Visual Studio 2015 Community version - sqlite

there is a problem.
I've instaled VS 2015 Community version. I wanted to open the project from another computer and there is a problem with it.
1. Could not find SDK "SQLite.WP81, Version=3.12.2".
1. The referenced component 'SQLite for Windows Phone 8.1' could not be found.
2. Warning IDE0006 Error encountered while loading the project. Some project features, such as full solution analysis for the failed
project and projects that depend on it, have been disabled.
What should I do to work on this project on this computer ? How can I download missing SDK ?
P.s. Im going to work on widnows Phone application.
Thx for help!

Your project is missing SQLite For Windows Phone 8.1 library. Download an updated version of SQLite.WP8.1 here
Install it and relaunch Visual Studio.
Further information, including complete documentation, may be found at the official web site "".


Package does not exist error after upgrading to visual studio 2019 build 16.2

We have a Xamarin.Forms project that was created a couple of years ago and after upgrading to the latest build of Visual Studio 2019 (16.2) we are getting nearly 100 errors like the following when building the android version of the project: error: package does not exist
I checked with a colleague who was using Visual Studio build 16.1.3 and the android project built fine but after upgrading their Visual Studio 2019 to the 16.2 build they now get the same problem too. The iOS project continues to build fine.
Does anyone have any suggestions on what to try? I found a bunch of older posts that suggested adding items in the Android SDK manager but none of these changes helped me.
Failing that does anyone know of a way for me to revert my Visual Studio install back to 16.1.3?
Have you updated all NuGet packages? Did it help to move to VS 16.3.5? Have you checked the dependencies of your NuGet packages?
I am having issues with an activity being placed outside of application. It seems like the Google Ads/Admob implementation in Xamarin apps is a source of troubles. Net Core version also seems like a good place to check for a solution.

Build error when upgrading to SQLite for Universal Windows Platform v3.20.1

In my UWP solution I have a C++/CX project which uses a SQLite database. I used the extension for Visual Studio 2015 called 'SQLite for Universal App Platform' to access SQLite db's. I decided to upgrade VS2015 Professional to VS2017 Community Edition. That went well and for some reason I decided to upgrade to the extension 'SQLite Universal Windows Platform v3.20.1' after uninstalling the old extension. Then I added the new extension in the reference manager.
When building the solution I got the error in the C++/CX project that the SDK 'SQLite.UWA.2015, Version 3.9.2' could not be found. This makes sense, so I changed all strings in the vcxproj file of the C++/CX project to 'SQLite.UWP.2015, Version 3.20.1'. Now I get the error:
fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'sqlite3.h': No such file or directory
I added manually the 'sqlite3.lib' to the Additional Dependencies, because that somehow got erased at some point in time. This however did not help.
Anyone an idea, what the problem might be or what to check?

Error while Publishing Web App in Visual Studio Professional 2013

I am trying to publish my Web App in Visual Studio Professional 2013 but getting the following error
I got the same question asked over here but no useful answer.
Can anyone please help
You probably will be using older version, that was having an issue. refer detail [here]
Install the newer web deployment tool, should work.
which .net version are you using.
check web deploy version. if vs has 2 web deploy version, the vs get confuse to take which version. If it has 2 version, just uninstall vs and then instal it along with web deploy. if the Vs has one 1 web deploy version, you uninstall and install the web deploy. It will rectify your problem i hope.
You can refer This link
Check if version of the assembly is installed in GAC. (from the VS2013 developer command prompt) gacutil /l Microsoft.Web.Deployment. Issues like this have occurred in the past where things worked, then after installing an update (or trying to install one) then reports of missing dlls, like nuget, occur.
The usual course of action is to repair the Visual Studio installation.
There is a problem with your publish profile. Delete the pubxml file located bellow Properties folder in your project and then create a new publish profile.
I got the same problem when older project runs into the new .NET Framework, for that you have to do the following.
Right Click on your project name->select Property Pages -> Click Build from the menu-> then select Target Framework .Net framework 4.5 or your current using framework..
"Could not load file or assembly" means the required file (of that mentioned version) is not available in the assembly (nor in the registry). All you gotta to do is to ensure this same is installed properly that would allow you to proceed further. The other things to ensure is the latest framework installed on your system.
Think you have some errors happen when to install or update Visual 2013, so you can reinstall again and this error will be fixed.

Windows Phone 8 Debugging-Error using MVVM-Light portable in Express-Editions

this is my first post her on stackoverflow. My english isn't so good, so i hope you understand my issue.
I'm using the Express-Editions of Visual Studio 2013 (Desktop, Web, Windows-Apps) and the Express Edition of Visual Studio 2012 for Windows Phone.
I created a Solution in Web-Developer 2013, created a class library and changed the project-file like mentioned in this post:
So now i have a portable class library in my solution. I followed the instructions in this tutorial:
So in the solution there is a portable class library containing "MainViewModel" and "ViewModelLocator" class. After that i opened the vs 2012 express for windows phone and opened the solutions, add a wp8 project and did the steps mentioned in the tutorial.
In the designer i can see the "Hello"-Message on the MainPage.xaml. But when i try to debugg the wp8 project, i get an error that's saying something like this:
"There is no network connection to anymore. Debugging was canceld".
Anybody an idea what i could try to get this running? Or isn't it possible to run this with the different express editions of visual studio?
i have found the solution. :-)
The problem was, that in the Windows Phone project there was a wrong version of Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.dll. The MVVM-Light Package by default installed there the v2.0 version of the dll. In the MVVM Light PCL project by defaukt it was the v4.0 version. So i changed the reference in WP8-project to the v4.0 and now it's debugging.
So if someone else runs in the same problem as me, here is the solution.

How can I open MVC 3 project in Visual studio 2010 SP1 ?

I just reinstalled my OS and installed everything again and found that whenever I open my project I got the error that.
The project type is not supported by this installation.
Can anyone explain why this happened whenever nothing goes wrong whenever I install.
The issue I found that is error code 1603 and I found later a alternate to install MVC3 you can read the whole post:
1603 installation Error in MVC 3.
You need to go to the homepage, download and install the MVC3 package.
There are a few quirks with the web platform installer. Download the full mvc version by clicking on the download for "AspNetMvc3Setup.exe" on this page:
Then run the executable, which will get around having to use the web platform installer.
