Good replacement of GWT for -

I know Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is a development toolkit for building and optimizing complex browser-based applications. GWT is used by many products at Google, including Google Wave and Google AdWords. It's open source, completely free, and used by thousands of developers around the world.
It can be integrated in java based web applications....
Is there any suitable replacement of GWT for web application?
If so,what is it?

GWT is platform agnostic. It can be easily integrated with any web application, not just Java. You just tell it to inject widgets into elements on the host page - the host page could be static HTML.
The built in RPC mechanism makes it easy to do RPC with a Java on the server side, but you can certainly use JSON or XML to exchange data with your server. It's a little more work, but not impossible. Look up 'overlay types' - these make working with JSON data extremely easy.

Consider SmartGWT. It has a built-in REST connector that is easy to connect to REST services on the .NET platform, which Visual Studio can help you generate.
On the .NET platform, the free open source (LGPL) edition is all you need. If you need commercial license terms, those are available too.

Take a look at Script#, but I'm not sure if it's still in development. "Essentially the Script# compiler is a C# compiler that generates Javascript instead of IL."
If you're just looking to hook up an web application with GWT, try
GWT and .NET


Pipeline Development with ASP.NET

Microsoft offers Pipeline Development via its Extensibility framework where the application can consume External Addins. I have successfully developed an extensible application on a Windows Console Project.
Now I need to implement an extensible website which accepts Addins, I googled for days for guidelines to do so, unfortunately I couldn't find any resources.
So, my question: is it possible to do that ? if yes can you provide any resources to learn from ?
I found out that you can't use M.A.F with Asp.Net because the Grabdge Collection will be very ugly.
Instead if someone ever will counterpart this question, The answer is:
You will need to use M.E.F (Managed Extensibility Framework) which comes as part of .Net 4.0+

Is there an equivalent to ASP.NET Web API in the Rails world?

Or is Rails by itself just good for developing APIs?
It seems that ASP.NET Web API project types have some history intertwined with WCF (as is detailed in this post for example), so maybe it's not applicable to Rails.
To clarify, Microsoft has the ASP.NET MVC framework. Recently, they came out with a framework called ASP.NET Web API. ASP.NET Web API seems to have similarities to ASP.NET MVC, but is specialized and trimmed down for RESTful web services. Is there an equivalent in the Ruby/Rails space?
So, the answer is Yes to both questions. Rails does have an equivalent and its Rails.
ASP.NET Web API looks like at it's heart is just a RESTful router with type negotiation. I could be totally off base here, but from the tutorials I saw that's what it looked like to me.
So yes, from what I can tell, Rails supports most of the things that the Web API was created for. In fact in Rails most of this stuff is forced onto you until you become informed enough to be able to change it (assuming by that point you know better than to actually do that).
But, as far as Web API functionality. That really comes from the ability to support HTTP verbs (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) which Rails does.
But a source of confusion might be that in Rails the RESTful API is actually the application itself. Meaning you don't need to implement any other libraries, it's just built that way.
Here's a quick example of that I mean
When you hit /users/1 you will get the data associated with that user depending on the format you requested. So if you request JSON the controller returns JSON, HTML you get HTML, XML you get XML, etc. (As long as said format is implemented for that resource)
A good overview of what I'm talking about are in these two sections:
Rails Guides::Controller: Rendering xml and json data
Rails Guides::Routing: Resources on the Web
So you could build a website, API, or both in a Rails app and they would all start the same way.
But from my limited knowledge on the matter, I would say a ASP.NET MVC with ASP.NET Web API program is actually a lot more like a Rails Program than the regular ASP.NET MVC programs that came before them.
Or it's all just a clever ploy to get as many Capital Letters in a title as humanly possible.
Take a look at grape. It is a pure "Rest" HTTP API framework in ruby.
WSO2 looks like a generic web services framework (as opposed to MVC like Rails) I can't vouch for it but it seems to be more a service framework in the style of WCF Web API (service in the generic sense, not just SOAP).
It's difficult to know what you mean by "APIs"... Rails and ASP are used for developing web sites, and WCF is essentially a web service platform. ASP and WCF have little in common, it's just normal for ASP applications to consume WCF services because they all run on the same stack and platform.
I suppose Rails on the Microsoft side would be a combination of ASP.NET MVC, Linq2SQL or EntityFramework and some WCF.
Ok, this isn't a direct answer to your question, however there seems to be some confusion... Microsoft's ASP.NET Web API is specifically a product offering with ASP.NET MVC 4+. It is a RESTful framework. How does it compare to RoR? I don't know having never tried to install RoR on Windows. As with anything else, experiences vary... Requirements vary. Also try to think ourside the language, construct, context, and framework. Is it better for developing API's? If you're using Linux/Unix, the answer is probably a yes. If you're on a Windows server, the question is a bit trickier.
Writing in the ASP.NET Web API will have 0% to do with WCF. Perhaps it is implemented as such under the covers, but the ASP.NET Web API is (from what I've seen and done with it) strictly an HTTP bound API, not TCP/Binary/Piped/etc... like WCF. If you're ask
Yes. It's called Grails. It uses spring. There are tons of plugins available for it and it make creating webapps a breeze. Read more about it here.

