How to define a map in RAML 1.0 - api-design

I want to model an API with RAML 1.0. Within this API I have a map where the included objects have dynamic key values. It should look like the following:
"map" : {
"key1" : {
"key2" : {
"key3" : {
In this stackoverflow article I found a solution for the dynamic keys but now I am stuck. How can I create the map? For sure I can do a workaround with array, but this is not what I am looking for.

According to and to
following should work:
#%RAML 1.0 Library
name: string
//: any
Also, you can find full discussion at


AppSync Resolver only works when I hard code the input. context.arguments does not work

Edit for clarity: There are no error messages, it simply returns an empty list if the input string is from the context.arguments, suggesting that it simply isn't getting the input variable out on the query tester (setting it up incorrectly brings up that famous typing error of course). I've also made this into a pipeline with the exact same result. Looking around, people suggest making an intermediate object, but surely I'm just getting my input variables out wrong somehow.
I'm working on a project in AWS Appsync using DynamoDB and I've run into a problem with the context.arguments input.
Basically the code all works if I hardcode the string for the book id into the query (full context to follow), but if I use the context.arguments, it simply refuses to work properly, returning an empty array for the "spines".
I have the following types in my schema:
type Book {
id: ID!
title: String
spines: [Spine]
type Spine {
id: ID!
name: String
bookId: ID!
I use the following query:
type Query {
getBook(id: ID!): Book
query getBook($bookId: ID!){
getBook(id: $bookId){
spines {
With the following input (assume this is a relevant guid):
"bookId": "aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa"
And this resolver for the spines object:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "Query",
"index" : "bookId-index",
"query" : {
"expression": "#bookId = :bookId",
"expressionNames" : {
"#bookId" : "bookId"
"expressionValues" : {
":bookId" : { "S" : "${}" }
I made sure my data set contained false positives too (spines for other books) so that I know when my query brings back the correct data.
This works if I hardcode a guid as string instead of using context.arguments, and gets exactly what I'm looking for for each book guid.
For example, replacing the expression values with this works perfectly:
"expressionValues" : {
":bookId" : { "S" : "aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa" }
Why does "${}" not get the input variable here the same way as it seems to in other queries?
Thanks to #IonutTrestian for pointing me in the right direction.
$ctx.args was empty, but I decided to go up the chain to see what was in the entire context, so $util.error($util.toJson($ctx)).
The json object I found included a little object called "Source", which contained the query return for the Book object.
Long story short, $ when applied to my query worked a charm.
I also know a bit more about debugging DynamoDB resolvers in case I encounter problems like this in future. Thank you so much!

Pact: How do I match an object whose keys match a regular expression?

I am trying to write a pact consumer test to match the following response.
"accountId" : 1,
"permissions" : [
"schedule" : {
"01/01/2018" : false,
"01/01/1900" : true
"permissionId" : 3
Each schedule object is composed of an unknown number of keys which match a simple regular expression. But I don't see a way to match a key using a regular expression while having the value map to a simple boolean.
For instance, I see the following method in the API.
public LambdaDslObject eachKeyLike(
String exampleKey,
Consumer<LambdaDslObject> nestedObject)
But that is going to expect a new object as the value, instead of a primitive type.
"schedule" : {
"01/01/2018" : { ... }, // not what I want to match
"01/01/1900" : false // what I want to match
Is there a way to specify an imprecise key mapped to a primitive value in pact-jvm?
Sorry, this feature doesn't exist yet, but it's been discussed for the next version of the pact specification. You can add your thoughts on this issue:

