API Goal Creation Limit - google-analytics

I want to programatically set a few goals for each trackingId I create.
The docs say:
Also you can create at most 20 goals through the API; see the limits
and quotas page for details.
It is unclear to me:
limit across all trackingIds (i.e. I have twenty trackingIds, I can create one goal for each trackingId with the API)
Limit 20 goals created per trackingId via API

Goals are view based.
You have a Tracking id (web property) under that property you have one ore more a view / profile. Each view / profile can have up to 20 goals.
You could just make additional views under your web property and have additional goals. You can not analyze data across views though.
This is not really API related this is how Google Analytics works.
You can also get a professional Google Analytics account I believe the limit is higher.


How to get Paid User And Free User from google analytics

I'm New when it comes to google analytics and I have an Apps that use google analytics, but I got some question, Can we use google analytics to track paid and free user separately? If it can where I can find it in google analytics? I'm quite confused with a lot of information in there to use it in data studio
some metrics that I used right now from Google Analytics:
users -> to get all unique user that come to my apps
You can distinguish whether sessions that came or not from paid campaigns, but a user can have more than one session and each session could have been started by different channels, for example from a pay channel and another from an organic channel, but the user is always the same. So, with basic tracking, I'd talk about sessions and not users.
Yes, you can track such details, but you need to let Google Analytics know, who do you consider to be a free or a paid customer, as this is not a standard dimension. This can be achieved with Custom Dimensions.
Key steps involve:
Creating the custom dimension in Google Analytics administration. This is a property level setting. Based on your description, this will likely be a user level dimension.
You need to adjust your tracking code (or Google Tag Manager settings) to include the customers' level among the data, which is sent to Google Analytics. You need to refer the proper dimension ID, which you get during the creation of it.
You need to apply the given custom dimension to your reports. This can be done by using a secondary dimension within the standard reports, or by creating a Custom report. It is also possible by creating a segment of different users, and to apply this segment to various reports.
Further reading is available in this support article.

Is there a limit on the amount of pages I can track with Google Analytics?

I am looking to provide analytics for a website which has user generated pages (which would therefore require a unique tracking ID for each page).
Is there a limit to the amount of different pages I can track?
I have looked around documentation provided by Google on data limits but have found no information regarding this.
Thanks in advance
You can create up to 50 propertys per account.
The trackable documents should be unlimited. Only limited by pageviews per month (10 million /month).
limits and quotas
Your assumption that you need to have a different tracking ID for each user generated page is not necessarily correct. You can track the entire website using the same Google Analytics property. I assume you're worried about exposing analytics data about the page generated by user A to user B accidentally. To prevent this from happening, what you can do is configure a custom dimension in Google Analytics that records which user a page belongs to. Then, when exposing analytics data to a specific user, you can make sure to only expose data about pages that belong to that specific user.

A single google analytics account for many users - possible?

Is it possible to use a single google analytics account, in particular, e-commerce, for more than user? I fact, I need it to be used for as a lot of users. What I want in a nutshell is this:
The users come to my web site and provide me their e-commerce data in json or any other format somehow. I have a google analytics, so I take that e-commerce data and send to google analytics. And then show them the reports for their data from google analytics by google analytics API (I guess it's reports API?)
The question is not whether or not it is profitable, makes sense, etc. The question is, can I use my, single google analytics account to achieve what I've described above?
Yes you can. Since you need to keep the users apart in a way that does not allow them to look into other users data you can use a single account for up to 50 users, since this is how many data views you can have per account (view permissions can be set at account level)1. Filter the view by hostname (or whatever) to record only the current users data per view.
If you do not need the interface (i.e. if you want to query GA via the api and build custom dashboards) you can have even more - simply store in unique id per user and use that to filter the data before displaying it in a dashboard. So as far as that part of the question is concerned you are safe.
Where things probably start to fall apart is data collection. Is looks like you want to do some sort of batch processing of accumuluated e-commerce data. Since you cannot send a timestamp for a user interaction all dates within GA will be off. Plus you have data limits (I'm thinking of max interactions per minute that you can send), so your insertion process might be not very efficient. It would probably be better to create something on top of the measuremnt protocol that allows your clients to send data in realtime.
1 To make this a little clearer, you can set up 50 entities whith different access permissions. Of course every view can have as many users a you like, but they will all see the same data.

Google analytics viewing access by userID

I have asked this question several times over on the GA forum, but no result. So maybe you guys can help...
I have set up google analytics with userIds on various pages of a site, with the aim of identifying exactly which pages are looked at by which users. So, sending GA the string
ga('create', 'UA-39536320-1', {'userId': '1001'});
means GA keeps track of all accesses by user 1001, and I can then (in theory) track all pages looked at by this user.
Trouble is, GA reporting seems to offer no out-of-the-box way of doing this. Indeed, some of the reporting features supposedly enabled by GA with userIds just don't seem to be available (eg coverage; user engagement; etc).
Am I the only one trying to do this? Seems other people have achieved a similar result using custom variables; do I have to do that, and give up on GA userIds?
The userId feature can be used in conjunction with a user id enabled view (profile) to analyze cross device sessions.
As pointed out by DalmTo it is possible to use custom dimensions to track any non PII information about a user. This article here gives a good example combining sending user scoped custom dimensions along with imported CRM user data to analyze and segments users for remarketing purposes.

Is it possible to create a virtual pageview from an event using a custom filter?

I've released a mobile app (Android) which I track using Google Analytics. As my experience with Google Analytics is little, I did some mistakes by not knowing when to use events versus virtual pageviews.
My app has a login and a signup screen and I'd like to track the conversion rate of users signing up for an account. The app tracks the page views (/Account/Login and /Account/Create Account) and the actual login and account creation as individual events (Category: Account, Action:Logged In and Account Created).
So here's my problem: In order to do a nice funnel analysis, I should have created virtual pageviews instead of events if the user logs in or creates an account. Though I can create a goal based on events it will not tell me the drop off rates in the individual steps the user takes. Only the funnel visualization can do this AFAIK.
Is there a way to automatically create page views using custom filters in Google Analytics? I've tried to setup a filter like this:
Field A -> Extract A Event Category Account
Field B -> Extract B Event Action (Account Created|Logged In)
Output To -> Constructor Request URI /Account/$B1
Field A Required Yes
Field B Required Yes
Override Output Field Yes
Case Sensitive No
However, that doesn't seem to work. I do not see any additional page views or any other changes. Any suggestions?
(Of course I could release an update to the app and I will probably also do this soon, but the above solution would help me with my experiments right now - without having to alter the source code every time I have "a new idea" how to improve the analytics data)
Unfortunately I've found that it's impossible to achieve this without updating the mobile clients. However, moving forward I will take a closer look at Google Tag Manager which allows much greater flexibility.
