in PMCMD command can we pass source and target tables names - unix

need to run a workflow where the session has source and target variables which will be feeded the value through PMCMD it possible

You cannot directly pass the source and target table names, but you can parameterize those names and put those in parameter file. Then you can pass the parameter file path in pmcmd.

You cannot have source and target names in PMCMD command
Instead create a parameter file and provide the source and target names using the
parameter identifiers like $DBConnection_Src= and $DBConnection_Tgt=
Have below format,
Create this parameter file and provide the path and file name,
In the mapping tab for source and target provide the parameters specified in the parameter file
Parameter file is very helpful for dynamic parameter changes. You can edit the parameter file rather than making changes in the informatica workflow


How can I modify a type in ack?

I know how to set a new type. What I want to do is modify an existing type. I want to add haml files to the ruby type. I could probably use --set-type and redefine the ruby type but I don't know how to redefine it and still include files called 'Rakefile' and files where the first line indicates that it is an executable Ruby script (First line matches /^#!.*\bruby/)
Here is the existing documentation for the ruby type:
ruby .rb .rhtml .rjs .rxml .erb .rake .spec; Rakefile; First line matches /^#!.*\bruby/
There are three arguments that let you work with type definitions. From ack --help:
File type specification:
--type-set=TYPE:FILTER:ARGS Files with the given ARGS applied to the given
FILTER are recognized as being of type TYPE.
This replaces an existing definition for TYPE.
--type-add=TYPE:FILTER:ARGS Files with the given ARGS applied to the given
FILTER are recognized as being type TYPE.
--type-del=TYPE Removes all filters associated with TYPE.
If all you want to do is add .haml files to the existing Ruby spec, use
If you want to see how existing types are defined, use --dump.
$ ack --dump | ack ruby

Include information from file name (Tag) in output

Using the 'tail' input plugin I'd like to include information from the filename into the message. I can parse the filename (from the tag) and modify it, but not able to include any info from it in the (stdout) output.
Specifying a Path_Key to tail will add the file name to the record. The parser filter can be used to extract information as individual fields.

Ms access 2010 how to open MSpaint with a blank page using the form name as a file name?

I made a program to create Jobs field Tickets, and i want to add a option in the same form that open MSPaint or other program in a blank page using the ticket number as a file name, so, whoever is creating the Ticket can hand draw anything.
Create an empty template image file with appropriate dimensions and file type at a constant path
use FileCopy to copy it to your desired path & file name
use Shell to launch a mspaint.exe command-line with your file name as parameter.

How to Set a File's Blob Filename?

In a Plone's File content type, which property stores the file's original filename?
I'm using plone.jsonapi.routes to upload files to a plone instance. I can set the id ant the title but I can't set the associated file's filename.
For example, when I upload a file to Plone in the regular way, I can set its id and title, but additionally to that, the original file name is stored somewhere. You can see it here:
objects-essay.pdf - PDF document indicates the name the original file has.
But when I upload it with plone.jsonapi.routes that field is empty. So, I'm trying to figure it out which property stores the name to pass it to the api or to set it by hand.
IIRC, all Archetypes-based content types have a setFilename method that you can use to do this.
On Dexterity-based content types file's content is stored in blobs in the ZODB (instances of NamedBlobFile) and there's a parameter named filename that you can use to set it.
You can see an example of the later in

Setting the output file name in a biztalk send port

Good afternoon,
I'm trying to set the output file name in a send port and the available file name macros won't quite work.
I need something of the form "file.YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS". There's a datetime combined macro (with the wrong format), a time only macro, but no date only macro.
I don't have an orchestration for this process.
Is there any way I can set the file name from within a map or a pipeline?
You can achieve filename in this format YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS using following.
Use expression shape in orchestration and create four variables.
varDateTime=System.DateTime.Now; //varDateTime is datetime type
strDate=varDateTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); //strDate is string type
strTime=varDateTime.ToString("HHmmss"); //strTime is string type
outboundfilename= ""+strDate + " _ " +strTime +" "; //outboundfilename is the string variable.
Use the following code in Message Assignment Shape
//File extension can be any based on your requirement. I have xml file type.
You don't need custom pipeline to do this.
You can do it with a custom pipeline or an orchestration but not with a map. Info on building a custom pipeline can be found here:
BizTalk MSDN Blogs
This can be set by setting the FILE.ReceivedFileName (instead of BTS.ReceiveFileName).
You can create a custom pipeline component to be placed on the send side (say encode stage), and then set the BTS.ReceiveFileName property to the custom file name value that needs to be set.
After this is done, you can use the %SourceFileName% macro in the Send Port. You can also refer to this MSDN forum link for more details
