Fetch events data into Google Analytics - firebase

We have two apps for iOS and Android on Firebase.
I linked Firebase Analytics with Google Analytics. I can see all logged events in both Firebase and Google Analytics consoles, but I can't get events through Google Analytics API.
How can I fetch events data collected with Firebase Analytics into Google Analytics?

Firebase Analytics and Google Analytics are completely separated products. Linking them toghether allows you to see your firebase reports in the Google Analytics UI, but the data and reports themselves are still different and separated.
The Google Analytics API won't allow you to query any of your data in Firebase Analytics. There's no API to query data from Firebase Analytics programatically.
Your option to query this data programmatically is to link your Firebase Analytics with BigQuery. This will allow you to get Firebase Analytics data exported into BigQuery which in turn you can query using different BigQuery Tools.


Question on migration to Google Analytics for Firebase and BigQuery

We currently have hundreds app on Google Analytics Mobile. We understand we need to migrate over to Google Analytics for Firebase. We have some questions which we need help to understand:
Current set up:
Currently we have multiple Google Cloud Platform accounts each with a number of API projects (one per app). Each API Project ID is used to created a Firebase Project for that Google Platform account.
In (old) Google Analytics Mobile we use the the REST API to get data for each app to be displayed in a custom dashboard:
unique users
affinity groups
A) How do we replicate this in Google Analytics for Firebase? Is there a REST API for Google Analytics for Firebase to retrieve this information?
B) I understand an option is to migrate the Firebase analytics into BigQuery? Does BigQuery provide a REST API to extract the above data ? Is there a cost to using BigQuery.
C) Given we have multiple Google Cloud Platform accounts and each with multiple API Projects and linked to a Firebase project. Can all these Firebase projects be connected to the same BigQuery instance?
Many thanks

How to list firebase projects which are linked to Google Analytics

I am trying to list all google analytics properties connected to a google account.
While this works fine using the google analytics management api, it seems the connected firebase projects are missing:
While in the analytics web UI the firebase property is listed. I took a look at how Google itself queries for this data and they use some kind of internal API:
I tried adding a firebase related scope (https://www.googleapis.com/auth/firebase.readonly) to my OAuth authorization but the property was still missing.
How can I query for the full list?
As DaImTo mentioned in a comment these systems are separate and firebase analytics data can not be queried via the google analytics API. This also holds true for listing connected firebase projects.
The confusion might arise, because google provides access to firebase analytics data under the hood of the google analytics website.

How to get report from Firebase analytics using Firebase admin API

I am using node js Firebase SDK.
How can I access analytics data from Firebase, with the help of Firebase admin API.
Update: there is now an API to get the Analytics reports data. See my answer here: Is there any api for dashboard analytics data?
You can also:
download the analytics report data from the Firebase console by clicking the Download CSV option from the ⠇ overflow menu. Also see my answer here: Is it possible to embed Firebase Analytics data from my apps into a webpage?
connect Firebase Analytics to BigQuery to export the raw events, and query them in BigQuery, or visualize them with Data Studio.

Firebase Data from Google Analytics API

How can we get firebase data via Google Analytics API?
Normally, APP data was on Google Analytics property, and it was possible to get data via Google Analytics View ID.
Unfortunately, Google supposes app tracking on Firebase now. How we can get firebase data via Google Analytics API (core api) on Google sheets?
This isn't exactly what you're asking for, but if you have the "Blaze" Firebase plan it's possible to export Firebase Analytics and other data to BigQuery to allow querying the raw data.
Sign in to Firebase.
Click the Settings icon and select Project Settings.
On the Project Settings page, click the Integrations tab.
On the BigQuery card, click Link.
If billing has not already been enabled for your project, click
Upgrade & link.
Further reading:

Is there any REST API to send data to firebase analytics

Firebase console gives good analytics data in one dashboard.
Is there any API by which I can push my analytics data from my own portal to Firebase analytics and see that analytics data in firebase analytics dashboard?
No, this is not possible at the moment. You need one of the mobile SDKs (iOS or Android) to compose the data.