Are ASP.NET Web Parts a viable technology for implementing a portal architecture

Web parts seem to be used extensively in Sharepoint related development, but examples of using them in webforms applications are few and far between. I'm implementing a domain specific portal framework and like the "widgetlike" functionality in iGoogle or pageflakes and would like to get that kind of feature in my application. The real troubling issue from my perspective is that the drag & drop layout features of web parts do not work in non-IE browsers unless you use the latest ASP.NET AJAX futures library. It seems to me if Microsoft meant this to be a foundation technology, they would have moved these features into the main product by now.
Are web parts a dead-end technology? If so, are there any alternatives?
i think they are (dead), at least for developing the types of UI modern web-browsers are looking for. My recommendation ... ASP.NET MVC and a nice .js library. It's more work out of the gate, but with the proper planning and implementation it will serve you much better in the long run.
I found a really great site about some tips to implementing WebParts-like behaviour:
Webparts are a part of the .NET infrastructure and are a foundation technology. There are few interface technologies, to make webparts compatible with their J2EE counterparts.

What is the best VOIP toolset for use with .Net development?

I have a need to explore VOIP integration into a .Net application. It would be incredibly helpful if the toolset was usable via ASP.Net (version 2.0 or higher), and provided the developer the option to allow interaction on the client either embedded within the web browser or external to the client web browser. It should be compatible at a minimum with Internet Explorer, but would be better if browser independence were an option.
I don't really understand your question -- what are you trying to DO with VoIP? Since you mentioned ASP.NET I'm guessing you mean some kind of server app? If you explain more about what you want to do, we can give you better advice.
You could check out Microsoft's Speech stuff: As I understand it, Speech Server was moved into being part of OCS. I remember that it supported using .NET 3.0's Workflow Foundation as well as some multi-modal stuff with ASP.NET.
FreeSWITCH is a flexible VoIP system that works for both large-scale server implementations as well as embedded scenarios (say as an ActiveX softphone). There is full .NET and Mono support via mod_managed. (This allows you to create voice applications in FreeSWITCH using any .NET language.) There's also an XML-based API that allows you to send and receive events to control a remote FS server. You could use this from ASP.NET. FreeSWITCH is very active in so you can get a lot of advice there.

What is ASP.NET?

I've been strictly in a C++ environment for years (and specialized statistical languages). Visual Studio until 2001, and Borland since. Mostly specialized desktop applications for clients.
I'm not remaining willfully ignorant of it, but over the years when I've dipped into other things, I've spent my time playing around with JavaScript, PHP, and a lot of Python.
Is "ASP.NET" the language? Is C# the language and "ASP.NET" the framework? What's a good answer to "What is ASP.NET"? Is there a correspondence between ASP.NET and anything I'd be familiar with in C++?
I know I can google the same title, but I'd rather see answers from this crowd. (Besides, in the future, I think that Google should point here for questions like that.)
I was going to write a lengthy answer but I felt that Wikipedia had it covered:
ASP.NET is a web application framework
developed and marketed by Microsoft,
that programmers can use to build
dynamic web sites, web applications
and web services. It was first
released in January 2002 with version
1.0 of the .NET Framework, and is the successor to Microsoft's Active Server
Pages (ASP) technology. ASP.NET is
built on the Common Language Runtime
(CLR), allowing programmers to write
ASP.NET code using any supported .NET
So ASP.NET is Microsoft's web development framework and the latest version is 4.0.
How do I get started? Check out the following resources:
ASP.NET Documentation
ASP.NET Developer Center
ASP.NET is the framework, just like .NET
The code itself, will be a mix of HTML, JavaScript(for Client-Side) and any .NET compatible language. So C#, VB.NET, C++.NET, heck...even IronPython
ASP.NET is a web application framework
developed and marketed by Microsoft,
that programmers can use to build
dynamic web sites, web applications
and web services. It was first
released in January 2002 with version
1.0 of the .NET Framework, and is the successor to Microsoft's Active Server
Pages (ASP) technology. ASP.NET is
built on the Common Language Runtime
(CLR), allowing programmers to write
ASP.NET code using any supported .NET
ASP.NET (Wikipedia)
That's on the second result searching on Google so I'm guessing (half-expecting) that you don't understand what that means either.
Webpage development started with simple static HTML pages. That meant the client asked for a page by means of an URL and the server sent the page back to him/her exactly as it has been designed. Sometime after that several technologies emerged in order to provide a more "dynamic" or personalized experience.
Several "server side languages" were developed (PHP, Perl, ASP...) which allowed the server to process the Web page before sending it back to the client. This way when a client requested a webpage the server could interpret the request, process it (for example connecting to a database and fetching some results) and send it back modifying the contents and making them "dynamic". The fact that the process took place on the server stands for the name of "server side".
So the original ASP (predecessor of the ASP.NET) was a server side language that was focused on serving web pages. In such way it supported several shortcuts such as the possibility to intercalate HTML and ASP source into the file which was on that time much popular due to PHP implementation. It was also (as most of these languages) a dynamic language and it was interpreted.
ASP.NET is an evolution of that original ASP with some improvements. First it does truly (try to) separate the presentation (HTML) from the code (.cs) which may be implemented by using Visual Basic or C# syntax. It also incorporate some sort of compilation to the final ASP pages, encapsulating them into assemblies and thus improving performance. Finally it has access to the full .NET framework which supports a wide number of helper classes.
So, summing up, it is a programming language located on the server and designed to make webpages.
ASP.NET is a framework, it delivers:
A class hierachy you hook into, that allows both usage of supplied components, as well as development of your own.
Integration with and easy access to the underlying webserver.
An event model, which is probably the "best" thing about it.
A general abstraction from the underlying medium of HTML and HTTP.
Not sure if ASP.NET compares to any C++ frameworks you may be familiar with. Web frameworks usually tend to be unique due to the statelessness of HTTP and the relatively low-tech technologies involved (HTML, scripting, etc).
Let's say it's a technique from MS to build web applications. ASP stands for Active Server Pages, .NET is the framework behind it.
C# and VB.NET are the languages which can be used, but I guess other .NET languages also can be used.
Take a look at MS' info for those who don't know or understand the platform.
