at that point should have two columns defined by you, with their dataField properties set accordingly. Also, this example assumes columnSet collection contains the "horizontal columns" that you want displayed vertically. If you can obtain these based on the values in the originalDataset, you might not even need columnSet.
