Pipeline Development with ASP.NET - asp.net

Microsoft offers Pipeline Development via its Extensibility framework where the application can consume External Addins. I have successfully developed an extensible application on a Windows Console Project.
Now I need to implement an extensible website which accepts Addins, I googled for days for guidelines to do so, unfortunately I couldn't find any resources.
So, my question: is it possible to do that ? if yes can you provide any resources to learn from ?

I found out that you can't use M.A.F with Asp.Net because the Grabdge Collection will be very ugly.
Instead if someone ever will counterpart this question, The answer is:
You will need to use M.E.F (Managed Extensibility Framework) which comes as part of .Net 4.0+


.NET framework or .NET Core for Web API for legacy SQL Server database

I am working on my first .NET Web API. I have an existing .NET Windows Forms application using a SQL Server 2008 R2 database, and now I need to write a new app: a straightforward Android tablet application that will access the same database. These apps for just for internal use; not outside the one company.
I have been on a long journey though many tutorials, blogs and posts here, including this I'm lost. What happened to ASP.NET MVC 5? super helpful explanation of .net products and versions. But over and over I get hopelessly confused about which product I should choose to write the Web API. I can't always tell from some of the tutorials whether the ideas and techniques and configurations apply to both .NET Core and .NET Framework, or just one, and if the tutorial works with current versions. I am using Visual Studio 2019.
Does anyone have a recommendation for whether I should be using .NET Framework 4.8, or the new .NET Core?
I do not find this guidance from Microsoft helpful.
I think I should probably use Entity Framework to generate code from my existing database, but I also think I could pretty quickly code SQL calls right into the Web API controllers as I have seen done in some tutorials. Is that considered a bad practice?
Thank you for any steering you might offer.

Project architecture or setup for .Net Core Web API project

Can anyone help me to suggest a good architecture or Project setup for .net Core Web API Project?
How to handle dependency injection?
How to handle routing?
How to handle authentication?
How to do CRUD operations with the MS SQL server?
What are the best practices that should follow?
Sample project in git most preferred.
This question is really too general to answer in a prescriptive way, but Microsoft recommends using the Razor Pages approach for new ASP.NET Core web apps. This tutorial gives you a Razor quick-start, and touches on many of the concepts you asked about: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/tutorials/razor-pages/razor-pages-start?view=aspnetcore-3.1&tabs=visual-studio
.NET Core also has a standardized dependency injection model: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/fundamentals/dependency-injection?view=aspnetcore-3.1
As for authn/authz, there are some decisions for you to make about whether you trust other identity providers or manage users yourself, but this will give you a start. The related sections will get you the rest of the way toward almost any auth approach: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/security/authentication/?view=aspnetcore-3.1

References to .NET assemblies on server 2008

I've recently just attempted to deploy a site (it's a web api project) I worked on a Win 2K8 server with IIS installed and the .NET 4.5 framework installed. i was surprised when it didn't work. It basically acted as if it had never heard of the MVC-style routing notion; because it was issuing a controller/action/id type request it didn't know to invoke the routing engine and map this to controller actions.
I eventually took the fairly extreme and silly approach of setting copylocal = true for all assemblies in the project, even the ones that I know must be in the GAC. Bin-deploying it this way works.
So....my question is this - how do I know which need to be copied local and which don't? I mean, I installed the .NET framework 4.5 on the server, and ultimately it seems as if the libraries involved should have been resolved because the .NET framework was installed? Of course the nuget packages all need to be copylocal=true, but within the set of MS standard libraries it seems as if the web site still doesn't find all of them.
Is there a rule I can follow that helps me understand which ones I need to copy locally?
If ASP.NET MVC 4 is the first version you use, and you don't learn every aspects of the framework from a good enough book, I hope you spend some time to review related articles on the Internet to get better understanding,
ASP.NET MVC is not bundled in .NET Framework, so most of the binaries you refer to must be set as copylocal=true. This must be painful for beginners, but experienced users are already familiar with that.

Restful Service in ASP.NET

Apart from using ADO.NET Data Services or WCF Services,When i want to use RESTful services in ASP.NET (consider if i want to use it ASP.NET 2.0), do i need to download any specific API inorder to use Rest Webservice.If so,where can i download the same?
If there is any possible way to upgrade to .NET 3.5, then I highly recommend that you do that and use ASP.NET MVC. It's built to handle a good number of things you would have to build from the ground up (the most important being path mapping) and it will save you a tremendous amount of time.
While it could be done in ASP.NET in .NET 2.0, it just isn't practical given the amount of work involved and the fact that it's already done for you in a later version of the framework.
Visual Studio magazine did a decent article on how this could be accomplished in native ASP.NET 2.0.
I read over it briefly a while ago and it was a good overview of how you could do it without any external dependencies.

Good replacement of GWT for asp.net

I know Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is a development toolkit for building and optimizing complex browser-based applications. GWT is used by many products at Google, including Google Wave and Google AdWords. It's open source, completely free, and used by thousands of developers around the world.
It can be integrated in java based web applications....
Is there any suitable replacement of GWT for asp.net web application?
If so,what is it?
GWT is platform agnostic. It can be easily integrated with any web application, not just Java. You just tell it to inject widgets into elements on the host page - the host page could be static HTML.
The built in RPC mechanism makes it easy to do RPC with a Java on the server side, but you can certainly use JSON or XML to exchange data with your server. It's a little more work, but not impossible. Look up 'overlay types' - these make working with JSON data extremely easy.
Consider SmartGWT. It has a built-in REST connector that is easy to connect to REST services on the .NET platform, which Visual Studio can help you generate.
On the .NET platform, the free open source (LGPL) edition is all you need. If you need commercial license terms, those are available too.
Take a look at Script#, but I'm not sure if it's still in development. "Essentially the Script# compiler is a C# compiler that generates Javascript instead of IL."
If you're just looking to hook up an ASP.net web application with GWT, try
GWT and .NET