Nested arrays are not supported

The new Firebase database Firestore says
Function DocumentReference.set() called with invalid data. Nested arrays are not supported.
When trying to save the following object:
"desc" : "Blala",
"geojson" : {
"features" : [ {
"geometry" : {
"coordinates" : [ 8.177433013916017, 48.27753810094064 ],
"type" : "Point"
"type" : "Feature"
} ],
"type" : "FeatureCollection"
"location" : {
"lat" : 48.27753810094064,
"lng" : 8.177433013916017
"name" : "Wald und Wiesen",
"owner" : "8a2QQeTG2zRawZJA3tr1oyOAOSF3",
"prices" : {
"game" : {
"Damwild" : 10,
"Raubwild" : 300,
"Rehwild" : 250,
"Schwarzwild" : 40
"perDay" : 35
"rules" : "Keine Regeln!",
"wild" : {
"desc" : "kein Wild",
"tags" : [ "Damwild", "Rehwild", "Schwarzwild", "Raubwild" ]
what exactly is the nested array that firestore is complaining about? I can't find it in the documentation.
If it's the GeoJSON object - how would I save it instead?
UPDATE: This was fixed in Firebase JS SDK 4.6.0. Directly nested arrays are still unsupported, but you can now have an array that contains an object that contains an array, etc.
This is a bug in the currently released SDKs.
The backend has the restriction that only directly nested Arrays are unsupported.
In your case you have arrays containing objects containing arrays and the validation logic in the clients is disallowing it when it shouldn't.
There's no public bug tracking this but I'll post back when we have a fix.
You could adapt a serialization function that converts arrays with object types into a map. The keys can be numeric to maintain order.
{ 1: Object, 2: Object2 ... }
On deserialization you can get the Object.values(data); to put it back into an array to be used client-side.
Can't comment so here it goes: this is fixed in 4.6.0, see release notes:
Cloud Firestore
FIXED Fixed the validation of nested arrays to allow indirect nesting.
# Matrix storage in firestore
def matrix_to_fb_data(matrix):
return [{'0': row} for row in matrix]
def fb_data_to_matrix(fb_data):
return [row['0'] for row in fb_data]
Firestore doesn't allow 2d arrays, like previous answers have noted, but they allow arrays of maps... of arrays :)

filter the Json according to string in an array in JSONPATH

I have a situation where I have json String that has a child as Array that contains only Strings. Is there as way I can get the object reference of the arrays that contains a specific String.
{ "Books":{
"name":"Cultures in India"
"name":"Pre-historic Ages"
To Achieve:
From the above JSON String, need to get all books in History which contains "Indian" inside the "tags" list.
I am using JSONPATH in my project but If there is other API that can provide similar functionality, any help is welcome.
If you're using Goessner JSONPath, $.Books.History[?(#.Tags.indexOf('Indian') != -1)] as mentioned by Duncan above should work.
If you're using the Jayway Java port (, then
$.Books.History[?(#.Tags[?(# == 'Indian')] != [])] or more elegantly, use the in operator like this $.Books.History[?('Indian' in #.Tags)]. Tried them both here.
Assuming you are using Goessner JSONPath ( the following should work:
$.Books.History[?(#.Tags.indexOf('Indian') != -1)]
According to the Goessner site, you can use underlying JavaScript inside the ?() filter. You can therefore use the JavaScript indexOf function to check if your Tags array contains the tag 'Indian'.
See a working example here using this JSONPath query tester:
Did you try to use underscoreJS ? You can get the Indian books like this :
var data = {"Books:"....};
var indianBooks = _.filter(data.Books.History, function(book) { return _.contains(book.Tags, "Indian"); })

How do you find the PHID of a Phabricator object?

I need to get the PHIDs for one project and several users in our Phabricator install. It seems like it should be trivial to find out how to do this, but I've searched the docs to no avail. Am I looking in the wrong place or something?
Easiest way:
Go to the project
Click New Task
Look at the URL, it will have a parameter like:
PHID is "PHID-PROJ-owipizovyry4fatifwfd"
Option 2:
Go to your Conduit [phabricator_url]\conduit
Find the method project.query
Enter the name in a JSON encoded array (i.e. ["project name"])
Click Call Method
PHID will be one of the data elements:
"data" : {
"PHID-PROJ-oybqquyhhke4awiw2akz" : {
"id" : "19",
"phid" : "PHID-PROJ-oybqquyhhke4awiw2akz",
"name" : "project name",
"members" : [
"slugs" : [
"dateCreated" : "1396666703",
"dateModified" : "1396668261"
A more robust method would be to call the conduit method phid.lookup:
https://<your install>/conduit/method/phid.lookup/
Then enter in names something like #user, #project or Z2 and you'll get the PHID.
