encodeURIComponent in elixir - uri

looking for elixir way to encode a uri component ie
pry(11)> URI.encode_query(%{k: " & "})
basically I want encode_query but not have to do key value map and also encode spaces as %20, not +

found solution, uri.encode has default argument of
def char_unescaped?(char) when char in 0..0x10FFFF do
char_reserved?(char) or char_unreserved?(char)
for the second argument, by passing char_unreserved, the function will now encode reserved characters
URI.encode(" & ", &URI.char_unreserved?(&1))

URI.encode/2 accepts second optional argument - a function to determine whether or not skip encode a char. So we can use the function that returns false (not skip) for any char:
URI.encode("&", fn(_) -> false end)


negative-lookahead in gsub

In a recent scenario I wanted to extract the very last part of a vector of url's.
> urls <- c('https::abc/efg/hij/', 'https::abc/efg/hij/lmn/', 'https::abc/efg/hij/lmn/opr/')
> rs <- regexpr("([^/])*(?=/$)", urls, perl = TRUE)
> substr(urls, rs, rs + attr(rs, 'match.length'))
[1] "hij/" "lmn/" "opr/"
which is somewhat simple to read. But I'd like to understand how I could do something similar by inverting the lookahead expression, eg. remove the second to last '/' and anything preceding (assuming that the string always ends with '/'). I can't seem to get the exact logic straight,
> gsub('([^/]|[/])(?!([^/]*/)$)', '', urls, perl = TRUE)
[1] "/hij" "/lmn" "/opr"
Basically I'm looking for the regexp logic that would return the result in the first example, but using only a single gsub call.
To get a match only, you could still use the lookahead construct:
^ Start of the string
.*/ Match until the last /
(?= Positive lookahead, assert what is on the right is
[^/]*/$ assert what is at the right is 0+ times any char except /, then match / at end of string
) Close lookahead
Regex demo | R example
For example
gsub('^.*/(?=[^/]*/$)', '', urls, perl = TRUE)
An option using a negative lookahead:
^ Start of string
.*/ Match the last /
(?!$) Negative lookahead, assert what is directly to the right is not the end of the string
Regex demo
The non-regex & very quick solution would be to use basename():
[1] "hij" "lmn" "opr"
Or, for your case:
paste0(basename(urls), '/')
[1] "hij/" "lmn/" "opr/"
my prefered method is to replace the whole string with parts of the string, like so:
gsub("^.*/([^/]+/)$", "\\1", urls)
The "\\1" matches whatever was matched inside ().
So Basically I am replacing the whole string with the last part of the url.

Assign ' in string

I have the following value that needs to be assign into string -
How I can assign the sign of ' into string?
example -
str := 'ABC'DEFGH'
It's the same as with plain SQL: to escape a single quote, double it.
str := 'ABC''DEFGH';
You could also use the quoted string: q'<delimiter character><string<closing delimiter character>', e.g.:
str := q'{ABC'DEFGH}'
You can use a variety of characters as the quote delimiters. For more information, see the documentation for information on text literals, which includes how to use the q operator.

Accessing elements of a map when using a variable key in Groovy

I'm trying to replace some characters in a String From a map
Case 1
​map= ['O':'0', 'L':'1', 'Z':'2', 'E':'3']
print map.get(it,it)
The result is
Case 2 : I dont use toCharArray()
print map.get(it,it)
The result is like expected
So I tried several alternatives when using toCharArray(), and the only way to access the value is to use map."$it"
Why i can only use map."$it" to access my map when using toCharArray() ?
Because you are trying to get a value from a map using a char whilst every key there are String, and they are not equals:
assert !'E'.equals('E' as char)
$it works because it is converted to String:
e = 'E' as char
assert "$e".toString().equals('E')
(Note the toString() is needed, otherwise the comparison will happen between String and GStringImpl which are not equals)

how to convert an array of characters to qstring?

I have an array -
char name[256];
sprintf(name, "hello://cert=prv:netid=%d:tsid=%d:pid=%d\0", 1010,1200, 1300);
QString private_data_string = name;
At the last offset of this string i.e. '\0',when I try to do the following.
while(private_data_string.at(offset) != ':' &&
private_data_string.at(offset) != ';' &&
private_data_string.at(offset).isNull() == false)
The application aborts. Looks like that the data pointer is also zero at the string '\'. How can I fix this?
QString doesn't contain terminating character as you expect that is why you are failing assertion out of bounds. This is proper approach:
while(offset<private_data_string.length() &&
private_data_string.at(offset) != ':' &&
private_data_string.at(offset) != ';') {
// ...
It looks like you are doing something strange. Looks like your question is wrong. You are asking how to fix your strange solution of some mysterious problem, instead explain what are you trying to do and then as a bonus: how did you try to solve it.
You need to know several facts:
Writing \0 at tge end of your string literal is not necessary. String literals are null-terminated by default. Literal "abc" will actually contain 4 characters including terminating null character. Your string literal has 2 null characters at its end.
You have used the default constructor QString(char*). There is no additional data about buffer's length, so QString reads characters from the buffer until it encounters first null character. It doesn't matter how many null characters are actually at the end. The null character is interpreted as a buffer end marker, not a part of the string.
When you have QString "abc", its size is 3 (it would be surprising to have another value). Null character is not a part of the string. QString::at function can be used for positions 0 <= position < size(). This is explicitly specified in the documentation. So it doesn't matter if QString's internal buffer is null-terminated or not. Either way, you don't have access to null terminator.
If you really want null character to be part of your data, you should use QByteArray instead of QString. It allows to specify buffer size on construction and can contain as many null characters as you want. However, when dealing with strings, it's usually not necessary.
You should use QString::arg instead of sprintf:
QString private_data_string =
sprintf is unsafe and can overrun your fixed-size buffer if you're not careful. In C++ there's no good reason to use sprintf.
"A QString that has not been assigned to anything is null, i.e., both the length and data pointer is 0" - this has nothing to do with your situation because you have assigned a value to your string.

How do I create a function to check if a string only consists of A-Z , 0-9

Is there any way to check in Xquery (A Xquery function) if an input string has only characters A-Z or numbers 0-9 and no other characters.
for example if the string is ABZ10 the function should return true and if the input string is 5& 123x it returns a false.
I am able to do it in java by simply using following.
matches($vYourString, '^[A-Z0-9]+$')
